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Everything posted by joll69
how do you mean? also, yes, some programs complain if there's no page file, but in my experience, only photoshop has given me a message about ran anyway tho....all i did was set a 32mb (min and max) page file and that message disappeared...with 2 gigs of ram, the max you'd probly ever need would be no more than 128mb page file...
i dont think that's what Miles4 was asking as for ur question miles4, i have no idea
i saw ur post a few days ago, and since no one else is responding, i'll fire up the ol' 98se and see what i can dig up...if i find anything (or nothing), i'll post here i was wondering this myself, i have an excuse to find out
does it happen in all folders, regardless of whether the thumbs.db file is already created, or just when that file doesnt already exist or is adding thumbnails? i had the same problem whith an nlited xp build, but i set explorer to NOT extract thumbnails, yet it kept trying to, which caused crashes in folders with never did it with pictures, and not with wmv or mpg files either, only was pretty weird, but i reinstalled xp before i found a fix...
i adopted sp2 a month after its release, and wouldnt consider going without it. i'm not sure if that makes me biased, but whatever. 1) yes, there are problems with sp2, but those problems are few and far between. chances are, u wont have any problems at all. 2) there are security flaws in it, yes, but there are far fewer in sp2 than sp1 or no sp. 3) yes, u should still be able to install sp2 without updating wmp 4) if memory serves, sp2 includes wmp9...newest version of wmp is 10. u'll hafta download wmp10 separately. if anyone else has more information, feel free to correct me. it's been ages since i updated, i could be wrong on these answers. but overall the-matrix, sp2 is far better in security, compatability, and reliability than sp1 or xp gold. i'd say, go for it! it's well worth the upgrade.
i have alcohol 120% trial installed, i decided to buy the next build that was released, here i sit with my downloaded software, bought and paid for, i run the setup, and select the update option...the program uninstalls the installed version, which is to be expected, but it kept the settings, all was well until i agreed to the eula, and got a prompt about the sptd driver install, which i allowed (setup cancels otherwise)...that setup got halted (no clue why), and suddenly aborted...i was able to clean up the mess left over, and re-install the old version (after trying the new build one more time)...whether i do a clean install (remove registry info) or update, i get the same error now, on that stupid sptd setup..."failed to open config key."...i poked in the registry, and found an sptd.sys driver under HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentColtrolSet\Services\sptd ...i tried to remove that entire key, but i get this error: "Cannot delete sptd: Error while deleting key." ...the problem is the "cfg" subkey, i cant even read it...i get this error when i do: "Cannot open Cfg: Error while opening key." ...if i check permissions, it says i'm not allowed to read them, but i can change them...strange behavior when using the root admin account, with no other admin accounts...if i allow myself or the admin group "full access", i get an "access is denied" error, and nothing changes... looks to me like this key (cfg) is corrupted, but i cant do anything to it..i've tried chkdsk, no problems..also tried using a different admin account, same errors...any leads what's causing this? or how to fix it? (apart from re-installing OS).. any help or ideas are appreciated.
heh, couldnt resist on that title description... anyway, i'm getting a laptop, and have pretty much everything picked out...except for the cpu/gpu... i wont go near any intel chips, as i am (or probly should be) one of those amd "fanboys"... ok, so my choices are 2: mobile athlon 64 3700+ with a mobility radeon 9700, or a turion 64 TL-40 with a mobility radeon x700....if i go for any other graphics chip, i get stuck with either an intel cpu, or an amd desktop cpu, not to mention spending alot more than 2 grand (i'm aiming for $1,600 or less)... the rest of the system is pretty basic, 1gb ram, 80gb 7200rpm hdd, integrated sound, networking, modem, etc...a dvd+-rw burner, and pretty basic for the rest...xp home, only 1 battery, and a dc inverter for the car... i want the thing to be somewhat powerful for some gameplay, but not much more than the source engine requires, while also being portable, with a few hours of battery life....i dont need any more internal hard disk space, as i have a 300gb external, and i dont care if it's not as powerful at games as my desktop (athlon xp 2600+, radeon 9600 XT)... i tend to do alot on my, IM, websurfing, bit-torrent, video transcoding, dvd burning, file archiving, music playing, video editing (once in a blue moon) i dont really need a powerhouse, i just want it to be able to do alot of the same things i use my desktop for... so far, i've been told that the turion is better for all but the most intensive of cpu use (games, video editing and transcoding), but i'm not sure what the difference between the 9700 and x700 is...the x700 is a newer core, but is it better for today's games? as i havent played any newer games like fear, i dont think the games of tomorrow apply to this turion64 vs. mobile athlon64 ....which would fit my purposes better? also, it should be noted that the turion route is ~$200 more expensive, so it should be worth that much extra.....
not in my experience...pagefile size should be set based on physical smaller than 256mb (for up to 64mb of physical ram), 384mb (for up to 192mb), 512mb (for up to 384mb phy ram), etc...but for systems that have >512mb phy ram, a pagefile shouldnt need to be bigger than 768mb...for a gig of phy ram, i match it in pagefile...more than a gig, pretty much keep pagefile at a gig...anything more seems like a waste of space... i've never seen any problems using this config, and system performance is more than acceptable... i tried running without a pagefile for a couple weeks one system actually went a bit faster, mostly with multitasking (nothing memory-intensive tho, just small stuff)...i went back to a pagefile because so many programs, and even some games, complained about no pagefile...some would run anyway, a few would not... i've always wanted to see a mobo that could run 32gb of ram for a single 64-bit cpu...i get the feeling a pagefile would be pointless with that much onboard space....
i disagree...i've set my pagefile to whatever i thought it should be, basing my estimate on what the m$ recommended would be...for example, if m$ would say 480 mb, i'd add 32 mb, for a total of 512mb (i like numbers like this)...but that would be for a system with 256mb or less of ram... my current primary system has 1gb of ram, and an equal size pagefile NOT on drive C:...just for a small gain in performance of the thing...i have seen some programs complain about a non-C: pagefile, so i set a 64mb one on C:...made all those complaints go away, and no noticable hit to performance... IMO, a pagefile doesnt need to be bigger than 1-1.5gb...anything bigger is just a waste of hard disk space...but hey, i dont work for microsoft... by trav's example, a system with 4gb of ram should have a 6gb pagefile...surely, i'm not the only one here who sees that as a tad on the ridiculous side...
that's my .NET framework 1.0, 1.1, or 2.0 as vulnerable and open to exploit as so many ppl say? i dont recall ever seeing an advisory from m$ or any security firm saying they've found a vulnerability... can someone perhaps post some links to show it is? thanx in advance..
i'm gonna go ahead with the full reinstall...just re-nlited a fresh source with a different set to integrate this time, closer to what i had before..i dont care about losing anything cuz it was installed just earlier today anyway...nothing to lose and all, as everything is still backed up.... tried the sfc thing anyway, and it said this: " Windows File Protection could not initiate a scan of protected system files. The specific error code is 0x000006ba [The RPC server is unavailable.]. " and i think something was amiss in my previous nlited one, so a repair would probly be fruitless...oh well, live and learn, i guess.... thnx to everyone who read, thought, and/or posted to this...i hope this next install dont screw up as a total last resort, i have an untouched xpsp2 cd handy...
- mistake...maybe i should read more thoroughly next time.. ok, tried the windows explorer, nothing...same as in IE...exactly the same... and i'll try that extension, and edit post in a few minutes... edit: no go on extension...wont go anywhere...status bar says "Waiting for " and then whatever site is entered.... i wonder if i might need to reinstall xp again... edit2: just removed all from hklm and hkcu run well as startup folder for good measure...still nothing on IE...there is a cumulative update for IE that just popped onto the automatic updates list..i'll give that a spin and see if anything happens... edit3: nope...update didnt change anything...any ideas? or am i stuck either using ff, or reinstalling xp?
@atomizer no, no proxy settings, just checked...and if i manually type in a url, ie just sits there...the animated flag in the corner is movin, but the status bar still says "Done", and nothing happens...and that site looks interesting, i'll give it a whirl if IE keeps misbehaving... @cluberti dunno, i'll try that and edit post with result.. edit: just tried safe mode with go...same as before...
i just reinstalled xp, new nlited build and all...and now i have an elephant of an issue...all was well at first, i was loading drivers and apps, rebooting at the prompts...IE worked at the start as well, so i figure it's not nlite's fault, hence why this is posted here...i cant remember exactly when it crapped out, but the firewall was already in place, as well as anything else that has anything to do with network access/management... IE will not get to the internet..any site, not even my router's http config error message, no 404, no "page cannot be displayed", just sits on a white page with a blank address bar...and the title is the home page, i can ping inside and outside my home network, no problems, fast pings, all less than 150, most under 100...firefox can also get to internet, it's how i'm posting this.. i've cycled my modem, reset my router, checked my firewall, run as may wizards as would apply (the internet setup wizard with IE6, and the network setup wiz), checked, double checked, triple checked, and quadruple checked my network settings...nothing...even rebooted a few times to be sure...a full system scan with pc-cillin internet suite 2005 (updated today) came up empty, so no infection... i'm using xp sp2 with all latest hotfixes, with a d-link network card is as follows, verbatim from device manager... "3Com EtherLink 10/100 PCI For Complete PC Management NIC (3C905C-TX)"....the card has more advanced settings in there than i care to list..suffice it to say that they are the defaults with only one change, the speed is 100mb full duplex...switching to anything else doesnt work, i already tried that...the nic is using the same driver as i've always used, as are the rest of my system components... it makes no sense to me why this is happening, and M$ has nothing of use in their knowledge base, as usual... it wouldnt be so bad, but i really dont care for ff...or any alternative browser...IE does what i need... any ideas? Title Edited - Please follow new posting rules from now on. --Zxian
NFM's Windows XP / 2003 x64 Post-SP1 Update Pack
joll69 replied to nfm's topic in Windows XP 64 Bit Edition
looks like i'm about to make the upgrade to 64-bit as well! i got ~75kB/s upload here on my web server, and would be happy to provide an additional mirror for the packs! i'll maybe even mirror Ryan's 32-bit packs as well, just for old time's sake.. keep up the good work, everyone! -
ok...this may seem sooo newb to anyone reading this, but is it even possible to integrate/slipstream ie6, and wmp 9 or 10 (if 10 is even supported in 2k.. last i checked, it wasnt..) into the 2k pro installation...without using runonceEx or svcpack.inf.. what would be the best method, if not a direct integration? please tell me if i'm just p***ing in the wind here... edit: and now that i think of it, what about directx 8 or 9?
yeah, mine is set to that directory.....
ah, so it seems i AM a moron after all...thanx
sry for all my endless posts, but i found this in the registry and was wondering what it means, if anything... [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager] "EnableMCA"=dword:00000001 "EnableMCE"=dword:00000000 maybe i'm just a moron, but could mce mean the media center program? i found this in my registry in XP Pro SP2.......anyone got any insite? this is just a matter of curiosity, not an actual problem...
thanx for all the replies, and to answer those who posted, 1) zone alarm pro has a feature that blocks banner/skyscraper ads, but that tends to block legit images as well, that's why i use the hosts's very specific, you see .....2)i'd rather avoid the fox if feels too much like netscape to me, for which i never was fond....3)thanx for those registry strings, but i checked my settings, and mine match the defaults exactly! i don't understand why it's not seeing the hosts for future replies, i'd really appreciate it if a mod could move this topic to the nlite section..pretty please?! .......
hello everyone, for some time, i have used a self-modified hosts file to block ads (not all, but many) from showing in IE6...this has worked remarkably well for quite some time (a couple months at least), but i was forced to reinstall xp the other day (cuz i screwed up the sys AGAIN) ...and used nlite (as i have before) to make the xp disc....since reinstalling, i restored my old hosts file, set the read only attribute, and then locked it (a zone alarm option), no ads are blocked by it...i think i may have set an option too many in my's a copy and paste of the Last Session.ini recorded.... [Main] Env = 1.0 beta 6 - 1.1.4322.2032.Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600.0 Target = Windows XP Professional Sp2 - build 2180 - English (United States) [Tasks] Remove Components Unattended Setup Integrate Hotfixes Patches Tweaks [Components] ;# Applications # Accessibility Options Briefcase ClipBook Viewer Defragmenter Internet Games NT Backup Pinball Wordpad ;# Drivers # Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Cameras and Camcorders Display Adapters Display Adapters (old) Ethernet (LAN) IBM Thinkpad InfraRed ISDN MultiFunctional Scanners SCSI/RAID Sony Jog Dial Sound Controllers Tape drives Toshiba DVD decoder card Wireless Ethernet (WLAN) ;# Hardware Support # ATM Support Battery Brother Devices Multi-port serial adapters Multi-Processor Support PCMCIA ;# Multimedia # Images and Backgrounds Luna Theme Media Center Mouse Cursors Movie Maker Music Samples Tablet PC ;# Network # Client for Netware Networks Communication tools Internet Connection Wizard MSN Explorer Netmeeting Network Monitor Driver and Tools Synchronization Manager Web Folders Windows Messenger ;# Operating System Options # Administrator VB scripts Color Schemes Desktop Cleanup Wizard File and Settings Wizard Framework Out of Box Experience (OOBE) Search Assistant Service Pack Messages Tour Zip Folders ;# Services # Indexing Service ;# Directories # SUPPORT VALUEADD ;# Compatibility # Compat01 Compat02 Compat04 Compat08 Compat10 [KeepFiles] msconfig.exe [RemoveFiles] blastcln.exe clock.avi [Options] AdminName = "root" AdminNChange ProfilesDir = "%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings" TargetPath = "WINDOWS" SrvpEnabled ;#ISO maker# isovol = WinLite isoatt = -allow-multidot -relaxed-filenames -allow-leading-dots -N -l -d -D -joliet-long -duplicates-once -no-emul-boot -b boot.bin -hide boot.bin -hide boot.catalog [Patches] DoTcpip TcpIp = 100 DoUsbPoll UsbPoll = 500 DoUxTheme DoSFC [services] Alerter,4 ALG,3 AppMgmt,3 Browser,2 CryptSvc,2 DcomLaunch,2 DHCP,2 TrkWks,2 DNSCACHE,2 ERSvc,3 EventLog,2 HTTP,3 HTTPFilter,3 HidServ,4 IpInIp,3 IpNat,3 IpFilterDriver,3 PolicyAgent,2 Ip6Fw,3 NwlnkFlt,3 NwlnkFwd,3 Messenger,4 NDProxy,3 NetLogon,3 Netman,3 NetDDE,4 NetDDEdsdm,4 NLA,3 xmlprov,3 NtLmSsp,3 SysmonLog,3 PlugPlay,2 ProtectedStorage,2 RasAuto,3 RasMan,3 RpcLocator,3 RemoteRegistry,4 RemoteAccess,4 seclogon,2 SamSs,2 LanmanServer,2 SCardSvr,3 Srv,3 SENS,4 LMHosts,2 TapiSrv,3 Themes,2 UPS,3 VSS,3 AudioSrv,2 SharedAccess,3 Wmi,3 W32Time,2 LanmanWorkstation,2 [Tweaks] ;# Boot & Shutdown # Auto-End Tasks Auto-Kill Hung Apps Auto-Kill Hung Services Disable saving Last Good state at boot Disabled ;# Explorer # Add CMD SHELL:> to all Drives and Folders Advanced Search: preconfigure options Disable Beep on errors Disable Prefix: Shortcut to Remove Send To on context menu Show all files and folders Show extensions of known file-types Show Statusbar in all windows Use small icons in Explorer bar ;# File Open/Save Dialog # Disable File MRU-List ;# Internet Explorer # Disable Market Place bookmark Disable Media Player 6.4 created bookmarks Disable Outlook Express link creation Disable Password-Caching Preset Homepage to Set Internet Explorer to accept 10 connects a time ;# My Computer # Add Device Manager to Context Menu Add Services to Context Menu Add Software to Context Menu ;# Network # Disable administrative shares Disable automatic search for network folders and printers Disable DCOM protocol bindings Disable DNS failure cache Disable extra SMB notify-change traffic Disable LAN-Manager from caching passwords Disable LM HOSTS lookup Disable Microsoft-DS (close port 445 TCP/UDP) Disable restoring mapped network drives on logon Disable Simple File Sharing Hide PC in Workgroups/Domains Remove remote-computer NameSpace ;# Privacy # Clear most recently opened documents list on logoff Disable and Remove Documents List from Start Menu Disable Error Reporting Disable Last accessed Timestamp on files Disable Logging & Reboot on System Failure Remove Alexa Spyware ;# Security # Disable DCOM Disable Windows Script Host (WSH) Re-Enable user:pass URLs Unhide Administrator account ;# Speed # Classic Control Panel Disable Optimize harddisk when idle Disable paging of kernel and core-os Disable Tracking of Broken Shortcut Links Disable Warn on low disk space Speed-up Access to AVI Media Files ;# Start Menu # Disable Highlight newly installed programs Disable popup on first boot Do not use Personalized Menus Expand Connect To Expand My Computer Expand Network Connections Reduce popup delay Remove Search the Internet from Search Remove Set Program Access and Defaults Remove Windows Catalog from Start Menu Use small icons in Start Panel ;# Taskbar # Disable Language-Bar ;# Visual Effects # Disable: Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing Disable: Show translucent selection rectangle Disable: Show windows contents while dragging Disable: Slide taskbar buttons Disable: Smooth edges of screen fonts Disable: Transitions and Shadows Disable: Use a background image for each folder type Disable: Use common tasks in folders Disable: Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop ;# Windows Media Player # Accept Privacy Statement Disable auto-add music to library Disable automatic codec download Disable license backup prompt Disable MRU Disable scripting commands Disable starting with Media Guide Disable WMP auto-update No visualization Optimize fullscreen mode behaviour Zoom video to windowsize [unattended] UnattendMode = FullUnattended ComputerType = Automatic ProgFilesPath = "C:\Program Files" HibernationNo AutoLogonYes MaximumDataStorePercentOfDisk = 1 DefaultThemesOff IISInstall = 2 [Drivers] [Hotfixes] E:\CustomXP\files\ E:\CustomXP\files\ ..........everything else works like a charm, but this one thing is maddening! can anyone see what i did wrong? or how to get the system to see and use the hosts file? i apologize if this is posted in the wrong section...
ok, that's good to know...but is that all that using the new files does? i dont suppose there are any other benefits?....i ask cuz as much as i know, there's alot more i dont....
not sure where to post this, but here is probly the most relevant.... i've seen a few board members, as well as other ppl online who use the win server 2k3 version of NTLDR and NTDETECT.COM on an XP install...everything works just fine, but no one seems to know if there's any benefit...the file sizes of the two files between the XPSP2 version and Win2k3Enterprise are small, but there is a slight difference...does anyone know if there is a benefit, and what the difference(s) between the xp version and 2k3 versions are? hope that all makes SOME sense....