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Posts posted by zedox
The cursors are named differently. But the theme I use has been setup to use these cursors.
And I've had this theme set as my default in the WINNT.SIF file.
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Afternoon all...
;# Multimedia #
Mouse Cursors"$OEM$/$$/Cursors" contains numerours custom mouse cursors.
During text setup I see the cursors copy over.
But once setup has finished, I check the Windows directory and the cursors folder isn't there.
I created another disc with nLite that DOESNT remove Mouse Cursors
My cursors seem to be there once setup has finished.
But so are all the default ones... which I don't want.
So I addded all the .CU_ and .AN_ files that are in the I386 folder to the remove section in nLite.
Left my custom cursors in the Cursors folder within $$ within $OEM$ on the Disc.
Internet Explorer doesnt install, Media player doesnt install.
Numerous shortcuts are missing from the start menu
I've come up with a solution but it's very much NOT ideal...
Leave Mouse cursors unticked in nlite.
Leave all the .AN_ and .CU_ files on disc.
Once isntallation is complete a batch script will run with will delete them from the Cursors folder.
does anyone know why all this happens? What does nlite do when you select Mouse Cursors for removal, and why does it go potty if you remove the .cur and .ani files whilst leaving Mouse cursors on????
Please someone help me?
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yes... oempreinstall is set to yes.
and no, i do not press f6 to install drivers.
This is such a bizarre problem.
I use HFSLIP and nlite.
and yes... I have selected the removal of cursors in nlite.
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- - $$
- - - Cursors
- - - - Fedora Inverse
Above is the format of my cd.
Inside the Fedora Inverse are my cursors.
The whole lot doesn't copy during txtsetup...
Any ideas on what i'm doing wrong!?
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What do I have to do to get media center updates to appear on windows updates?
Just realised have to do custom rather than express on windows update to get updates for media center.
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Give yourself a pat on the back MUIZ, you posted the most helpful pointless comment in this topic.
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Many thanks people.
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I've left net 1.0 sp3 in. As it's on XP Pro discs as default... isn't it?
I'm using the wbpluto's thread to install mce at t12 stage from cmdlines.txt
I just want to know, what order is best.
and why no updates are showing up for me on windows updates.
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What comes first?
SVCPACK.INF or cmdlines.txt
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In what order??
What order...
Windows XP PRo
Net 1.1 sp1
Net 2.0
and mce doesn't work...
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Afternoon all,
What is the best order of installing media center, the hotfixs, rollups and .net versions?
I hflsip all Windows XP Pro Updates.
I nLite .net 1.1 sp1 with all updates, and .net 2.0 with all updates.
During installation of Pro at T-13 stage, mce is installed.
Is this the correct order?
MCE appears to be installed, but If I go to execute it from the start menu it doesn't actually open.
and any hotfixes or rollups do not appear on windows updates? Should they?
Also... I get a registration message come up at the T13 stage, I know this is normal, but is there any way to surpress it, as i'm trying to go for the completely unattended way.
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I've found out what it is...
I have a batch script that runs during installation that removes loads of useless shortcuts and folders.
%AllUsersProfile%/Start Menu/Programs/Administrative Tools
is one of them...
I took this line out of my batch script, and hey presto, all the shortcuts are back...
Note: This folder may be present but it is not accessible from the start menu. It doesn't even appear on the start menu.
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dont spose you know the actual key?
As searching through my reg tweaks file... it could be any!
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I'm not 100% sure but I think I have a registry tweak that for some reason gets rid of all the shortcuts on my administrative tools.
Does any one know which one it is please?!
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Right... I've got everything working now.
got the new version of KB890830
Kb905474 works fine now, my WGA add-on had an old dll version.
so 60810 does work fine, its me who doesnt
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KB917344 Fixed, and works now. I didn't have the latest file (WindowsXP-Windows2000-Script56-KB917344-x86-enu.exe)
think I might no whats wrong with KB905747, I run Nlite after hfslip.
Nlite adds WGA, which might have an older dll. So i'll look at that.
As for the malicious software tool, 1.19 was only released a couple of days after 60810, could this not have been updated in time?
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I am missing your HFSLIP.LOG file
. I don't know if you tried HFSLIP_60804, but if the updates you mentioned worked with that version, it must work with 60810 because nothing was changed in regards to those hotfixes. Perhaps your CD-RW is buggy again?
That notwithstanding...
As Kiki mentioned, a new version of KB890830 (Malicious Software Removal Tool) is released every month. The current latest version is v1.19. KB917344 only applies to Flash Player version 6 and below. If you slipstream KB905474, make sure you have version 1.5.0540.0 and that LegitCheckControl.cab does not exist in your HFCABS folder.
Cheers for the replies guys.
I have the latest version of the malicious software removal tool... 1.19
KB905474 is the latest version, and LegitCheckcontrol.cab does not exist in the cabs folder.
and my version of flash player is the latest cab available on the hfslip website.
60810 doesn't work for any of these.
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The above latest updates do not work with HFSLIP version 60810
Any news on a new release?
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Ok, cheers
Although... I've always used it with spaces and it's never caused any problems.
Any way, I located the problem, the CDRW I was using is buggered.
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Hfsliped my disc (attached the log)
during the part where it's copying files it comes up with
Setup can not copy file loghours.dll
Press ESC to skip, etc
After I skip it another file comes up, same problem...
Can someone shed some light on this for me please.
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77 downloads in this topic, and around 50 in the main one...
take it you lot like this billboard then!?
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Thanks for the link, seems like very useful software. Much appreciated.
Cursors Won't Copy during TxtSetup...
in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
I figured out whats causing it...
I set nlite NOT to remove cursors, and my cursors folder and contents copy over fine.
BUT... If i add all the cursors I dont want to the removal list on nlite internet explorer doesn't install properly!
This is an nLite issue, and I'll raise it in atopic in that forum.