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Everything posted by maxXPsoft
Did see that wimtweak is not removing from the folders, they are adding more packages it seems to Cortana each major release edit: this was vm not activated
never paid attention I was shuffling around quite a bit. Them folders are not empty in C:\Windows\SystemApps. With wim_tweak they were or cortana was The only difference I think is it uses PkgMgr.exe /up
14257 in a VirtualBox script worked fine. 14257 on an actual install worked this time on first try.
Almost need to just start a new post and put all pertinent info in first post so they know what they need. I don't care they can delete this one because your script is easiest method. Course some may not want to take out everything so you will have to fix that as a selection type later on. In case of error might add :END_OF_PROCEDURE Pause And you can use that %~dp0 in your file checking if exist %~dp0SetACL.exe
Noel offline right now add first line of script so it will change to directory its in CD /D "%~dp0" I just looked he has added that. Are you right click Run as Admin? A minimal set of tools is expected to be available via the current directory
OK M8, i'm not a newcomer to this mess. I'm a diehard hack this MS to crap to make it work the way I want well I put on LTSB 10240 as a test and as a stable I can do VM from hopefully as all I have at the moment is VirtualBox. Ran script and It worked and removed everything fine. Will try VM 14257 maybe tomorrow as it its a bit late Many years I been jacking with this mess there is one little thing, may not work in VM as it does in Actual Install. More testing is needed Also is your account an Administrator on your VM? I mean actual Administrator? Does make a difference however slight
I'm not a rook I was using last you had uploaded at the time and last link post 148 has same 1.2 You have something newer? Maybe need a live link to latest in your SIG :: Name: CortanaAndAppsRemoval :: Ident: 1.2 I've figured out my VirtualBox 5.0.14 problems seems Insider releases won't work MS screwed something up. I am on 14251 but 14257 started working again so will have to switch back to that and see or my LTSB. I know its easier to switch around and test with VM but after 8 came out I dropped testing.
Thank you. I aim to make it turnkey. Jaclaz has been suggesting that I make less use of 3rd party tools, though of course SetACL and SQLite3 will be needed. Generally speaking it's a good idea, as ultimately the thing really should be utterly self-contained. 14251 ran on first time removing all even from powershell. Don't know what the difference was with 14257
No it listed them First Run being still there and in _WRT_RemainingPackages.txt, I didn't copy whole list cause it was big and didn't think about backing it up. After second run it changed Glad we got that straight CD /D "%~dp0" I tried folder on desktop, root of D but kept error These are 1 Depends I added Copy all dll from Bin to root All in all it removed them so this was easier by far than playing with Git method
Got hold of 14257 Once again. I cannot stress enough you need CD /D "%~dp0" as first line to Change Directory to folder this resides in OK otherwise 'which' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Now trying to run just as you have it I get all kinds of errors about missing files, Dependencies I go get the Dependencies files and extract same dir it runs Uninstalled from Start in fact nothing left in Start but but they still there in Powershell Reboot, still there in Powershell EDIT: Ran second time then they are gone from Powershell. weird
Think you need first line CD /D "%~dp0" Run normal it open, right click run as admin it just flash and exit Put in pause at end it wasn't finding which.exe I will try install 14251 this weekend if i'm off and test this but running without cortana installed I get errors about missing pcre.dll, lpcre3.dll, ibint13.dll, regex2.dll
Thats where that strange key EndOfLife I mentioned before. Still trying to tie that together
Remember several mentioned odd behaviour back in Nov. I'm not sure if it because I started using W10Privacy almost one of first things and it started blocking Tasks and services. I was firing off them Git cmds 3 times in a row thinking it was shutting down State while I altered. I see install_wim_tweak using HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages All the Packages.txt come from those keys and they are gone after it finishes. Doing a compare of Clean reg exports and after but takes a bit of time with 254mb files. My 32 bit couldn't handle it so had to put on my 64 ExamDiff Pro
Do sound like you need to heave that place, I've run into that a few places (secrets, winfor, tenfor) and I no longer go there except someone reply to what I said. But they can still be gotten rid of. Start menu was really clean cause most the junk not in there. No Store I'm running LTSB evaluation for 51 days now and only updates I get is Flash player Quite Frequently and I use VLC so may look at heaving that and then Windows Defender ok I permit that better something than nothing and MSRT once monthly I only see 10 regular Update for Windows 10 for x64-based Systems in there after 51 days
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maxXPsoft replied to maxXPsoft's topic in Unattended Windows 7/Server 2008R2
I'm running 10 LTSB for 51 days now and only updates I get is Flash player and Windows Defender mainly and MSRT once monthly I only see 3 regular Update for Windows 10 for x64-based Systems in there - Although I think the Start is screwed up. I do system restore and it doesn't put it back in place. Shortcuts are in folders where they need to be but it just doesn't add them back, totally weird
And we get to do this FULL install because they fixed 3-4 things and every 3 months or so Haven't installed the 14251.1000 yet but will when I get time. How the hell we create a Corp so we can do LTSB? Call ourselves GAG (Geeks Against Garbage) Prob not worth it $ wise
NOPE Do them in order they need to be. Done this 20 times or more and I'm trying to prune things and get my order set. That may help with creation of a tool to do this especially since we will be seeing this every 3-4 months FULL install which wipes everything First hit desktop Well first thing that happens is it try to update OneDrive. Fire off script to taskkill and uninstall 1. 10_OneDrive_Uninstaller_v0.4.cmd DVD/USB still in there what next? 2. 10_.NET3.5withDVD.cmd 3. add all my reg tweaks by reg or cmd to set things I want to make life easier. 4. Wait on it to install graphics drivers it wants to even though I have installed exactly what it is putting on %$#@*& 5. Time to kill Cortana and STORE Haven't installed the 14251.1000 yet but will when I get time.
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maxXPsoft replied to maxXPsoft's topic in Unattended Windows 7/Server 2008R2
Set updateSession = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.Session") That's contacting the Update server on the internet. Where else could you search against? I haven't tried or looked into it. I'm fighting 10 now so really can't say -
.Net 3.5 I use the install off Dvd as first thing when I hit the desktop. Dvd is still in there after fresh setup so ECHO Need your dvd/usb Drive letterDISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /All /LimitAccess /Source:F:\sources\sxs
LOL you think I use that UAC. One of the most annoying things you disable first on any setup for advanced users of course. I see a need for it, for the unknowing, the 99.999% Nope gotta be something else, only diff is possibly I'm still on LTSB I've captured registry for each Pro, LTSB as soon as I hit desktop for my comparison's but don't see anything yet would affect this. Cmd prompt has some things apply if you look at the cmd /? But Mikeysoft explanations are not the best and they even get the upper/lower case crap wrong. 21 years fighting that mess
you do have that folder already in existence, right? -Noel oops no I had it but running Uncleaner may have deleted it. Create but still didn't work though. Opened Temp but not Admin I prefer the Admin cmd prompt in whatever folder I'm in so I can drop to it and test switches and such
Didn't work for me Noel And I'm not fond of adding extra programs to do things should come easy. I was wanting right click on any folder or background/desktop to get Admin cmd prompt Found it here, simple reg tweak works on Win 10 also Open command window here as Administrator
Perhaps you should have not joined another app post criticizing what works really well for a long time. Yes its old Start a post of your own in the right place. You do this for 10 or will it work also on 7 and 8? I opened it and got the _DLLStructDisplay.au3 right away and found the au3 in your post in Autoit forum. Is it needed or comment out? Then image errors cause hard coded path C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\PackageRemover\tmp\images
PC Support People - Are you cleaning Windows 10 infections?
maxXPsoft replied to NoelC's topic in Windows 10
They both on there. He installed the Avast later cause I initially didn't. I'll forgive him he probably don't browse much except links sent by friends. But I tell everyone don't click anything pop's up in front of you. Hit the power button if you can't make it close Alt F4 or whatever Malwarebytes on my own LTSB system Files: 1 Rootkit.ADS, c:\windows:win32app, , [e082f840752486b022712000fa0917e9], Best I can tell its a false positive, but something like that makes you break out everything you got and scan anyway.