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Everything posted by Djé

  1. In this paper, XP home is not mentionned. Do you know which key I should use for this OS, or should I stick to your first advice, which is working very fine?
  2. If you want us to help you, you'll have to help us: try to give us more information to chew on. - Is it 34% of the copying files in the blue-screen setup or, as I suspect, 34mn (we call it T34 or T-34 here) before setup complete, as displayed above the progress bar in the bottom left of the screen in GUI-mode Setup (after blue-screen setup)? - Why not attaching your winnt.sif (with your CD key in bold removed)? - Any more relevant information you could provide would be greatly appreciated!
  3. Here it DOES eject AND reboot using those switches: peshuteject.exe /eject /reboot if you specify the drive to eject it is even cleaner (otherwise it tries all drives down to z:): peshuteject.exe /eject:x /reboot Maybe allow it for a few seconds but most important, run it from somewhere else than the CD drive.
  4. If you would use the smbiosd linked to by indy_dba, and use the '/t:1' switch as shown by bilou, I think you would have only ONE occurance of "Manufacturer". the '/t:1' switch perform your 1st point, and the 'FOR' loop the 2nd However, if you want to stick to IBM's SMBIOS which I don't know and may not have the same switch, you can exit the loop after the first occurance by doing it this way: for /F "tokens=1* delims='" %%a in ('smbios.exe /G ^|findstr "Manufacturer"') do ( converttohex.bat "%%b" GOTO ENDFOR ) :ENDFOR
  5. I edited my post above: It works! (peshuteject.exe, of course)
  6. May I suggest the attached script for including conversion to hex... It may not be very elegant, but it should work at any time as soon as CMD.EXE works (@T39,...). EDIT3 : repaired the broken handling of spaces. Simplified and commented the code. optimized version --> the Hex conversion works with some of the 7-bits printable ASCII characters: 32 (x20: <space>) to 126(x7E: ~). Many many many problems with the double quote (") and the CMD special characters (&<|>^). Yappari. Hex codes grouped by 4, separated with spaces. ManufacturerHex.cmd
  7. I can't read german either but I'd say it looks like the domain is down. EDIT: I'm sorry. Against what I said before, I've just tried again peshuteject.exe and it worked !!! peshuteject.exe /eject /reboot The key was maybe that this time it was not on the BartPE CD but on a share. So you could use it as well, either from a share or maybe copied to the RAM drive, or even on the HD, if it's in the ghost image. BTW, you can get it from that archive. I found the link in this page.
  8. If the bartPE CD is still inside when rebooting, won't it reboot on BartPE again, preventing the next step to occurs?
  9. Do you mean something like indy_dba's way in this post? If you need further help, I would be glad to give a hand.
  10. 'lut! Well, you're not completely right RunOnceEx will be executed whoever logs in first (admin or user). But of course, you need admin right to install many apps. And RunOnceEx is executed after login. So your installs will fail if a user logs in first. but then, if you set correctly Autologon parameters in your winnt.sif, you can have, at the end of your xp install, the admin account to automatically logon for only one time (enough to install your apps with the right rights!). Just put a reboot at the end of your RunOnceEx. The pc will then shutdown after all apps are installed and will reboot ready for your users to login.
  11. The 'Ultimate' applications lists management tool! >>New!<< Version 0.5.0 So many more features So many less bloat This will allow you to: - Maintain only one main list of progs and commands in a very convenient Excel spreadsheet that you can heavily customize. - Export Progs Lists to be used with application installers (curently supported formats are RunOnceEx, kTool, WPI, WIHU and XPlode). Download: - The compressed size of the workbook went over the 150k limit per post. So I've just made a multi-volume rar archive. - In order to get the full thing, just download the 2 parts of the file to the same location and double-click the 1st one. 1st Part: install0.5.0.part1.rar2nd Part: install0.5.0.part2.rar Main New Features: -Progs Lists Filtering, -WPI exclusions & dependancies, -WPI injection! -Default selection for kTool, WPI & WIHU, -Extended variables usage. -Many rationalizations. -Tuned for WPI v5.1! To make the best use of all these features with kTool & WPI you may want the very last version of: - kToolY1.1 - WPI v5.1 Full Changelog: # Version Object Element Purpose Changes 29 0.5.0 Whole workbook Yellow Buttons add everywhere! Call the form from many more locations. 28 0.5.0 SETTINGS sheet Common Settings add feature kTool's DefaultProfile now applies also to WPI and WIHU: Items belonging to this profile (and only them) are automatically selected when the Post-installer starts. 27 0.5.0 SETTINGS sheet Default Values rem. feature this one had no use anymore and was poorly designed. Now we're free of it. Also renamed the 'Excel Data' to a more explicit 'Value Or Mapping' 26 0.5.0 Control Panel Delete files check add feature Add this option to clean the output folder from previous tries. 25 0.5.0 Whole workbook Organisation cosmetic Reorganised the system Datasheets: SETTINGS, OUTPUT, HELP & ABOUT. Put some link buttons on the form. 24 0.5.0 SETTINGS sheet Common Settings chge feature Updated the way 'ProgPath' is working. 23 0.5.0 Progs Lists Output file path add feature Both output file path & name can be stored in each prog list. And in a more natural location: in the path & file columns. 22 0.5.0 Control Panel Env. Variables add feature You can select one of 2 sets of variables for the output: 'install time' for the values that will be used during install time, and 'now' for debuging with actual values. 21 0.5.0 Progs Lists Env. Variables add feature Variables are no more defined in the prog lists but in a general list common to all Progs Lists. Variables can be used in some settings as well. 20 0.5.0 Control Panel OUTPUT Datasheet rem. feature Remove the Name textbox. If really needed, you can still change the name of the output sheet at the top of the main module. 19 0.5.0 OUTPUT sheet Radio options move feature the sheet to activate after writing the script is now defined in the outpsheet. Also a new option to remove the final message box. 18 0.5.0 OUTPUT sheet Comandline add feature 2 New buttons next to the command line textbox, to edit the output file or to run the command. 17 0.5.0 OUTPUT sheet Comandline rem. feature The command line is no more copied to the clipboard. You'll have to help yourself. (I was annoyed with my clipboard changing after exporting) 16 0.5.0 export_WPI WPI injection! add feature WPI Injection module. See the bottom of the Djé's Progs List for full explanations. 15 0.5.0 Progs Lists WPI excl & deps add feature Automatically find the progs mentionned in those fields 14 0.5.0 Progs Lists Manipulation add feature Only the visible (not hidden) rows and columns are exported (useful in combination with the filtering tools). 13 0.5.0 Progs Lists Filtering abilities add feature Progs Lists can now be filtered with AutoFilter and Advanced Filters. Filters are saved. 12 0.1.0 OUTPUT sheet Command line txtbox add feature A command line for launching the post-installer with the output file as an argument is now written both to the clipboard and to a txtbox in the OUTPUT sheet. 11 0.1.0 Progs Lists FilePath Metadata add feature Output is now directly written to an Output file, named from the "FileName" setting in the SETTINGS sheet, and in the Output "FilePath" specified in each Prog List. 10 0.1.0 SETTINGS sheet kToolY settings add feature (New kToolv1.1aY.1 required) kToolY options (those defined in '\config\config.ini') can now be customized in the SETTINGS sheet and be exported in the 'Config' section at the beginning of kTool.ini, overriding the values in '\config\config.ini'. 9 0.1.0 SETTINGS sheet WPI settings add feature WPI settings (those defined in 'useroptions.js', incl. the above 'AutoInstall') can now be customized in the SETTINGS sheet and be exported as js vars at the beginning of 'config.js', overriding the values in 'useroptions.js' 8 0.1.0 various VB various functions bug correction moved (double-)quoting of command strings from main to plugins for better handling of commands 7 0.1.0 SETTINGS sheet txtbox title didactic change the "Output data fields" txtbox title to 'Output settings & data fields' and milded the warning to allow users for some modifications 6 0.1.0 export_XPLODE Visual Basic Code bug correction XPLODE variable name syntax now replaced in arguments as well 5 0.1.0 SETTINGS sheet WIHU settings bug correction Mapped Excel 'Description' to 'helptext' & updated 'SplitterPos' to 40% in order to accomodate for it 4 0.1.0 SETTINGS sheet AutoInstall add feature changed the specific 'WIHU AutoInstall' setting to a GENERAL 'AutoInstall' setting 3 0.1.0 Workbook various places cosmetic standardized the color scheme + minor cosmetic or didactic changes 2 0.1.0 INFOS sheet didactic link to the msfn forum thread about this excel application 1 0.1.0 CHANGELOG didactic created this CHANGELOG DataSheet 0 0.0.1 Initial version This may be for you if: - [beginners] you successfully made your unattended XP CD but are now wondering which would be the best method for you to install apps. - [Advanced users] you're already installing apps one way or another and would like to try other ways, but don't want to have to rewrite and maintain an apps list for each method. - [Advanced users] you're already installing apps one way or another and would NOT like to try other ways, but still want to be able to store more data about your apps. This may NOT be for you if: - [beginners] You did not read the Unattended guide or TFM for the usage of the target installers (RunOnceEx, kTool, WPI, WIHU, XPlode). - [beginners] You're still lost with basic RunOnceEx, even though you read the unattended guide. I would suggest a bit more learning before. For example reading even more detailed explanations about RunOnceEx and following the step-by-step procedure in this thread (be sure to read all my verbose posts ). - [Advanced users] You want to make use of the very advanced features of a specific installer. Although care have been took to make use of the maximum number of features, this prog is, by design, a trade off between different formats and their underlying philosophies. Improvement suggestions welcome, tho. This is an Excel file (.xls) containing: - Sample lists of applications for use by beginners and advanced users. - Detailled explanations (in english) for all features. - VBA form and modules for running the app. - VBA modules (plugins) for output to each installer format. New format plugins can easily be added. Requirements: - I'm sorry but you'll need to have Excel installed to run this app. This is a trade off. Any suggestion to port to a more open format without loosing the convenience & power of the spreadsheet is welcome. - I used Excel 2003 but I'm pretty sure it works as well with earlier versions. - You will most likely need to lower the security settings in excel (in order to run unsigned macros). Macros (some viruses are indeed Excel macros) and this prog are just the same: VBA code. I am not asking you to trust me about the security of my app. If you want it in a form that you can first check for security issue (basically an Excel file without the VBA things, plus those VBA things in plain text that you will have to import to excel after checking), feel free to ask. I can understand that perfectly. - [Advanced users] If you want to make use of your actual apps list, you will have to 'import' it to Excel semi-automatically (no import module written). This should not be very difficult if you make a smart use of the Edit/Replace menu command (for example in Excel, Word or Notepad2 [regexp!]) and of the Data/Convert menu command of Excel. For an example of this procedure with the WPI config.js file, you may want to check out this post. History: changes in version 0.1.0: - Automatic export of the output to a file (path & file name selectable) in addition to the output sheet. - Automatic export (clipboard + txtbox) of the command necessary to run the output script. - WPI user options (V5.0) and kTool options customizable and exported with the output. - Improvement to XPLODE (variables names) and WIHU (Helptext descriptions) exports. - AutoInstall timer spread from WIHU to WPI and XPLODE. - Various cosmetic, didactic and supercalifragilistic changes. - Code hardening.
  12. Merci ! C'est un euphémisme... et la fin de la phrase me paraît de trop
  13. Hi, You may be interested to know that I've uploaded yet a new version of kTool: kToolY (after kToolX). Sorry, I'm not a regular reader of this part of the forum, so I missed the modifications proposed here and did not implement them. But I've specifically adressed two problems that you guys may have had with using kTool: -quote handling is now consistent: ktool don't deal with them anymore ! -no need to hardwire %KTREP% anymore: you can now use any variable name you want. Please note that, most likely, .ini files written for the previous versions of kTool won't work with this version. This new kTool version is necessary to parse .ini files generated by another prog that I've just released and that generates progs lists in different formats for use in kTool, WPI, WIHU, Xplode and even RunOnceEx, from a spreadsheet. There it is. I might (depending on time and will) add a few other features to kTool. So if you have suggestions for me to add at the same time, feel free to ask in the kTool thread.
  14. Here it is, eventually: kTool1.1aY This is a second modification of kTool with some improvements suggested lastly, and more: - Get rid of the annoying quote problem. NO MORE QUOTE added by kTool. -> Now, if you want quote, you'll have to BYO (bring your own).- As suggested by cvd_army_com a few posts above, display a description of the Item in the GUI part of the prog. @cvd_army_com: Good shot. Here are the adaptations I made to your code above: - use of the 1st 'Description' directive in a section instead of a new 'AppDesc' directive. - no use of the msgbox: I find more annoying to have to click ok (or press a key) to close it. - repair the breaking for the last item. - spread the multiline replacement to the Install part, where 'Description' directives are used in 1st place. - Most important: I've adapted the 'Replace' directive introduced in the last modified version (kTool1.1aX) to be much more flexible: -> you can now use any variable name. Just provide the name together with the value, separated by a '-->': e.g. Replace = %PP%-->D:\install\ or Replace = %myVar%-->CD The only drawback of all these is that you'll have to adapt your .ini files to match the changes: - adapt your 'Replace' directive - and insert quotes where needed: arround paths or argument with spaces. Good news, tho: I made those modifications because they were needed by another prog I've just finnished and that writes those .ini files for you! Well, it also writes RunOnceEx.cmd, config.js, install.ini & xplode.xml... There it is. v1.1aY.au3
  15. 'jour! [summary lg=english] this post is mainly asking newbie questions about differences between RVM updatepack and Ulysse's Hotfixes pack. [/summary] Ulysse, je suis totalement bleu en ce qui concerne les hotfixes. Je viens de m'y mettre hier soir. J'ai quelques questions. Désolé si elles sont un peu foireuses...: Dans ton pack de hotfixes, tu as à la fois IE6.0sp1-KB905915-Windows-2000-XP-x86-FRA.exe et WindowsXP-KB905915-x86-FRA.exe Quelle est la différence entre les 2? Aussi, je me suis fait une feuille excel avec le contenu du RVMpack, de celui de Vier, et de ton pack de hotfixes. Essentiellement, la différence que je note entre le tiens et les 2 autres (Vier suit RVM) est un certains nombre de KB absents dans l'un ou dans l'autre. La question est: pourquoi n'as-tu pas inclus certains KB présents dans le RVM, et pourquoi en as-tu inclus d'autres non présents dans le RVM? Ou vice-versa...
  16. Have a look at this registry key: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CodePage The selected element in the dropdown at the top of your pic is the Active Code Page, stored in the 'ACP' value of above key.
  17. Thanks for the feedback Alanoll. Now it makes sense: when I edited a page, this is how I did it: -edit the page itself, -provide a reason, -click on 'preview' (or equivalent) to double check, -maybe (but most probably) modify further and preview again, -submit the final page only when I was happy with it. The thing is: as I was clicking the 'submit' button, I noticed that my input in the REASON field had disapeared during the previewing stage(s). I said to myself 'oh fcuk', but then it was too late to start it over: I didn't want to double post since I did not know that providing a reason was mandatory (even if I think this is a good rule). So here is a suggestion: tweak the wiki engine so that the 'reason' field is not dropped when previewing, and/or insert a strong warning asking to double check that field, next to the submit button. Cheers and thanks again for the amazing work. I'm completely satisfied with your clarifications. I'll try to post again on the wiki now that I know what went wrong. ps: Sorry for the 'anonymous administrator'. It was the closest match I could give to what I was understanding of the situation at this time.
  18. Yes, it's coming closer: version has been released without the bug fix for -silent yet But with a possibility to bypass the import IE setting wizard. I'll investigate. Hopefully, it should be in the next version (file version: while actual is Anyway, you're true about those scripts files everywhere. But then, reg files are the same. So one or another, as long as it works... cheers
  19. Except that when you try to make an improvement to the guide but it is rolled back by some anonymous admin and your work is discarded without any notice nor reason (good or bad) given, not even talking about discussing the point, you won't do it twice... Why should I loose my time improving the guide for nothing while on the forum, at least the information will remain? Even if only accessible to search form users. I don't mind the wiki having administors and editors, having clear and strict rules about content, style or whatever. I don't even mind my changes being rejected, but -a minima- notice has to be given. For the moment, the least I can say is that all this is not very clear. Improving THIS, may be a good way to start making the guide more up to date.
  20. @theUtmost: Thank you very much. This is an impressive tutorial. So far I just skimed through it because of no time to work on my boot disk, but I will soon give it a deeper insight. And report any comment/question. I will also try to make an addition to it: internationalisation for use with different code pages and keyboards.
  21. As for installing apps and using RunOnceEx, you may find that thread useful. Be sure to read the full posts as they are a very detailled tutorial about doing this for the first time. Just skim through if you feel comfortable with all what is explained. Good luck and may the msfn be with you.
  22. @maxXPsoft, I'm sure you can wait until 1.6, but just in case you can't wait anymore (this can happen to you if you don't suffer from anal retention ), here is a little suppository of mine that will patch your firefox (if needed) to add the necessary ' -silent' switch (according to Bugzilla) and then apply the ' -setDefaultBrowser'. FirefoxSetDefaultBrowser.cmd @ECHO OFF &SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS ::javascript file to patch SET "JSTOPATCH=components\nsBrowserContentHandler.js" ::javascript line in the file: line to search for deciding to patch or not SET "ESCSEARCH= if (cmdLine.handleFlag(\"silent\", false))" ::javascript lines in the file: marker lines to insert the patch after SET "MARKER1= if (cmdLine.handleFlag("preferences", false)) {" SET "MARKER2= }" ::javascript lines in the file: actual patch lines to insert SET "PATCHLINE1= if (cmdLine.handleFlag("silent", false))" SET "PATCHLINE2= cmdLine.preventDefault = true;" ::Find Firefox install directory. ©Yzöwl FOR /F "TOKENS=3 DELIMS= " %%? IN ( 'REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox" /S ^|FINDSTR "\<Install Directory\>" 2^>NUL' ) DO (IF ERRORLEVEL 0 (SET JSCRIPT=%%~s?%JSTOPATCH%)) IF NOT EXIST %JSCRIPT% (ENDLOCAL &GOTO :EOF) ::check if the -silent option already exists, if yes, no need to patch FINDSTR /B /C:"%ESCSEARCH%" %JSCRIPT% >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO SETDEFAULT :patch : add the -silent command line option on versions <1.6 ::according to Bugzilla: [url="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=324023"]https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=324023[/url] echo Patching Firefox: re-add the -silent command line option... SET INSERTHERE=NOWAITNOTHERE IF EXIST %JSCRIPT%.patch DEL %JSCRIPT%.patch FOR /F "TOKENS=* DELIMS=" %%? IN (%JSCRIPT%) DO ( >>%JSCRIPT%.patch ECHO\%%? IF "%%?"=="%MARKER1%" SET INSERTHERE=YESHERE IF "%%?"=="%MARKER2%" CALL :SUB_INSERT "%%?" ) IF EXIST %JSCRIPT%.patch MOVE /Y %JSCRIPT%.patch %JSCRIPT% :SETDEFAULT echo Set Firefox as the default browser... ::Find Firefox exe path. ©Yzöwl FOR /F "TOKENS=3 DELIMS= " %%? IN ( 'REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox" /S ^|FINDSTR "\<PathToExe\>" 2^>NUL' ) DO (IF ERRORLEVEL 0 (SET SPF=%%~s?)) IF NOT DEFINED SPF (ENDLOCAL &GOTO :EOF) ::Backup the actual profile folder and create a dummy one (needed by firefox) IF EXIST "%APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox" RENAME "%APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox" FirefoxTempFolderSetDefault START /WAIT %SPF% -CreateProfile default START /WAIT %SPF% -silent -setDefaultBrowser PING -n 2 LOCALHOST>nul ::Remove the dummy profile and set back the existing one if any RD /S /Q "%APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox" >nul IF EXIST "%APPDATA%\Mozilla\FirefoxTempFolderSetDefault" ( RENAME "%APPDATA%\Mozilla\FirefoxTempFolderSetDefault" Firefox >nul ) echo ...Done! pause ENDLOCAL &GOTO :EOF :SUB_INSERT ::Patching function IF NOT "%INSERTHERE%"=="YESHERE" EXIT/B >>%JSCRIPT%.patch ECHO\%PATCHLINE1% >>%JSCRIPT%.patch ECHO\%PATCHLINE2% echo\************ PATCHED **************** SET INSERTHERE=ALREADYDONE EXIT/BFor unattended use, remove the 'pause' after 'echo ...Done!'. All 'echo' lines (with 'echo' in small letters) can also be removed safely. Don't Panic, it's mostly harmless (only known side effects are the disapearing of all the dolphins blank lines and the replacement of the LF endings by CRLF ones inside the patched javascript file. but hey, you don't plan to read it anyway, do you?).
  23. If you mean SOL, then yes, I guess It's too bad the WPS API is not documented. You'll need another AutoIt script to change it in your card's wireless properties.
  24. Well, I never heared of that WPA2-PSK (I live in the country side and don't have TV, so pardon my ignorance ) but you can check it by yourself: our tools are just AutoIt scripts to automate the windows' wireless network configuration wizard (start menu/programs/accessories/communications or directly: rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL NetSetup.cpl,@0,WNSW) The WPA seting is just for ticking the "Use WPA instead of WEP..." checkbox in the wizard page where you input your SSID. So if ticking that box in the wizard works for your WPA2-PSK then the WPA parameter will. Please try it and let us know. The wizard is pretty primitive (no choice between WPA and WPA2-PSK) but maybe the WPS behind can sort out what is what since the later would be just another flavor of the former. I don't know.
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