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Posts posted by maxXPsoft





    New one 1.50 is called DWS_Lite.exe and only 204kb. He optimized his code and added stuff


    Yep, now it sounds "normal", the newest is right now 1.5.248 and is on github, including the source code (should anyone be interested in it), now only 152 Kb:




    Come on :), (10800000-152000)/60000 = 177 "icon deltas", it would be a rather complete icon collection ....  ;)





    Yes with him releasing source he is showing there is nothing inside, good move.

    But now there is something even sweeter


  2. @maxXPsoft

    Yep :), thanks, but my note was slightly differently scoped, even deleting all the files in the OS, one by one, is likely to need - say - a few hundred Kbytes of commands in *any* scripting language, it was more like "what (the heck) did the good MG guys use to build such a large program/download?"




    New one 1.50 is called DWS_Lite.exe and only 204kb. He optimized his code and added stuff



    Epic comment:


    "All these crappy tools that everyone is using is like putting a band-aid on a bullet wound. This is not the answer. The answer is to cut this crap off at the source and tell M$ to stop this crap to begin with."



    Since you know Gabe personally do us a favor and tell him that. I know there was discussion of all this in the Insider and it hit blank walls

    I still like the OS and gonna keep but using these tools to eliminate BS is only method of telling them what we think.........

  4. Well, out of curiosity, I wonder what (the heck) is inside the MajorGeeks one, I mean the O&O thingy is 107 Kb (and of course the actual settings if applied through a script are a few kb at most, while the "Destroy Windows 10 Spying 1.4.3" is a 10.8 Mb :w00t: download. :unsure:




    The one from Major Geeks 1.43 does what they are talking about in the MDL post but without the need of install_wim_tweak.exe

    It has Extreme option of wiping all Metro APPS including Store if you want but then Store doesn't work. The 1.4 version can be used cmd line to eliminate metro apps but not sure of 1.50 cause that not in ReadMe_EN.txt.


    Latest is 1.50 so I'm looking at it


    To me maybe having both DWS and O&O is the thing but I'm still experimenting



  5. What have we done for years and years? Tweaked the OS to our liking disabling modifying to make it work the way we want.


    Just a new challenge to me. I laid low for quite awhile with release of Windows 8 cause I just wasn't going to go there. Didn't like it making my Doze into a phone because I don't use Windows that way. 10 gives us the ability to disable that mess if you want and change a lot of things. It's faster cause they removed the eye candy of rounded corners and such but oh well.


    If you are a gamer then you will want this with the changes to DirectX. Least for me it has improved things significantly with a Clean Install not dragging over bad reg entries and such. Anyone will see an improvement if they Clean Install. I am bewildered at the 35 ping from the 75 I was getting before and still can't understand that with same 10mb DSL as before. Dxdiag is showing 11.2 because I don't have a DirectX12 vid card. How is this improving things I don't know.


    Windows 7 came out with well over 133 + services in the background with a lot phoning home. I didn't see an uproar back then about this, nope I really didn't.


    Windows 10 according to BV "Showing 1 to 223 of 223 entries"

    Blackviper is still around providing us with Black Viper's Windows 10 Service Configurations advice


    How To Geek is still there with his Windows 10 advice


    AskVG is still there with his Windows 10 advice


    Clean Install is the key. Don't drag the corrupt stuff over to your new OS. Save the programs you want and their serial numbers and such to a usb stick or something to install later. When installing don't select EXPRESS settings. Select the other and disable like 99% to 100% of them things they ask.


    MSFN is a premiere site when it comes to Windows and have been quite awhile.

    Act that way and install and help us out with positive stuff

  6. I use Winaero Tweaker to enable theme aero lite for W10. It has an option to choose between black and white text on the title bar.


    Prefer to tweak on my own if possible instead of using another app


    I added that right after you said but been testing for couple days so here it is added white text to Titlebars and dimmed test for Not Focused Windows.

    Aerolite with white text in Titlebars

    Included is thin AskVG borders registry files. I like this look better but pic above is not them

  7. Should see Search Box right above Facebook Twitter icons with the magnifying glass next to it? That's what I see in Fox

    I don't remember if you needed certain post count

  8. [Tip] Get Rid of White Titlebars in Windows 10

    Credit to AskVG but I wanted wallpaper to switch and I did not like it picking color from desktop cause it had some weird colors. :w00t:


    I included just 4 images so you can add delete whatever and then save themepack for yourself.

    Aerolite with white text in Titlebars

    Included is AskVG thin borders registry files


    Aerolite.deskthemepack with black text


    I've zipped it so it won't get blocked by some.


    Now if you want to change wallpaper go to windows explorer and paste this in and hit enter


    Add remove to your hearts delight. I have about 70 or so in mine.


    Now if you want to change color right click desktop and choose Personalize

    Choose Colors and set to what you want


    Turn on the button will Automatically pick accent color from my background

    Select the next 2 switches to On



    To set the Wallpaper to switch daily Open Personalize

    Go to Background (usually default)





    After you have added all your wallpapers and set the way you want

    Now go to Themes and click Theme Settings

    Right click the Unsaved theme and choose Save Theme for Sharing.




    Save somewhere and thats it your done.

    This is with a color blue I chose for this

    With thin borders from askvg




    You can right click your desktop and choose Next Desktop Background


    EDIT: Added switch daily image

    EDIT: [Tip] Get Colored Titlebar Back in Mozilla Firefox in Windows 10

  9. The other 7 keys in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DeviceAccess\Global that are still "Value"="Allow"
    This is only 1 place I find them. Most are referenced in other dll also.

    1. c_net.inf   {21157C1F-2651-4CC1-90CA-1F28B02263F6} = SMS_InterfaceInstall
    2. c_media.inf {2EEF81BE-33FA-4800-9670-1CD474972c3f} = Audiocapture_InterfaceInstall
    3. Cortana.Core.dll {7D7E8402-7C54-4821-A34E-AEEFD62DED93}
    4. c_sensor.inf {9D9E0118-1807-4F2E-96E4-2CE57142E196} = ActivitySensor_InterfaceInstall
    5. SettingsHandlers_Privacy.dll {B19F89AF-E3EB-444B-8DEA-202575A71599}
    6. LocationPermissions.dll {E6AD100E-5F4E-44CD-BE0F-2265D88D14F5}
    7. c_sensor.inf {E83AF229-8640-4D18-A213-E22675EBB2C3} = CustomSensor_InterfaceInstall



  10. Just curious.... how does any of that, double the performance of Windows ???




    Reg Tweaks can help in certain ways. They have sped things up for a lot of people applying certain tweaks

    They are an easier way to do things than drilling down 10 levels through a bunch of boxes to make it do what you want.


    For instance ;Win10 Navigation Pane Expand to Open Folder

    If you are looking through folders in Windows Explorer by default it is opening 1 folder at a a time and won't show your progression on left like it should. Very annoying because I may want to click back to top level folder to look elsewhere.

    Add the reg and open Windows Explorer and you will see the difference


    Having my System Tools on the right click on any folder and desktop I can get to Tools I use quite a bit


    This is my Original Background_System_Tools.zip you can get here https://www.mediafire.com/#3l27csbkuzdyz

    You can get the Background_System_Tools_10.zip there also

    Both with Uninstall reg files



  11. What does that set of keys have to do with telemetry / privacy?  Just curious.



    When I disable some Settings Privacy I see it changing some of those keys to Deny

    ;Account Info OFF




    With everything off there are still about 7 keys that are "Value"="Allow"

    I don't know what they are yet I'm still looking. Some keys when searched don't allow you access so will have to change permissions first

  12. Added useful software/scripts section.


    Notice after disabling all the above have you looked at this registry key? Some were disabled but there is a lot there that isn't

    I'm gonna start looking through reg and try to figure out what those others are but in mean time I just set ALL to Deny





  13. So this is the path then .... Start , Settings , Personalization ,  Background ( Slideshow ) , Choose an albums for your Slideshow , Change picture every >>> ?


    Yes that's it.

    I had just fixed my theme to have colored borders and switch wallpaper daily and remembered you posted this earlier but you have it fixed.

  14. I know I know same as 7 or whatever but people not going to go look elsewhere so here they are


    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


    ;Win10 Navigation Pane Expand to Open Folder

    ;Win10 Navigation Pane Show All Folders
    ; I don't like to see the extra folders but here it is anyway.


    Then keeping with my Right Click System Tools I've added a few for Win 10


    Where did that Start Menu go?







    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    ;Erase to rewrite and update

    "MUIVerb"="system Tools 10"

    "MUIVerb"="Start Menu"

    @="explorer C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs"

    "MUIVerb"="Local Security Policy (Pro)"

    @="mmc secpol.msc"

    "MUIVerb"="Windows Firewall"

    @="mmc WF.msc"

    "MUIVerb"="Local User Manager"

    @="mmc lusrmgr.msc"

    "MUIVerb"="Windows SmartScreen"



    My upgrade went perfectly. The start menu is working beautifully along with my good friend Cortana.  I used express settings, and log in with my Microsoft Account.  I have the appearance customized a bit, you know themes, aeroglass, etc. but no unnecessary stuff.  I try to keep all as Windowscentric as possible.  All updates have gone well, and I have no issues what so ever.  I have a mean, clean, Windows 10 Machine!


    If you have any concern about your privacy, you better make a reinstall and DO NOT use express settings, go one by one selecting your preferences.



    Got that right, If you chose Express you 1 out of 10,000 on this site would do that

  16. You had this problem in 8 also and you upgraded and dragged that problem over.


    It is best to never upgrade but do clean install.

    Requires you to collect your serial numbers, current applications and place them on a separate drive or something.


    Then if you have the installation dvd or usb you just run setup.exe and choose settings carefully and tell it not to save anything.

    It should be ok cause your activation comes from your hardware ID since you have upgraded already

    If you don't have same media then this site will let you download and create a new one http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10?OCID=WIP_r_Win10_Body_AddPC

    I'd say an 8GB usb drive


    If you go to All Settings, Update and Security there is a Recovery then Reset this PC

    I haven't tried it yet so don't know if it requires the usb drive you burned upgrade to or not.

  17. When you make an upgrade no key is required just run it from activated 7 SP-1 or 8.x.  Then first time on line you get activated and HWID is stored on MS Activation Servers. (but anyway there is a generical key in your OS I checked that using aida64, same for everybody using same version). If during upgrade a key is requested, it means you are upgrading with the wrong version.


    Latter after upgrade, if you format and reinstall (clean install), the key is going to be requested twice, just skip it, DO NOT PUT ANY KEY, then when on line your OS gets activated automaticaly, as your HWID is already known.


    HWID I am sure you can change almost everything but if you change MB you lose activation.


    Old way to clean install the betas DO NOT WORK with these release (build10240).


    So if you don't make an upgrade first, you are not going to get activation (unless HWID is already known).


    You are free to make a local account, I recomend do not use express options, go one by one selecting you preferences, in order to protect your privacy as much as possible.



    Thanks for all that. :thumbup

    Saves me attempting swapping several things to see myself.

    I know I'll be messing my system up so will need to do a reinstall. If can't get into Windows to do a Reset I have the USB created.

  18. MDJ


    2 desktop.ini is where you set explorer to show hidden files so thats normal. Just delete them


    Paste below in a command window. This will clear all Jumplists and see if that fixes.

    This is one line


    cmd /c Echo Y | DEL "%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\recent\automaticdestinations\*" | cmd /c Echo Y | DEL "%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\*"

  19. As far as being impressed...  I'd be interested in hearing what you find impressive.  I have been able to find very little to be impressed with so far.





    I used this with Insider so I was adapted to it I guess.

    As I said I clean installed almost so no garbage was dragged over.

    Had to install my programs I wanted and used the RunOnceEx


    Start is back and I can live with the Tiles cause I've about removed them all and added my own except weather. No need to go to a weather site now. I can see its 100 degrees and we looking for 102 tomorrow


    I've been gaming for last couple years and my ping was always 75-80 in game no matter what I done even clean install. Now its 35


    Pages load a lot quicker with Fox. Took me a bit to figure out how to set it default. Have to go to Default Programs. Anyone have a reg tweak to force that? Its ok we can figure that out


    Boot/Shut down in less than 10 seconds. Was getting 18 before

    Maybe it was the 260+ updates with 7 dragging it down.


    Always something exciting to toy with in a new OS. Making it work the way you want it to like we've done for a long time here on Msfn


    Quit looking back its time to move on.

  20. I skipped Win 8 and was on the insider program for this 10.


    I downloaded the MediaCreationToolx64.exe and burned to Usb. Done clean install and it would not Activate. Found out later the servers were bogged down that day I done it which was 1st day actually.


    Acronis back and installed a Win 7 Sp1 dated ‎August ‎6, ‎2011 iso. Totally clean if you know what I mean minus a couple hundred updates :thumbup


    Went to usb drive from desktop and ran setup and chose not to keep anything. Smooth and activated

    Ended up with a Windows.old folder 59 mb


    I am impressed with this 10 and will keep it. Course me I disable all that stuff people worry about. No Cortana cause I'm not switching to MS account

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