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  1. I installed it on my old laptop just with bypassing the CPU and TPM requirements, and then installing the Intel HD Graphics driver for 2nd generation and AMD Radeon HD 8000 series, and surprisingly, the elements like mica effects, rounded corners, and the translucent blurs worked perfectly!
  2. This mod takes the start button from the early Longhorn builds and puts it into Windows XP's explorer. The start button shown below is the only modification to explorer. Installation Instructions: 1. extract the archive containing replacer.cmd and the modded explorer 2. Locate the original explorer.exe in x:\Windows 3. Open replacer.cmd, drag said original explorer.exe into replacer.cmd, press enter 4. Drag the new explorer.exe file from the archive in (_XPmodded for x86 and XP_x64_modded for x64), press enter 5. Reboot and enjoy NOTE: Installing service packs (including uSP4) will probably undo this, take this into consideration when installing. Credits: Most go to DeviantArt user Rafax64, I used the bitmap from his modded explorer. This is also where replacer.exe came from. Rafax64 modded explorer: https://www.deviantart.com/rafax64/art/Longhorn-Explorer-Mod-for-XP-132097072 Download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I0mLHemUrzbPZO01QxIm8oGvz4QAXiG0/view?usp=sharing
  3. Hi I just made a theme for windows 8.1 since that's the OS im running but i have a question is it possible! to make visual themes/custom themes made with Windows Style Builder .msstyles compatible with other OS's instead of just 8.1 i've seen some people on sites like Deviantart make a theme compatible with windows 8 the theme was for windows 7 but he had *Updated on the description with now compatible with windows 8 so im wondering how is this possible.. do they redo the theme with windows 8 using the .msstyles the theme or some other method i would really apreciate it if anyone knows this so i may change the theme i made for other OS's as well so that people don't need to ask "is this compatible with windows 7?" -Thanks in advance.
  4. is there a way to apply the Royale themes on Windows 8.1 spring update with software utilities without patching multi theme support? it's like a applying the themes on WindowBlinds software without patching multi theme support. because it shows the black screen after installing windows updates and restarting the computer.
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