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Everything posted by mrwrx

  1. Lqdwax I to have the same problem, I have sfc disable already so i think its a addon that is breaking the process. I goto go throw about 9addons that i last undated from my last known stable build Ill post more tonight after i get home from work ... If u want you could post your .ini file
  2. cool a new toy !!! :) thanks Nuhi
  3. I believe u would be using the "/S" switch this will install every think then all you have to do is just go to the "Vista Inspirat 2 Config" icon on the desktop and turn RD,TranBar etc on instead of off. mmm sounds i don't know about cause I use Ricktendo 's ♫ ♪ Vista Sounds Replacement ♪ ♫ but i would take it they should load as default. Just check in sound properties to see if there in there
  4. Can you upload it!?Thanks mate just DL from Crystal XP site then use Add-On Maker for Nlite 1.2.4 or NLPCv1.3.0-Update-30-9-06 use an " /S " switch to create the addon Wow... so much for the "sharing" aspect of this community. Sure, i've got it done... but go do it yourself. @ Nightlord well at least you have NO viruses in it!! mgadallah now knows how to make his own add on, I told him how to do it,gave him the steps of what to do, isn't that sharing!!! and besides im out of DL time this month so im back to Dail up !!! or do you just like it the easy way where everyone does it for you !!!! mgadallah if you have any problems feel free to PM me
  5. Can you upload it!?Thanks mate just DL from Crystal XP site then use Add-On Maker for Nlite 1.2.4 or NLPCv1.3.0-Update-30-9-06 use an " /S " switch to create the addon
  6. does the uninstaller work ??
  7. hey it works great but i can't uninstall it, keeps asking for the nero.msi, cant find it anyware... what am i doin wrong ????
  8. I'll 2nd that !!!!!
  9. Thanks Weed
  10. what was the switch u used ?? if u don't mine
  11. FYI Weed my ZA doesn't like that link, its blocking that site, thanks for the file thought
  12. @ RogueSpear, mate the link to the "Microsoft .NET Framework All-in-One .zip Addon" coomes up "404 not found" can you fix it please
  13. nuhi, all files are in the nlite folder, addons are not read only and i could not get them to process cause the "unsurported file" error comes up but in rc8 & 1.0 they worked fine??? i've remade the cab files with nlite addon maker instead of NLPC and everythink works now, strange thoe hope this helps
  14. I had the same problem !!!!!!!!! its a down loading problem (not nLite) check to see how big the file size is and do a sum check i bet its wrong. After my 5th download of the pack i finally got it all, pervious to that i had like 24mb, 6mb, 32mb etc ........but i could be wrong ........... What i am having prob's with is nLite 1.0.1 not allowing me to use all my cab files, i had 6 rejected any idears???? sorry i know this is a little of topic....
  15. thats cool these things happen like the new look, & its works great
  16. Hey eggster2002 y am i getting a run time error 339 ?? "component 'COMCTL32.OCX' or one of its dependenies not correctly reg: a file is missing or invalid" any help would be great....
  17. Its apain in the a$$... I tryed to work it out awile ago, but it a bit beyond me. The one thats in that link does not have that problem !!
  18. zc_au have u tryed the ZA cab here http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=63598&st=0 it works well it just that it the free one.. would b great if u could make the full suite .. hope this may help
  19. I think i worked it out ..... Quite easy one to do in the end, i had a bit of a play with it & all seems good. I'll test it some more and if anyone wants i'll upload it......
  20. Hi all... just wondering if anybody new how make an add on cab for this BricoPack Crystal Clear http://www.crystalxp.net/bricopack/en-crystal-clear.htm I have been using one which is post here which is the Brico Pack Vista Inspirat http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=63598&st=0 any help would be great
  21. looks great man can't wait to play
  22. TiQz u hit the nail on the head, that the S#$% I was talking about !!! I never got around to doin what u are about to do, but I did intergrate Bâshrat the Sneaky Drive Packs into me nLite disc and that fixed the problem . It would be good to find out y thoe. The only other problem now is when i load my new disc on to my raid setup with intergrating all the DP's i have reboot problems and a crapy audio problem (to do with the mic)
  23. but i leave windows standed and its ok i don't have the problem .... but when I run it throw nLite i have the problem..... so y is that ????? It's asking me to install drivers for the usb before it will let me access the usb...
  24. Hey Thanks Gouki .. but i leave windows standed and its ok i don't have the problem .... but when I run it throw nLite i have the problem . I think I know what your talking about but I thought that was for stopping the pop up you get when you hold your mouse over files to get file size etc
  25. Hi to everyone & Thanks to all who Make & help make nLite what it is I having a small problem. Every time I put in a usb memory stick in (64mb,512mb ect) the "Found New Hardware Wizard " pop's up.. What am I taking out in my Xp CD to make this appear everytime i put in a different usb stick.. I have also done a nLite with just SP2 & all the hot fixs and the Found New Hardware Wizard does not pop up it just loads automatically which is what i would like.... Could someone please have alook, would great Last_Session.ini
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