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Posts posted by zedox
@ Maleko,
I did the MCE logo one for myself really as I have MCE.
whats deleted? help with what?
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I've added your exe to HFSVPACK, but microsoft update still asks to download active x controls?
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@ nuhi,
I've kept the windows management instrumentation, sorry should have mentioned that!
@ Koopie,
Nope I don't use any network tweaks... however I have removed pretty much every driver you can with nlite!
Going to try an install without removal of any drivers, this will then eliminate everything else if it works.
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What should I not remove for Windows Live Onecare?
The firewall won't start with my nlited installation, so i'm sure something is missing that makes it work.
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I've downloaded the MUWEB_SITE cab from the link on Tommy76's page placed it in the HFCABS folder.
It appears the files within this cab are present in SOURCESS however when I go to the Microsoft update website it asks to install activex controls...
I've also added WindowsUpdate20.exe, Package Installer , windows update cab (IUCTL.cab) and the office update cab (OPUC4.cab).
Have I missed something else?
Thanks all,
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I've added the original runonce dll to $OEM$\$$\System32
Clears up problems for me.
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I believe something like this is what your after.
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I'm assuming HFSLIP doesn't support this yet...
However it seemed to add the cat file to SVCPACK but it still comes up on Windows Update.
Any ideas on slipstreaming this? Can it be done with the latest test release?
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After you formatted the problems have disappeared?
It sounds like a virus, what virus software you using if any, and is it up-to-date... also had you ran a scan recently?
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Veryyyy NiiiiiCe
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It sounds like you're a little confused on what a hotfix actually is...
"A hotfix is code (sometimes called a patch) that fixes a bug in a product."
Well... Net Framework 1.x and 2.0 arn't hotfixes...
Media Player XX isn't a hotfix either...
IE7 can be included by just pointing Nlite to the installed (which worked ok for you)
If you would like to add programs or such that arn't supported by nlite you can use an "add-on", there is a sub-forum within this one where people list there add-ons, these include media player 10, and .net frameworks 11 and 20.
good luck!
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NLITE will remove everything to do with the hotfixes it doesnt need.
However as you placed the actual files within your disc folder I don't believe it would have worked correctly.
It would be best to move them from the disc and REDO the disc with nlite.
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You could do all of those, but I've found installing windows without all the hotfixes then running windows update was best way to get a list of what my installation needed.
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Why can't we run all the updates from cmdlines.txt?
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ok, I have actually figured out that it isn't IE7 that is causing the problems,
It is hotfix KB914440.
slipstreaming this update with hfslip or nlite will cause you're ie installation to break.
But this is only if you install MCE from cmdlines.txt
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I've found that slipstreaming Internet Explorer 7 using HFSLIP or nLite won't install properly if you install MCE from your cmdlines.txt.
If anyone knows a way around this then I would be very greatful for you're help.
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Got it working!
Developed an addon to be used with nlite if any one wants it...
If your Windows is MCE edition then it wont install.
Unless you can change the key [HKLM\System\WPA\MediaCenter] Install to 0 then install net1.0 then change it back to 1.
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Why did he bother with that? you can use nlite to point directly to the microsoft installation file of ie and it'll slipstream it.
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Yep it can, I've tried it, and worked fine with my raid controller drivers.
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Please remove your PID from your image...
Why? You cant generate a CD-Key from a PID.
No but someone could use it to gain help from microsoft.
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eventually i will get round to editing doing these but real busy atm!
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okey doke... thanks!
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Just tried this with 1.1.0 with WinXP SP2
got the copy error.
Microsoft Update, asks for activex even though added cab to HFCABS
LAtest stable release, and the latest test release.
I've included...
in the HFCABS folder
Super-Magician's selfextracting exe (Datastore.exe) in the HFSVCPACK folder
Windows update works fine, but microsoft update asks for activex controls.
Should also note, I use nLite to slipstream IE7
I've tested this without slipstreaming IE7 and Microsoft Update worked.
So I'm assuming IE7 requires different controls maybe?