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  1. I installed it on my old laptop just with bypassing the CPU and TPM requirements, and then installing the Intel HD Graphics driver for 2nd generation and AMD Radeon HD 8000 series, and surprisingly, the elements like mica effects, rounded corners, and the translucent blurs worked perfectly!
  2. This was a hot topic back in 2012, and we all know how Microsoft gave up halfway when they brought the D3D11.1 API to Win 7 but didn't bother bringing WDDM 1.2 along with it. That was now ten years ago. Since then, especially in recent years, there have been some great projects that make the better versions of Windows remain viable in these dark, modern times. I'm thinking of things like the extended kernels for Vista, the Win 8 xHCI driver stack brought to Win 7, and even 12on7 by Microsoft themselves. I even see some talk about making extended Win 7 and 8 kernels now, given that the right person (or people) with the right knowledge shows up to do it. Given the recent progress with these kind of things, I would like to know if anyone, anyone at all, is aware of a current-day effort to get WDDM 1.2 functional on Windows 7. By functional, I mean something that makes it possible to install a Win 8 graphics driver in order to benefit from the improvements in WDDM 1.2, like the superior GPU preemption model. For certain graphics applications that abandoned Win 8 early but kept Win 7 support, this would be an incredibly helpful thing to have.
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