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Everything posted by Nakatomi2010
Alright, so I'm working on this disc, it incorporates 4 tools, and I'm using .WBT files to contain the images of two of the discs, one of the issues I'm having though is that one of the .WBT files is about 3.5mb in size, memdisk wont start it properly, and it's too big for DiskEMU... Using Bscript... Using BCDW though it'll load them properly, only problem though is that BCDW is not as compatible accross as many computers as BScript is, for example, BCDW pretty much doesn't work on Dell computers... Now, from what I can tell CD Shell is basically the same as BScript, only slightly different, and while it was what I used to learn how to do multi-booting I found that it was not as compatible with computers as BScript.... So, I need a boot loader that'll work with .WBT files no problem, (Created by WinISO), and will work accross all computers, espcially Dell computers... I know there's BScript, CD Shell, BCDW, I think GRUB, but I'd need some literature or something so I can re-learn some of these odds n' ends... Thoughts?
Alright, so I'm creating a kind of Ultimate AIO-DVD in that it contains some fice WinPEs, one VistaPE, nine copies of XP (With three boot options each so a total of 27 XP install options), all copies of Vista (32 and 64 bit) and around 20 bootable floppies... Needless to say the disc is indeed an Ultimate AIO-DVD.... However, the dilema is a bit odd.... And I don't know what to blame... Obviously a DVD of this magnitude enters into the dual layer disc rage, it is indeed a 7.5GB DVD image, and the problem I'm have is, I believe, related to the size.... The boot loaders don't work..... It's like once I make this huge image the boot loaders stopped working properly, I've tried using BCDW and bscript, and both of the fail... bscript just out right fials to load, while BCDW loads and is useable, but nothing is readable on the screen... Just gibberish, but you can "use" in that all the options work.... Hell, it even let me load the Vista installer..... I'm using the CDImage Gui Beta 3 to conduct the shrinking... Is there an issue with using CDImage on something this large, or are the boot loaders just not coping?
So, I'm asking it here because the boot loader is most like Windows Vista... I've got a couple of different options for making reinstallations more streamlined in the future... Option A: remake the disc, which I would have to research. Option B: Use the included System Builder disc and create a network share on my HTPC which would host the image and allow me to just perform the home server installation over the network.... Which option would be more preferred, and is there anywhere else which might have additional information on performing unattended installations for Home Server as it is a bit of a pain to go through some of the effort I have to go through right now to reinstall... Granted I should never have to reinstall ever again, but you know... Would be ncie to have....
I've got a customer here at work that needs their external IP address from home e-mailed to them whenever the address changes... So that they can log in remotely...
Dangit.... I've got the volume formatted as a 307GB NTFS partition, but the Vista setup refuses to see it.... Anyone know why?
I've got two 80GB drive and a 160GB drive... I've combined the two 80s into a single 160GB drive, so as far as the setup is concerned I have two 160GB drives... What I want to do now is combine these two 160s into a single 320GB drive.... Though I don't see the option to create a dynamic disk during the setup process... I know I can't combine all three drives in an array at the hardware level, but I'd like to combine them at the software level.... Any thoguhts on how to accomplish this? Alright, well after selecting "Repair this computer" I was able to use the text version of DISKPART to create the stripped volume.... So I now have a 306GB stripped volume... Problem now though is that the actual setup process is not detecting the volume at all.... Its acting like the drivers are missing, though I know they're not...
I've got a little program from work I'm tweaking a bit to be a little more useful for me... I'm trying to add a whole bunch Vista updates, the problem is that every time a new update is up to launch it asks whether or not to be allowed or denied... Is there a way to add a switch or something to an executable to automatically launch something as an administrator? without turning off UAC... I understand such a switch is to avoid scenarios of unauthorized installs, the question needs to be asked... Even if starting a program using a .vbs script in administrative mode would work for me... Some sort of command line that'll do it by double clicking a single file...
The box says its for a 7200.9, but inside the box they're 7200.10s....
Those are actually mistagged online, if you go instaore they re 99.99 with a 40 mailin rebate taking it to 60...
The drives were 99.99 a pop with a $40 mail in rebate, and I used a $40 off $199 coupon, in theory I stand to get $120 back and get three 500GB drive for a total of $140.... Little cheaper than Newegg.... Anyways... So there's no way to create a RAID 0 array in a RAID 0 array? I'm not doing it for speed, I'm just doing it for the sake of doing it using the drive...
So, with Circuit City's sale on 500GB HDDs i'm now the proud owner of 2 computers with over one TB of data each... My gaming rig has two 80GB drives in a stripped raid array... During the upgrade I relieved a 250GB drive... I contemplated putting it into the gaming rig, but that would make me have 2 extra 80GB drives.. Now, I DO have a 160GB drive I could swap out with the 250GB, but I was wondering if I could create an array within an array... The two 80GB drives make a 160GB drive, so in theory I could combine it to the other 160GB drive, giving me a 320GB drive... Possible? Taking into account I'm running Vista x64 Edition...
Can't find previous version of Windows.....
Nakatomi2010 replied to Nakatomi2010's topic in Multi-Boot CD/DVDs
Nevermind, found an MS KB article that said this kind of issue relates to the SetupSourcePath being different than it should be, and it was right... **** Microsoft and their knowledge about their own software.... -
Its been about 7 months since I tooled around with my AIO-DVD, and I decided to update it this month and I'm getting an error message during the txtsetup phase that complains about not being able to find a previous version of Windows on the machine when using the automated setup, the other option I use, semi-unattended, compains about the EULA not being there, despite it being on the disc already in the directory it needs to be in... Unfortunatly its been so long I do not remember how to resolve these issues... Thoughts anyone?
So you're aware, in case you were curious... I bought the WRT350N and the WMP300N, combined they operated at around 162mbps, while my other G devices all connect at 54mbps, so all in all, G does not slow down the network speeds.... better than when G started out
I'm running Windows Home Server on my server and was thinking about upgrading its storage from 160GB to 800GB to act as a reasonable backup of my media center PC which I've currently got 1TB of storage on it and am constantly thinking about backups, especially knowing that hardware just fails... My biggest issue is that the machine IS wireless, on Wireless G, with an average transfer rate of 24mbps... I'm looking to boost the speed up and was contemplating going to Wireless N... My biggest concern is backwards compatibility, my wife's laptop uses wireless G... I know that wireless G is backwards compatible by bumping the entire network to B speeds if a B device conncets, but I don't want my N network to bump down to G if my wifes laptop connects, which it's always connected wirelessly.... Does Wireless N operate the same way? If a G, or B (My PDA is B) device connects, does the entire thing bump down to the fastest speed of the slowest device?
You can use Orca to edit the .msi file and let it install on any OS.... Someone got it to install on VistaX64, but it wont let them log in... Probably because x64 talks differently...
This OS is more designed for someone like me... I've been trying to figure out the best backup solution for my stuff, and this is it... Leave the computer on all day and let it backup at night, or perform manual backups... I'm also seriously considering moving my entire Media Storage location to the server, though I'll have to be careful since it formats the drives .... The idea of being able to just stream media from a central location is great, but they need to improve their media component more for me to use it like that.... Right now its just an expensive backup solution.... Biggest gripe? Doesn't backup x64 based OSes...
I'm trying to write a simple .cmd file to copy files files to locations on computers at work. These files are used to act as a screen saver on units which we have on display, one gets put in the root of the C: drive and the other goes into the Startup directory in the start menu.... Every time the script runs though it says access denied... I know this is caused by UAC, but I also don't want to have to turn off UAC then turn it on again (Unless I can script this too) just to copy the files... Any ideas how I can get these two files copied? automatically?
Nero's Burning rights in Windows Vista
Nakatomi2010 replied to Nakatomi2010's topic in Windows Vista
And the solution is.... Open the group policy editor, go to Computer Configuration>Administrative Templates>System>Removable Storage Access Right click "All Removable Storage: Allow direct access in remote sessions" and select Properties, then select enable... Tada.... All it takes is some teadious digging... -
In Vista the burning rights are controlled by Vista's Group Policies... Problem is I can't find exactly which group policy allows the remote user to burn... Also, do I have to reboot the computer to have these changes take effect? Can a remote user logged in with administrative rights make those changes?
In case anyone was wondering the answer to this, currently, is no.....
I have it working fine with Windows XP once you use the tweak online.... I don't want something like VNC because it uses an existing user account and if the user is logged in then it takes control... My Media Center PC has 2 user accounts, the primary one for watching videos and such, the second one to do downloads, installs, etc, etc, this way it never interferes with my watching videos, I just log in remotely into the background account on my HTPC while watching movies/TV shows, etc etc...
I haven't tried it yet, primarily because I don't have a bunch of money, but is it possible for two user accounts to be logged in remotely via remote desktop connections... Similar to the tweak we use for windows XP.... It's the key to my Media Center PC.....
Rolling green and purple bar on TV...
Nakatomi2010 replied to Nakatomi2010's topic in Hardware Hangout
Turns out it wasn't the DVR box, after having bright house replace the unit the issue continued.... I can unplug power to the DVR box and still get the issue... I bought a set of Monster stereo audio cables (I work for Circuit City, so Staff basically get half off), and it actually looks like it made the problem worse (the bars are more vibrant now) so, yeah... I have no clue what the issue is again....