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Everything posted by WolfX2

  1. Haha , seems not the alias but............... HAHA @Black - may i ask what transformation pack/Vs u are useing? how did you get the icons bigger on the desktop? and how did you get the sticky note thing on your desktop?
  2. REALLY?, i did not know that option is available in msn messenger 7.5
  3. defiantly digital! blue sky or green grass?
  4. enough of that, lets stay on topic shall we? i'm not sure what to think of it! If its based on the msn search results (which it most likely is) i wont be useing it much! and i would hope they would inprove the GUI of it because right now its not so great!
  5. @kurt476 - 1.go start>run, then type in "services.msc" (without the quotes) 2. Find "Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)" 3. Right click it, then click properties 4.Click the general tab 5. under startup type select, "Disable" 6. Click OK
  6. If your running IE6 go tools>manage add-ons then enable everything that has the publisher "Microsoft cooperation"
  7. ORGo to the WLMe fourms and ask for an invite (it displays timestamps)
  8. http://mediaplayer.srswowcast.com/
  9. @Andrew932 - hmmmm, do you like Alias?
  10. try system restore, thats whats its there for
  11. Is the a program or something that will allow you to inlarge the icon size on the desktop BUT not the startmenu or My docs or anything else? lemme know!
  12. @gdogg - Sorry i missed your post! link? allready added!
  13. @Sn4k36- http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?s=&sho...ndpost&p=462453 @Hamins- Thats what system opt. software does, but thx anyway
  14. its hard to know what software to trust! some of it is REALLY good and some of it is just a piece of crap that comes in a shiny box
  15. make sure you delete EVERYTHING on your hard disk before making the installation! PS: welcome to the fourms! Be sure to read the Forum Rules
  16. thank you sir!
  17. @zooKcx- Thats a "beta'' issue, it will be fixed soon i hope! so for now theres nothing you can do!
  18. ur right! that is one of the most popular AV's on msfn! according to this[added to guide]
  19. i'm not sure what to think of it. It might be usefull to some but its useless to home users
  20. is this a normal scan or when it askes you to do a scan?
  21. does anyone know where i can get any mac os tiger icons?, thx!
  22. @Sn4k36 - I will research it and if its trustworthy i will add it to the guide @redxii,waywyrd - lets stay on topic, i started a new one for you with this topic [link]
  23. Are there any skins for WLMe out that resembel the MAC OS TIGER theme?
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