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Everything posted by kof94

  1. Here's a basic boot folder to get you started I've removed the tools, licenses, graphics and scripts folders. You don't really need these anyway! I've included the bcdw module just to save you the trouble of getting it. -kof94 *attachment deleted*
  2. Could the dependent software check boxes and exclusion radials from this topic be implemented simply?
  3. You could have more but only if the folders don't clash. You couldn't have ubuntu, kubuntu and edubuntu on one disc this way, for example.You also don't get the full boot menu. I suppose you could add each boot option to your CDShell menu though. The one beauty of doing it this way is you can rename the isolinux folder to whatever you want because your bypassing isolinux.bin . The difference is they built it, we're trying to mod it. I have to agree though their must be a simple way. This may, however, become a question for the dev's of each Linux distro you want on your disc. Since each one seams to be built so differently . -kof94
  4. All I meant was, I like everything for each OS in one folder. This isn't always do-able though if you have different install options for the same OS! For XP/2K instead of having a boot folder, a folder in a setup folder and a bootsector at the root of the disc. I have one folder at the root of the disc that contains everything. Follow Flyakites guide, create a boot folder then copy the I386 folder and tags inside that folder then edit txtsetup.sif to look inside the boot folder... SetupSourcePath = "\PRO1\" ... instead of a setup folder (which you don't need anymore). SetupSourcePath = "\SETUP\XP\Professional\" I'm not saying my method is better, it just suits my needs doing it this way! Back to your original question though. You have to have a boot folder with a four character name (PRO1, PRO2 etc) for each install option (attended, unattended etc) at the root of the disc (I only have one option, unattended). This has really been dictated to you by setupldr.bin since you replace any instance of "I386" for your folder name. Any more characters and you corrupt the file! As far as your setup source files go, you can have them anywhere on the disc. You just need to update txtsetup.sif of there location. They must, however, be inside an "I386" folder followed by the tag files. Example of folder structure [PRO1] [PRO2] [MY] [SOURCE] [FOLDER] [I386] WIN51IP.SP2 WIN51 WIN51IP Example of txtsetup.sif SetupSourcePath = "\MY\SOURCE\FOLDER\" Hope this helps -kof94
  5. I prefer a modular disc so my source files (I386 folder and tags) are also inside the boot folder instead of a "Setup" folder.
  6. This is something no-one has figured out yet. You can use this... if $lastKey == key[f8]; then isolinux /casper/vmlinuz file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper initrd=/casper/initrd.gz ramdisk_size=1048576 root=/dev/ram rw quiet splash -- ...only if you copy the ubuntu .iso contents to the root of you disc. You only need these folders (for Edgy Eft anyway). [casper] [dists] [pool] [preseed] -kof94
  7. I don't know about BIOSINFO.INF but I did leave out the fact that you needed to delete bootfix.bin or you get an error. Are you building with an oem disc? Are you using Home, Pro or Server? Did you get any errors/warnings during building?
  8. This might actually make sense! I have this tweak applied at present but I've removed it from my next build. I've been running tests this last week and noticed this error/bug with Copy To/Move To doesn't exist anymore. Edit: I can confirm this to be the error. I just added back... Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\lnkfile] "IsShortcut"="" ...bug is now none existent! Hope this helps. -kof94
  9. Ooh, I'm not sure . Try using backslashes instead of forwardslashes... onkey 7 run \MYDIR\SAMPLE.IMG or change dir first onkey 7 goto sample :sample cd MYDIR run SAMPLE.IMG I'd also suggest checking out the nu2 site -kof94
  10. What system are you using (CDShell/isolinux/Easyboot....)?
  11. I finally managed to get Knoppix 5.0.1 and ubuntu 6.10 to boot through CDShell using the default boot options. For Knoppix put the isolinux folder inside the KNOPPIX folder on your disc the use this command to boot it: if $lastKey == key[f4]; then isolinux /KNOPPIX/isolinux/linux ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us apm=power-off vga=791 initrd=/KNOPPIX/isolinux/minirt.gz nomce quiet BOOT_IMAGE=knoppix And use this command for ubuntu (no isolinux folder required and source files at root of disc): if $lastKey == key[f8]; then isolinux /casper/vmlinuz file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper initrd=/casper/initrd.gz ramdisk_size=1048576 root=/dev/ram rw quiet splash -- Obviously change the keys to fit your menu. The only draw back with this approach is you would need to script each isolinux command in CDShell if you wanted the extra boot options. I found an interesting thread here that could be adapted to provide the full isolinux boot menu for each distro. However, I do not yet poses enough knowledge about mkisofs to decipher exactly what is being done here... jetman? On the topic of relocating source files. I've also read somewhere that you can append source file locations to the isolinux command. Although I havn't tried this yet, I worry this could cause problems during installation (ubuntu) even if it manages boot live. I'll try to find the topic again to give to guys an example. -kof94
  12. Have you got it working ? If so could you post your commands for Knoppix and ubuntu please. Edit: How are you doing with the remastering, is there any simple way of doing it?
  13. @fevoldj2 Basically, you just need to script it calling the isolinux module. The problem is I can't get it to work and no-one else has offered a solution. If isolinux can be as versatile as CDShell then I'm willing to give it ago. @jetman It might just be CDShell but some images don't like memdisk. Obviously you then have the choice of using diskemu or bcdw instead. I use diskemu mainly. I know I said I like a retro menu in CDShell but looking at the ubuntu isolinux menu I feel an image is definitely in order for my menu .
  14. CDShell has a BCDW module for it. The boot syntax for it is: bcdw boot /<your path>/<your file>. The module doesn't come with CDShell but you can get it from the website. Yes, you can have images in CDShell just look here for an example. Personally I like the retro feel of a scripted menu. If you want help with CDShell I'll be happy to post my setup. You could also check out Flyakites guide, although you've probably done that already. I've theoretically worked out how to boot CDShell with isolinux but I need some more experience first. Now some questions about isolinux. Can you use diskemu to boot floppy images with isolinux? Memdisk can cause problems some times. How do you debug your menu, do you need to create a .iso each time you want to test it? How do I go about getting a basic isolinux folder together, what files do I need? I think thats it... for now . -kof94
  15. I'm gonna finalise my current uber disc tonight using CDShell (everythings done bar afew tweaks) then I'm gonna start on this. Thanks.
  16. Got it in one! Seriously though, I'm not bothered about the work involved I just want more information. For me my boot disc is a continuing personal project! I'm loathed to leave CDShell behind because it's so easy to use and because I enjoy using it! However, if you could provide me with some more info about using isolinux may be I'll stop being a grumbling old git and embrace change . Do you know of a syntax guide to isolinux? How do you go about booting windows/PE and floppy images? How would you go about adding CDShell to isolinux? (e.g. UBCD) As you can see I have a lot of questions that need answers before I convert. Help...
  17. I have Knoppix already on my disc, booting via BCDW on the boot sector. Obviously this just calls isolinux inside the boot folder. I want to rename/move the isolinux folder and then call any commands from CDShell through it. This way your still using the original boot info but you get around the restrictions of calling isolinux.bin (I tried to hex edit it without much luck), which in turn allows multiple distro's on one disc (an isolinux folder for each distro in any location under any name). That's the plan anyway. I might have this all wrong as well but I'm determined to get Knoppix and ubuntu on one disc booting through CDShell. The next task is to get ubuntu (or any other distro) in one folder instead of the root of the disc. There has to be a simple way to do this as well, without rebuilding the whole OS . No wonder people use Windows over Linux when you have to p*** about like this!!!
  18. I've been trying to script the isolinux commands in CDShell to boot Knoppix and (eventually) ubuntu. This should get around the tight restrictions on isolinux folders and allow multiple Linux distros controlled by CDShell. As of yet though I haven't managed to get anything to boot. So, does anyone have any good experience with the isolinux module in CDShell that could help me solve this problem? -kof94
  19. See here for Flyakite's guide We're working on ubuntu here
  20. Basically we need to know if there's a file like txtsetup.sif for linux, that tells the installer where the the source files are. I have seen this question asked on the ubuntu forums but nobody replied to it. I might register on it just to bump the topic... .
  21. I read somewhere in this forum about creating an .img file using the contents of the isolinux dir to boot with. Problem is I didn't bookmark it and I can't bloody find it again . The benifits of this are obvious but I'd still like to know how to mod the distro's so you don't have loads of folders/files at the root of the disc (a pet hate of mine).
  22. As far as I know, yes. The commands just need to be adapted a bit! I havn't got time right now to explain, I'll post a proper answer later.
  23. You could also use cond to check that the installer for each program exists on your disc. This way any programs you remove from your disc will be hidden from the menu automatically! e.g. cond[pn]=['!FileExists(\'%wpipath%\\Install\\MyApp.exe\')'];
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