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Everything posted by cdob

  1. Use txtsetup.sif, SetupSourcePath, BootPath http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=814566 Choose 4 different char4 names: e.g. 2K3A, 2K3B, 2K3C, 2K3D Edit txtsetup.sif, line SetupSourcePath and add BootPath And adjust setupldr.bin, edit multiboot_XP64.cmd line "set char4=XP64". http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=58410 Is already integrated to multiboot_XP64.cmd.
  2. Plain XP dosn't support USB2.0. Installation may take some time, if it works a all. Several thousand user used XP SP1 at last so far.
  3. @tordenflesk and Olegh Copy a appropiate driver iastor.sys to %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers. Import IastorAHCI.reg Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\pci#ven_8086&cc_0106] "Service"="iaStor" "ClassGUID"="{4D36E96A-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\iaStor] "Type"=dword:00000001 "Start"=dword:00000000 "Group"="SCSI miniport" "ErrorControl"=dword:00000001 "ImagePath"="system32\\drivers\\iaStor.sys" "tag"=dword:00000019 "DisplayName"="Intel AHCI Controller" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\iaStor\Parameters] "queuePriorityEnable"=dword:00000000
  4. Create a ISO image always: at first run and at F5.As for further PEBuilder/BartPE internal questions, this get offtopic here. There is http://www.911cd.net/forums//index.php?showforum=30 I'm using PEBuilder to build a ISO image, don't have a ImgBurn build project.
  5. Yes, other parts are on track.A minor: winnt32 won't reboot. Cause and solution http://www.911cd.net/forums//index.php?s=&...st&p=154715
  6. Try ImDisk. http://www.ltr-data.se/opencode.html#ImDisk Read the section about testsigning mode.
  7. No, there is no special partition plugin. Diskpart.exe is included by default. There is a autorun plugin by default. ProClub add a autorun1.cmd, compare step 6.
  8. @viperflyer Try add_nvgts_online.reg in the meantime. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=823780
  9. A note: solution use winnt.sif. SetupSourceDevice = \device\harddisk0\partition1 Yes, that's a fine solution at given hardware. Contrary BIOS may map USB device to another harddisk: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=840804 SetupSourceDrive =device\harddisk1\partition1 Classic folder pair $WIN_NT$.~BT and $WIN_NT$.~LS should work at more machines. How to create a SetupSourceDevice universal solution? Can we use grub4dos map? Can we use grub4dos txtsetup.sif editing? Use two different txtsetup.si?
  10. Use a current syslinux. Chainload setupldr.bin. Or use grub4dos and chainload setupldr.bin. Change setupldr.bin: TXTSETUP.SIF to WXPE\XP.SIF
  11. @christianmusicvr Congratulations to integrate UBCD4Win. Just to clarify: used approach did disable UBCD4Win mutliboot environment. Core files are at \I386(BPE1) and \programs. You may delete directory BCDW. There is no need to edit file txtsetup.sif. A PE does boot anyway. Which UBCD version do you use? UBCD use bootloader isolinux nowadays. That's contrary to old flyakite guide. Load isolinux files at your used boot loader.
  12. @christianmusicvr Can you clarify overall DVD: Which parts did you include in the meantime? which directories do you use at DVD root now? Which main boot loader do you use? UBCD4Win use boot loader BCDW at CD. Current multiboot solution expect directory I386. One approach: Don't use the whole multiboot solution. Delete file fixboot.bin. Add single parts to your boot loader. Another approach: UBCD is another project. http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/Do you get first UBCD4Win interface? Try edit bcdw\bcdw.ini: change I386\setupldr.bin to BPE1\setupldr.bin If this works, there is no need to edit setupldr.bin or txtsetup.sif. BCDW does edit file in RAM. A XP setupldr.bin is assumed, a 2003 setupldr.bin is different. @jaclaz Problem is both: UBCD4WIN specific and global multiboot.
  13. To continue previous ideas: Yes, XP use partition entry at MBR 01BE to select the one partition at removable drive.Partition type is ignored. Partition type changed to 0x42: NTFS partition is mounted anyway. cfadisk integrated to USB removable at second partition. Migrate.inf enhanced: T: first partition, available within running XP U: second partition, not available within running XP XP setup does boot from second partition. Drives T: and U: are available. Target partition C: selected. Continue. Windows setup check partition C:. Next there is a error message: partition T: is corrupt. Yes error message is about T:, not U: Reboot. Does XP setup itself read MBR again and seek files at MBR partition 01BE only? Time for? http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=837477
  14. Maybe I should have report results I failed to load a boot image at vfd floppy, vdk, filedisk, imdisk, minifile Driver may load, but image is not mounted. Me too.However there is Windows 7 in the meantime. Not tested so far: http://www.911cd.net/forums//index.php?s=&...st&p=153784
  15. I strongly doubt grub4dos virtual F6 floppy solution for a XP installation still. http://www.911cd.net/forums//index.php?s=&...st&p=152244 Do you have a loadable virtual floppy driver in the meantime? http://www.911cd.net/forums//index.php?s=&...st&p=152261
  16. Tag files has to be twice at multiboot CD: at root and setupsourcepath
  17. Check the flag files win51* again.
  18. Good catch. Yes, that's the danger of hard links. It depends how a application does change files. Does it patch a existing file? stable source tree is changed too Does it create temorarily a new file, delete old file, and rename new file back? stable source tree is not changed. That's how hard links works. Driverpacks base created a new txtsetup.sif. Source tree txtsetup.sif is different to target tree txtsetup.sif. Other applicaitons may behave different. Applicaiton behaviour reports are highly welcome. I don't know such a feature. That won't hard links anymore.
  19. Missing ASMS rings a bell.At CD first reboot there are no cd file system drivers loaded. Ntldr and BIOS has to find files. First 4 gb of DVD media are available. Does similar match to USB install? Did you add XP installation files to a previous filled drive? Did you start from scratch and format drive? Can you start from scratch and format drive? That way installation files are in front of USB drive. Ntldr may load file system driver for (USB) hard disk boot device only. I understand, you use FAT32 at USB drive. Which file system do you use at local hard disk? Do you use FAT32 too? Try the same file system for USB drive and local hard disk. E.g. try both NTFS for USB drive and local hard disk.
  20. \OEM: that's one version for a multi boot DVD. How to try different driverpacks versions at one DVD? How to support 2000, XP x86, XP x64, 2003 at one DVD? \ABCD\OEM allows above examples at one DVD. Well, driverpacks dosn't support x64 drivers so far, but maybe in future.
  21. As known, windows XP read one partition from removable device. This includes windows setup. What's the rule? Can windows read active partition from removable device? Can windows read first partition from removable device? What's the first partition? Partition entry at MBR 01BE ? Completely not tested: add cfadisk to USB stick at second partition. This was about cfadisk added to CD install: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=818429 Maybe this can be added to USB stick too. Be aware, back then a USB hard disk made difficulties. I don't know current conditions.
  22. @deadbug Well, I started something at XP SP3 time. Not finished so far. There are some manual parts still, should be automatic builded in future. Maybe you like some ideas. No fancy gui. Just a batch. And I'm lazy, did choose some requirements: no space in file or directory names, no strange chars, plain ASCII chars Back then I choose some conditions: small foot print at hard disk less copy files at hard disk some single CD XP folders: possibility to create a single CD and to create multi boot at request As files are not copied at build time, iso creation tool has to collect files from different locations and merge them. Another solution maybe create junction and or hard linkd at build time. This creates final multi boot soltuion at hard disk at build time. General multi boot was described http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=814566 txtsetup.sif SetupSourcePath and BootPath is used. That's similiar to flyakite and different. There are three fixed file names to define basic boot Other files are redirected and defined by BootPath and SetupSourcePath Sed.exe is used to create a multi boot txtsetup.sif. Mkisofs is used to redirect files. That's the basic windows multi boot solution. Bootloader is a difficult decission. Grub4dos can chainload setupldr.bin. No boot sector file required. Grub4dos is developed currently. BCDW can chainload setupldr.bin. No boot sector file required. In addition BCDW hexedit setupldr.bin in RAM. No hexediting setupldr.bin at build time. However BCDW isn't developed since 2004. Does fail at some current hardware. Isolinux is developed currently. Tested at a lot of hardware. Can chainload setupldr.bin at (USB) hard disk, but not at CD so far. Hence require a boot sector file. As for grub4dos and isolinux: Gsar.exe can be used to hexedit setupldr.bin at build time. A example, create a multi boot XP PRO CD: Given XP source files at XP_PRO. d:\bcd\multi\XP_PRO Files are at a NTFS partition. Batches are at D:\Bcd\multi\build. Binaries are at D:\Bcd\multi\build\bin. Integrate BTS driverpacks drivers: First step: create a second d:\bcd\multi\XP_PRO_BTS Create hard links instead of copy: mk-link.cmd D:\Bcd\multi\XP_PRO D:\Bcd\multi\XP_PRO_BTS Integrate BTS driverpacks drivers manually. D:\Bcd\multi\build\mk-link.cmd @echo off setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion set path=%~dp0;%~dp0.\bin;%path% rem Create hard links for XP driver integration rem BatchLink Utility rem Copyright © 2000 Mike Woodring rem [url="http://www.bearcanyon.com"]http://www.bearcanyon.com[/url] rem ### parameters #################################################### set Source=%~1 set Destination=%Source%_BTS if not %2.==. set Destination=%~2 rem ################################################################### if not exist "%Source%" ( echo error: source directory %source% not found echo. & echo Syntax: %~nx0 source [destination] goto :eof) if not exist "%~dp0.\bin\BatchLink.exe" (echo error: BatchLink.exe not found &goto :eof) md "%Destination%" call :calc_string_length %Source% set /a new_dir_start=%string_length%+1 echo create hard links at %Destination% pushd %Destination% BatchLink.exe %Source% /q popd pushd %Source% for /D /R . %%a in (*) do call :mklink %%a popd goto :eof :mklink set Source=%~1 call :exec set Target=%%Source:~%new_dir_start%%% echo %Target% pushd "%Destination%" md "%Target%" cd /d "%Target%" BatchLink.exe "%Source%" /q popd goto :eof :calc_string_length set string=%* set string=%string: =#% set string_length=-1 echo %string% for /L %%a in (0,1,255) do ( call :exec set Char=%%string:~%%a,1%% if !Char!.==. (set string_length=%%a & goto :eof) ) goto :eof :exec %* goto :eof Create a config file: d:\bcd\multi\build\multi01.txt @echo off setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion REM +=================================================================+ REM | Multi-Boot CD | REM | | REM | bootpath solution | REM | | REM | based on: DVD [url="http://flyakite.msfn.org/"]http://flyakite.msfn.org/[/url] | REM | | REM |--- created by cdob ---------------------------------------------| REM | | REM +--- under construction ver -272 --------------------------------+ set path=%~dp0;%~dp0.\bin;%path% set multi_lst=%~dp0multi01.txt if not %~1.==. set multi_lst=%~1 rem mkisofs sort file set sort_lst=%~dp0multi_sort.txt rem mkisofs parameter file set mkisofs_par=%~dp0mkisofs.par pushd "%~dp0.." echo -o multi_bootpath\XP_multi.iso > %mkisofs_par% (echo -iso-level 3 -U -D echo -force-uppercase echo -volid "XP_MULTI" echo -b BCDW/loader.bin -hide loader.bin -hide boot.catalog echo -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 echo -duplicates-once echo -graft-points -cache-inodes -follow-links ) >> %mkisofs_par% rem exclude some folders (echo -x win9xmig echo -x win9xupg echo -x winntupg echo -x COMPDATA ) >> %mkisofs_par% rem add multi_bootpath\root folder echo multi_bootpath/root >> %mkisofs_par% if exist multi_bootpath\root\win51* del multi_bootpath\root\win51* FOR /F "eol=; tokens=1,*" %%a in (%multi_lst%) do call :add_multi %%a %%b rem fix: replace multi_bootpath\root\win51* files by 0 byte size for %%a in (multi_bootpath\root\win51*) do ( echo /%%~nxa=nul: >> %mkisofs_par% del %%a ) echo on mkisofs.exe @%mkisofs_par% @echo off popd goto :eof ============================================================= :add_multi ============================================================ set boot_4_char=%~1 set source_inst_files=%~2 echo. &echo add: %boot_4_char% %source_inst_files% if not exist multi_bootpath\%boot_4_char%\I386 md multi_bootpath\%boot_4_char%\I386 rem collect flag files at root. And create empty flag files at %boot_4_char% for %%a in (%source_inst_files%\win51*) do ( copy /y %%a multi_bootpath\root >nul 2>&1 echo /%boot_4_char%/%%~nxa=nul: >> %mkisofs_par% ) rem add I386 files, remap to new four char name (echo /%boot_4_char%/I386=multi_bootpath/%boot_4_char%/I386 echo /%boot_4_char%/I386=%source_inst_files:\=/%/I386 ) >> %mkisofs_par% rem add available $OEM$ OEM folder for %%a in ($OEM$ OEM) do ( for %%b in (multi_bootpath\%boot_4_char% %source_inst_files%) do ( if exist %%b\%%a ( echo %%b\%%a set read_path=%%b\%%a echo /%boot_4_char%/%%a/=!read_path:\=/! >> %mkisofs_par% ) ) ) rem patch txtsetup.sif SetupSourcePath: set \XP_INST_%boot_4_char%\ if not exist multi_bootpath\%boot_4_char%\txtsetup.sif ( sed.exe -e s/"^SetupSourcePath.*=.*$"/"SetupSourcePath = \"\\%boot_4_char%\\\\\"\nBootPath = \\%boot_4_char%\\I386\\ "/g %source_inst_files%\I386\txtsetup.sif> multi_bootpath\%boot_4_char%\TXTSetup.SIF ) rem add \%boot_4_char%\ files (echo /%boot_4_char%/TXTSETUP.SIF=multi_bootpath/%boot_4_char%/TXTSetup.SIF echo /%boot_4_char%/NTDETECT.COM=%source_inst_files:\=/%/I386/NTDETECT.COM echo /%boot_4_char%/SETUPLDR.BIN=%source_inst_files:\=/%/I386/SETUPLDR.BIN ) >> %mkisofs_par% rem todo dosnet.inf goto :eof ============================================================= Example creates a mkiosfs.par parameter file -o multi_bootpath\XP_multi.iso -iso-level 3 -U -D -force-uppercase -volid "XP_MULTI" -b BCDW/loader.bin -hide loader.bin -hide boot.catalog -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -duplicates-once -graft-points -cache-inodes -follow-links -x win9xmig -x win9xupg -x winntupg -x COMPDATA multi_bootpath/root /XPR1/WIN51IP=nul: /XPR1/WIN51IP.SP3=nul: /XPR1/I386=multi_bootpath/XPR1/I386 /XPR1/I386=XP_PRO/I386 /XPR1/TXTSETUP.SIF=multi_bootpath/XPR1/TXTSetup.SIF /XPR1/NTDETECT.COM=XP_PRO/I386/NTDETECT.COM /XPR1/SETUPLDR.BIN=XP_PRO/I386/SETUPLDR.BIN /XPR2/WIN51IP=nul: /XPR2/WIN51IP.SP3=nul: /XPR2/I386=multi_bootpath/XPR2/I386 /XPR2/I386=XP_PRO_BTS/I386 /XPR2/OEM/=XP_PRO_BTS/OEM /XPR2/TXTSETUP.SIF=multi_bootpath/XPR2/TXTSetup.SIF /XPR2/NTDETECT.COM=XP_PRO_BTS/I386/NTDETECT.COM /XPR2/SETUPLDR.BIN=XP_PRO_BTS/I386/SETUPLDR.BIN /WIN51IP=nul: /WIN51IP.SP3=nul: XP use flag files win51* by default. Adjust batch if you use Windows 2000. As for driverpacks there is antother decision to be taken. Method 2 use \OEM folder. That's one OEM version for hole CD/DVD. I prefer OEM at each windows installation \ABCD\OEM. Driverpacks presetup.cmd has to be edited.
  23. Yes, that's true. Yes, that's possible. I'm chainbooting exFAT at XP already. Did worked at first trial.BTW: chainboot works at Windows 2000 and XP64 too, should work at all ntldr or setupldr.bin. Most likely at bootmgr too. Yes, current grub4dos at MBR: dosn't find grldr at exFAT.@ilko_t Yes, write cache maybe the main difference. As for SetupSourceDevice harddisk: I dislike this because BIOS may change harddisk number. That's not a universal solution. Maybe use new grub4dos write: boot grub4dos, write txtsetup.sif, set SetupSourceDevice harddisk
  24. Windows 2000 and XP use different cache behaviour. I guess that's the main difference. I don't have a full explanation. Uwe describes some XP USB behaviour. http://www.uwe-sieber.de/usbstick_e.html A average USB stick at default settings: FAT, FAT32: no write cache NTFS: with write cache A USB stick is often marked removable. As knwon a factory tool can flip this setting, e.g. Lexar BootIT. Or a filter driver can flip this setting. Cfadisk.sys can be integrated at textmode. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=818429 Policy 'Optimize for quick removal' is stored in registry. That's a hardware related setting: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USBSTOR\#specific HardwareID#\Device Parameters\Classpnp] "UserRemovalPolicy"=dword:00000002Setting can be integrated at migrate.inf or setupreg.hiv. I wonder: Does write cache enable a read cache too? Given a USB stick and write cache active: What's text mode copy time for FAT, FAT32 and NTFS? Well, how to build a bootable exFAT USB stick at XP? Do you update mbrbatch.cmd and mkimg.cmd? format /FS:exFAT creates 32kb cluster at a 2gb USB stick. At first glance cache behaviour is not changed. Writing small files is slow, no write cache by default.
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