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Everything posted by cdob

  1. Next step: 2003 SP1 setupldr.bin and ramdisk.sys does RAM load ISO image XP_RAM.ISO. Remember RAM loading is limited up to a 500 MB image. Wrapped in another ISO image XP_WRAP.ISO: \WINNT.SIF [SetupData] BootDevice = "ramdisk(0)" BootPath = "\I386\" OsLoadOptions = "/noguiboot /fastdetect /rdexportascd /rdpath=XP_RAM.ISO" SetupSourceDevice = \Device\Ramdisk{d9b257fc-684e-4dcb-ab79-03cfa2f6b750} [Data] MsDosInitiated="0" [Unattended] [UserData]Add custom Unattended, UserData and other sections yourself. Grub4dos maps the ISO image to CD Assumptions: hd0 : booted USB device hd1 : windows target device Tested at virtual machine. Has to be tested at real hardware: several hard disks, several USB drives, internal multi card reader XP installation from CD and remapped drive order: Files are not deleted from installation media. Setup creates a valid boot.ini. No need to fix boot.ini. Boot once from USB. There is a fake setup.exe used after first reboot. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=12566 This fake setup.exe launch a batch presetup.cmd. Windows assign letter c: to RAM loaded XP_RAM.ISO image. C: is not available for new installed windows. Presetup.cmd deletes %SystemDrive% MountedDevices. And USB boot settings are added. Next the machine is rebooted. A PE cabable shutdown is used http://www.paraglidernc.com/plugins/plugins.htm At reboot windows assign letters again: c:\windows Presetup.cmd uses ImDisk to mount the ISO file. http://www.ltr-data.se/opencode.html#ImDisk Next the file $winnt$.inf is adjusted. Windows setup continues and use the mounted ISO file. txtsetup.sif, [sourceDisksFiles] ;http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=12566 ;http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?s=&showtopic=12566&view=findpost&p=159358 setupORG.exe= 1,,,,,,,2,0,0 presetup.cmd= 1,,,,,,,2,0,0 ;http://www.paraglidernc.com/plugins/plugins.htm ;Shutdown.exe renamed to PEShutdown.exe PEShutdown.exe=1,,,,,,,2,0,0 ;http://www.ltr-data.se/opencode.html#ImDisk imdisk.sys = 1,,,,,,,4,0,0 imdisk.exe = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0 imdisk.cpl = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0 ;optional BTS files ;BTSsetup.cmd= 1,,,,,,,2,0,0 You may add BTS DriverPacks with method 2 http://driverpacks.net/ rename BTS presetup,cmd to BTSsetup.cmd Add BTSsetup.cmd to txtsetup.sif and XP_RAM.ISO. Add \OEM to XP_WRAP.ISO. That way BTS *.7z files are not loaded to RAM, but available at installation. @jaclaz Delivery time: only three years after your request It's nice to close a old question. presetup.7z
  2. No, at very first stage (decompression of driverpacks) there is no image displayed. There is WinPE mode of setup that early. True setup.exe is not run so far. A background color is displayed. I don't know, if a image can be displayed that early at all.
  3. @Hubird Select Additional Downloads at mentioned link. And there are MegaRAID SATA 300-8X drivers http://www.lsi.com/storage_home/products_h...aid_sata_3008x/
  4. Yes, this is possible. Read the sticky messages. And run: winnt32 /h Next write a shell script to prepare installation files.
  5. A U3 USB Stick is a fake USB CD-ROM. Some BIOS boot from this fake USB CD-ROM. Other BIOS fails. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=121502 fingers crossed on the ramdisk.sys method!It's working at booted CD so far. Booted from USB, windows setup behave different, because there is a booted USB drive. Clean solution: don't boot from USB. Circle closed
  6. Do you refer to grub4dos ISO file mapping? There is a windows driver missing to mount the ISO file. So far this driver dosn't exist. This is very unlikely.Expect the contrary: no iso file can be booted as if it were on cd-rom. Exeptions are listed at http://www.boot-land.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=5041 Just dreaming: PLoP with ISO image mounting capability Most likely you will have to edit XP CD ISO file always. A default XP CD ISO file will fail.So far RAM loading a ISO image is promising. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=135083
  7. It's another approach. Actually there are different ahcix86.sys versions. A driver version may support your hardware or not. Changing may fail. Windows dosn't boot anymore. If you set IDE mode at BIOS, windows should boot again. Or may fail. If you integrate driver to installation media, correct AHCI driver are active always. That's the more secure approach. Changing IDE to AHCI is a emergency approach. A second boot environment is nice too, e.g. a PE. This won't work. Booted with IDE emulation mode, there is no AHCI hardware available. I don't understand the question. Ahcix86.sys is the text mode driver. This driver is loaded at first black windows, at text mode graphics. In doubt try the official approach: a F6 floppy. I'm using a 780/SB700 chipset.
  8. Copy file ahcix86.sys to system32\drivers. Import this reg settings REGEDIT4 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\pci#ven_1002&cc_0106] "Service"="ahcix86" "ClassGUID"="{4D36E97B-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ahcix86] "Type"=dword:00000001 "Start"=dword:00000000 "ErrorControl"=dword:00000001 "Tag"=dword:00000021 "ImagePath"="system32\\drivers\\ahcix86.sys" "Group"="SCSI Miniport" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ahcix86\Parameters\PnpInterface] "5"=dword:00000001Goto BIOS, set AHCI. Reboot. Basically do the same thing as in XP. However: does ahcix86.sys support Windows 2000?
  9. Slipstream SP3 to disable/remove OEM adddons. This line is not required at [MassStorageDrivers] approach. Setting is nice for addional drivers. Be aware a $ char may turned to _. How do you create the CD? Which file system do you use? Run IsoBuster, open the CD. Does exist at ISO9660 a file \I386\$OEM$\TXTSETUP.OEM ?
  10. Chain.32 does cause current behaviour. Try the classic approach: boot sector file. Isolinux support extension .bin. Hence the mkisofs -graft-points label b MENU LABEL ^BOOTMGR etfsboot.bin kernel /BOOT/etfsboot.bin Back to chain.32: http://www.boot-land.net/forums/index.php?...ost&p=72127 Bootmgr dosn't detect a CD anymore. Bootmgr search BCD at a hard disk layout and dosn't find one.There is a fixed chain.32 abailable at above link. Bootmgr does find BCD at CD.
  11. Which files exist at hard disk? Can you run: dir BOOT /s /b Does exist files: BOOT\BCD BOOT\BOOT.SDI BOOT\BOOTFIX.BIN Case is importand. Which bootmgr do you use? Do you use Vista, SP1, SP2, WAIK, Windows 7 Which BCD do you use? Do you use a default file? Do you use a edited file? Which bootmgr entry do you use at isolinux.cfg? Post your bootmgr isolinux.cfg entry. Which ISO file size do you get? Do you get a file greater 4GB ? Which mkisofs -version do you use? Cross checked myself: mkisofs.exe -iso-level 4 -l -R -J -joliet-long -D -V VOLUME_ID -o ..\o.iso -b "BOOT/isolinux/isolinux.bin" -c "BOOT/isolinux/boot.catalog" -hide "BOOT/isolinux/boot.catalog" -hide-joliet "BOOT/isolinux/boot.catalog" -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -graft-points /BOOT/etfsboot.bin=BOOT/etfsboot.com .Bootmgr does find BCD, PE does boot. or mkisofs.exe -iso-level 4 -r -joliet-long -D -V VOLUME_ID -o ..\o.iso -b "BOOT/isolinux/isolinux.bin" -hide "boot.catalog" -hide-joliet "boot.catalog" -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -graft-points /BOOT/etfsboot.bin=BOOT/etfsboot.com .
  12. That's broken hardware. Bad media, burn, CD drive, DVD drive, cable, RAM, PSU
  13. This reminds to a bad burn. Try a CD, use high quality media, a decent writer and decent write speed.
  14. Adjust c:\boot.ini. Q9: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=116766
  15. The first pinned thread refers to linux and windows, used build tools does run on windows. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=94398
  16. The edited file iaAHCI.inf is not WHQL certified anymore, iaAHCI.cat dosn't match. Can you keep the original iaAHCI.inf add a addional file iaAHCI_F.inf?
  17. Well, all used files system or exension ignores case. -iso-level 4 : allows lower and upper case, Boot is a valid name -R : allows lower and upper case, Boot is a valid name -J -joliet-long : allows lower and upper case, Boot is a valid name Uppercase required folders and files at hard disk first. Run given command next. Or use -force-uppercase at some versions.
  18. Boot windows, import reg setting REGEDIT4 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\PCI#VEN_8086&CC_0106] "ClassGUID"="{4D36E96A-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}" "Service"="iaStor" Next goto BIOS, set AHCI.
  19. Thanks for the reminder. In addition http://www.911cd.net/forums//index.php?showtopic=19960 With MS RAMDISK.SYS and WINNT.SIF [SetupData] BootDevice = "ramdisk(0)" BootPath = "\I386\" OsLoadOptions = "/fastdetect /rdexportascd /rdpath=XP.ISO" SetupSourceDevice = \Device\Ramdisk{d9b257fc-684e-4dcb-ab79-03cfa2f6b750} Setup does boot. Target drive can be selected. Setup copy files to target disk. Machine does reboot. Next setup does search ASMS directory at CD and fails. Setup holds. Short vacation, back on monday.
  20. Yes, system_%date%.sav does cause this. Backup the file "f:\windows\system32\config\system" yourself. Then ignore this error message. The file containing the registry hive system at USB: f:\windows\system32\config\systemDid a second cmd window opened? There should be a second cmd window opened, USB registry adjusted and second cmd closed. This part may work or fail at Windows 7.
  21. Use files and folder Comment the '@echo off' line. Run usb_xp_init.cmd again.Does this line cause the error: copy "%XP_system32%\config\system" "%XP_system32%\config\system_%date%.sav" Ignore this line so far. Usbohci.sys is not found at driver.cab, but expanded from sp3.cab. That's not a error.Do you run Windows 7 Release Candidate ? usb_xp_init.cmd hasn't been tested that way. There didn't exist Windows 7 RC back then. Does exist files d:\windows\system32\UsbBootWatcher.exe and d:\windows\system32\UsbBootWatcher.conf? Was system registry file updated? Can you upload your system registry file?
  22. Sorry, I misunderstood previous post.ReactOS use a crc32 hash to create the ParentIdPrefix value. http://reactos.freedoors.org/Reactos%200.3...pnpmgr/pnpmgr.c Does XP and ReactOS create a equal ParentIdPrefix value?
  23. At first glance: Volume DevID is very similar to a XP MountedDevices. Can a Windows 7 Volume DevID converted to a XP MountedDevices?
  24. Insert the SSD again.Install XP to the SSD card. Install UsbBootWatcher http://www.911cd.net/forums//index.php?showtopic=22473 Clone the XP SSD card to USB drive. Disconnect the SSD card. Boot from USB. Report the boot behaviour. You may require the edited ntdetect.com or XP Embedded usbhubb.sys. I don't trust ISO editing tools at Windows installation CD. Extract files, build a new CD, read the files: cdimage, mkisofs, ImgBurn Use a decent writer, good quality media and burn at appropiate speed. This is not always the lowest speed. Edited: Do you have this files at USB hard disk still? Files after first restart?There is usb_xp_init.cmd http://www.911cd.net/forums//index.php?s=&...st&p=153920 This change some USB settings. XP may boot from USB and continue installation.
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