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Everything posted by Denney

  1. @moo: Works fine if I remove WMP9 with SP1 though.
  2. All the software I've developed in C# work fine except my Competition Bowling Stats program... Seems to be some network problem. Can't quite find a way to fix it yet.
  3. LOL... I didn't think it looked right... I should learn to look more carefully and not just click any old download link. Thankyou for putting me back in my place people.
  4. @Sanjay: Could you put these things together next time rather than make half a dozen posts.
  5. Please use code blocks next time and make sure you post in the right forum ("Application Switches").
  6. I don't know if anyone will use this but I decided to integrate the Adaptec ASPI v4.71.2 drivers into my Windows XP installation. This will allow you to run programs like VCDEasy, DDump and other CD related programs that require an ASPI layer to be installed. Follow these steps to integrate ASPI into your installation: 1. Add the following to the end of DOSNET.INF: [Files] d1,winaspi.dll d1,wowpost.exe d1,wnaspi32.dll d1,aspi32.sys 2. Add the following to the end of TXTSETUP.SIF: [SourceDisksFiles] winaspi.dll = 1,,,,,,,5,0,0 wowpost.exe = 1,,,,,,,5,0,0 wnaspi32.dll = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0 aspi32.sys = 1,,,,,,,4,0,0 3. Add the following to the end of HIVESYS.INF: [AddReg] HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ASPI32,ErrorControl,0x00010001,0x00000001 HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ASPI32,Start,0x00010001,0x00000001 HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ASPI32,Type,0x00010001,0x00000001 HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ASPI32\Parameters,ExcludeMiniPorts,0x00000000,"" 4. Download the attached ASPI.ZIP file and extract it to your I386 directory. Done. ASPI.zip
  7. Because I don't want to install all the extra stuff. I just want the Java core and 1mb on my CD is a lot better than 15mb.
  8. I rename it so I can place an updated version onto another CD and have it copy over the top of the one on the original CD during setup.
  9. Here's one for ya's... I'm trying to install Sun's Java. I call the setup program with the following command: JAVA.EXE /L1033 /s /v "/qb IEXPLORER=1 INSTALLDIR=%systemroot%\java REBOOT=Suppress JAVAUPDATE=0 WEBSTARTICON=0" When it installs from RunOnceEx, I get the following error box message: Java Installer Connection Error The installer cannot proceed with the current Internet Connection proxy settings. Please check the Installation Notes for more information. I'm installing this in VMWare and it doesn't have an internet connection so I don't quite understand why I'm getting this error. Any ideas anyone?
  10. Quote from Patchou on the Messenger Plus! forums: Edit: Patchou also stated that the installer won't work if you name the exe the following (anything else should work): msgplus.exe msgplus1.exe msgplus2.exe
  11. @evilvoice: Can you remember which mirror you downloaded from? I've tried 4 now and all of them have the same problem.
  12. Use the "Custom Installation Wizard" in the Office 2003 Resource Kit and then search the forums for "Office Shrink". That will enable you to install just what you want and then remove the extra stuff. Got my Office directory down from ~600MB to ~150MB. So yeah, follow the office instructions at http://unattended.msfn.org and then search for Office Shrink.
  13. Thanks people. I think I'll go with sleepmojo's one. Seems like a nice util. Thanks again.
  14. It IS in there... When you get to step 17 of 24, click on "Modify Profile" then click next...
  15. Does anyone know if it's possible to rename a computer via the command line or registry file? I want to rename the computers I install onto at the "cmdlines" section of Windows Setup. At the moment, I have 4 registry keys: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ActiveComputerName] "ComputerName"="??" [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName] "ComputerName"="??" [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters] "Hostname"="??" "NV Hostname"="??" I would prefer to be able to change the computer name at the command prompt though as doing it via the registry seems a little dirty to me.
  16. I've made bitmaps 100, 101 and 102, 1x1 pixel images and they work fine. Changing them to the transparent purple color makes them come up purple and removing them causes setup to default to the classic Windows 2000 mode.
  17. Everything you asked can be done by using the Custom Installation Wizard contained in the Office 2003 Resource Kit.
  18. *bump* ... Maybe someone could fix the first post so we can have images again rather than the "angelfire" images.
  19. Yeah. That's what I get but I can install it fine if I leave the filename. If I rename it to anything else, I get the I/O Error.
  20. Heya guys. I'm having some problems installing Messenger Plus! v3.01.94 silently. The original filename is "MsgPlus-301.exe" and when running the command: MsgPlus-301.exe /silentinstallnosponsorit runs fine BUT if I rename the file to "MSGPLUS.EXE" (or anything else for that matter) and run the command: MSGPLUS.EXE /silentinstallnosponsorI get an "access denied" error. Is anyone else having this problem?
  21. Yeah. I just found it unusual that Microsoft didn't put the required lines in the default file.
  22. I don't have an answer to your question but it might help to post in the correct forum next time... The one for "Application Switches".
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