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About cheezus420

  • Birthday 12/02/1982

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  1. I am going to look into psexec as well... Thanks N1k!!!
  2. I ended up using Microsofts Robocopy, a utility that comes with Server 2003 Resource Kits Tools. This utility does exactly what I have listed above, and then some, and has an optional GUI .
  3. Hello All!!! I am looking for a file sync program (similar to Microsoft SyncToy). The problem that I have is with permissions. The directories that I need to sync are all on my companies domain, and all have specific permissions set to allow/deny access. I have tried a few sync solutions (Rsync, SyncToy, etc.), which work great, but none of them copy the permissions over . Instead, they simply pass on whatever permissions the root folder has on to the newly copied folders, which basically opens the limited access folders up to the public. For instance, XCopy with the /O switch will "copy file ownership and ACL information". This has worked fine in the past, but I am looking for something with a GUI, or something automated such as SyncToy. Does anyone have any suggestions of a software solution (doesn't have to be freeware) that can help me?!?! Thanks in advance!!! Cheezus420
  4. dirty ... but funny
  5. Welcome Scopeit. I must say, I recently visited Sydney for my spring break, and WOW, what a cool place. I am jealous!!! Welcome and enjoy Cheers
  6. Just to p*** people off too
  7. What up smithrz. What exactly is it that is happening with your video I mean, Im on the fritz all the time, but I still work just fine Just post some of the problems, or what it is exactly that is fritzy about it... P.S. You need to get yourself an avatar!!!
  8. Check it out
  9. This guide kicks a** If this doesnt get it working for you, let me know Click Here B) EDIT: I used method 2, worked just fine!!!
  10. Dane cook and pablo fransisco are comedic gods... It is too bad that Will Ferrel doesnt do stand up, Im pretty sure he is the funniest man on the face of the planet. Props to Richard Preyer also
  11. Hmmmm... Where did you place your start.cmd file??? [GuiRunOnce] %systemdrive%\install\start.cmd This looks right, so long as your start.cmd file is located in $OEM$\$1\Install folder Could you post your start.cmd file??? Just a suggestion, but RunOnceEx seems like a much better way to go about installing apps. It is much more clean and professional looking. Check it out!!! It may seem a bit more complicated to set up, but it really isnt.
  12. Yeah, that guide is the bomb, as is this forum Welcome, and enjoy!!!
  13. YO!!!
  14. Actually, I have that same problem getting rid of the link for outlook express and Internet explorer in the "all programs" menu. I just assumed that windows re-added them @ bootup, kinda like the "Startup" folder in "all programs". Hopefully someone can help us!!!
  15. I am 40% addicted to Porn. What about you? I thought I loved porn more than that
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