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Everything posted by Shotgun

  1. Mercedes Johnny Carson or Jay Leno?
  2. Already checked that. For me, it's somewhat useless since it only says (for ex.) 'The computer received "Security" settings from these GPOs: Local Group Policy' but does not indicate what policies (entries?) were received/enabled. You end up doing the same, going to the GP editor and opening each branch to see what settings are enabled/disabled. @SC00BS: Very informative. I will try that tomorrow. Thanks!
  3. Is there any utility that could print what are the enabled sections of a Group Policy Object under Windows 2000/XP/2003 Active Directory? I have searched everywhere and could not find such a thing. It would be very convenient for anyone that has to modify existing Group Policies, since the way MS gives us is very time-consuming. Literally, I have to go branch by branch of the GPO just to see what's enabled, disabled or untouched. It would be easier to verify if I could get a printout of what's enabled and where. Is there anything like that or at least a way to use scripting or something to get what I need?
  4. Shareaza/emule user here. But I think that software that uses a combination of existing networks will always have an upper hand compared to a client made for a specific one. In terms of availability of file streams, a combined client should get far better results than a client that only connects to a single network.
  5. I live in the tropic... so TROPICAL!! Live to an old age happily without fame OR Die young, rich and famous?
  6. me too, every once in a while. I mostly speak Spanish, but online I use both. IMO I'm fluent with English. Somewhat intermediate on the spoken part.
  7. Many old Acrobat versions are kept in the text-only Adobe Reader download page also, here: http://www.oldversion.com/program.php?n=acrobat
  8. OT! ... Not a bit! She left 7 months ago. I already "grew" on the depression and loneliness. Until I found out she cheated. After that, I was born again. Even stronger Now I even started dating and loving it! Never been a "ladies man", but last friday already got 4 calls from chicks wanting to hang out during the weekend!
  9. That's my attitude now. I have also seen too many cert guys, asking me how to do things they should know! Things as basic as how to set up a login script for users!. That's something I learned a loooong time back with NT 3.5! Geez Thing is that many employers look at the papers and not necessarily the experience, that's why I'm gonna try to get at least 1 certification. Not to "prove" that I know something, just to have equal opportunity when the time comes to look for a new job.
  10. Check on the MSFN home page the instructions (on the left nav menu) for Trillian. The URLs there are what I used to put the feed into Opera.
  11. Opera here! I also use Firefox (@ work). Now I use IE very rarely.
  12. Our PCs are our "2nd" wife!!!! LOL They never complain, criticise you or beg to "dedicate more time" to them! And they do whatever you TELL them to do! Me. I divorced a week ago. Happy as a dog in a sausage factory!
  13. Me? bout 2 days straight... never been up longer than that!
  14. Is this a joke? I brush when I wake up, shower later.
  15. I don't have any certification, but planning to get at least the MSCE+I on 2003 and A+ and Network+
  16. To explain Rainbow Tables a bit (withouth violating forum rules)... Rainbow Tables is a method where instead of trying different character combinations to try to "guess" an encoded password, it has a LARGE quantity of already encoded character combinations (Rainbow Tables) in which it is only a matter of seconds to compare an encoded password versus the encodings of hundred of different password combinations. The method was developed by Dr Philippe Oechslin of The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne. He developed what is currently known as Faster Cryptanalytic Time-Memory Trade-Off, in which large combinations of characters are encoded (using the current Windows pw encoding method) then saved for later reference. One thing to note is that Rainbow Tables are large (300Mb+) and are very time & cpu intensive to generate. Only people with sufficient cpu-power have been able to generate RT tables large enough (>45 characters) to crack almost 90% of previously thought as "secure" passwords in use today. This is public, legal information currently discussed in popular computing and IT magazines worldwide. Since the development of this method, IT engineering communities have already begun the development of stronger encrypting technologies to subvert and try to get ahead of this and future methods that could render current "safe" encrypting technologies useless or even, obsolete.
  17. Found out it has some quirks. HEY, it's just the prototype model. Hope they 'buff' out those quirks before potential customers (like me) start to have 2nd thoughts about it. Check / post questions about the OQO here: OQO support
  18. Yes, it has a stylus (they call it a "digital pen"). Check the pictures, the thumb keyboard is hidden while it's closed. Really, really neat. Like a micro-laptop. Hope it gets more economical once word gets around.
  19. http://www.oqo.com/ Nice. huh?
  20. A few networking sites I visit every one in a while: Caida.org - good tools & docs. Church of the Swimming Elephant - excellent articles and documentation on network protocols, management, etc. Fravia.com - Advanced Internet searching strategies Internet Traffic Report - view the status of internet connections thru the world
  21. Apps I can recomend include: Servant Salamander (freeware) ShareWatch http://www.stevemiller.net/sharewatch/ All radmin.com "famatech network utilities". Install & copy the installed folder to USB. They are completely stand-alone (the end-result is what matters) . http://www.radmin.com/radmin/utility/ NirSoft utilities http://www.nirsoft.net/ Excellent finds here!. Check the page throughly! Foxit FreePDF reader. No more bulkware! http://www.foxitsoftware.com/pdf/rd_intro.php HiJackThis http://www.merijn.org/index.html Popcorn email client http://www.ultrafunk.com/products/popcorn/ Start Menu Cleaner http://www.iceview.com/cleaner.html Startup Control Panel http://www.mlin.net/StartupCPL.shtml TCP Monitor / UDP Monitor and other nice freeware tools http://uu0jc.kiev.ua/ Remove XP Hotfix backup files http://www.dougknox.com/xp/utils/xp_hotfix_backup.htm Diskmon - view HD activity. Nice to have in a computer you connect to using Remote Desktop. (use /l parameter) http://www.sysinternals.com/ntw2k/freeware/diskmon.shtml
  22. Note: it tells to replace all HKCU (HKEY_CURRENT_USER) with HKU\TWEAKS (HKEY_USERS\TWEAKS). You have HKU all over your reg file, HKU tells REG.EXE to load to HKEY_USERS. It's sort of shorthand to avoid typing the full name So, for example you have this in your regtweaks.reg file: It should be:
  23. That's simply because the first line is *wrong*. It says: Set DEFAULT_USER=%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\..\Default User When it should say: Set DEFAULT_USER="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Documents and Settings\Default User" ALLUSERSPROFILE points to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users. Note: It will affect all acounts if applied before the first time the GUI loads. (Install) If applied afterwards, it will only affect new accounts.
  24. Nuff said. False sense of security. With Rainbow tables, that password is broken to its knees in less than 10 seconds... Such RT tables *do* exist. Ever heard of Distributed computing?
  25. I also talked about Foxit PDF reader on this post http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...ndpost&p=236800 Otherwise, seems like a repeat thread.
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