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Everything posted by Achdine

  1. 1. You didn't post your error (I guess you don't believe "no error is a good error") 2. You have a swear word in the topic title. 3. This should probably be in the Drivers forum. Also, instead of editing all your posts it's easier to use the "Preview" button.
  2. The package apparently contained a serial key. I'm not sure if there is some sublety in the definitions of "cracked" vs. "warez," but in either case posting such a package on the boards is illegal. He may end up posting a new one; IIRC the only thing the serial enables is "faster burning and ripping," for which you can easily find another program. Even if he does end up posting a new one, I still recommend Alanoll's version; I don't trust that guy fiddling with my software. If the size is really a factor for you, download the cabbed version of Alanoll's, figure out which parts you're installing, then make a SFX with only the .cab files you need. And Muiz...the board Admins can do whatever they want; don't try to insult them for their decisions.
  3. You can use the "#NoTrayIcon" command to remove the icon. It will still flash up for about 750 milliseconds (it's like a CMDOW for the tray icon ). "Opt("TrayIconHide", 0)" will bring it back.
  4. Jason, you have a \ after most of the folders in your batch file (example) MOVE "%AUStart%\Inkscape\" "%AUStart%\Art Software\Inkscape\" Those final backslashes after Inkscape tell it to look inside the folder instead of at the folder. If you remove them then it will move the Inkscape folder. Also, you only need to include the foldername a second time if you are renaming it. This example should be written MOVE "%AUStart%\Inkscape" "%AUStart%\Art Software\" Just change all the instances of this and make sure that you're moving it from the right folder (%AUStart% or %UserStart%). On a side-note, I keep meaning to try Inkscape. Has it worked well for you?
  5. Don't register the .dll. Just copy the files to "%ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Firefox\plugins\" if you use Firefox, or the similar path if you use SeaMonkey (formerly the Mozilla Suite). The browser will automatically recognize it.
  6. @Kaje_ovo...I think you may not have read his entire post. If it works on other test computers, it is very unlikely the problem is with calling the .cmd file. @Burke Since this configuration works on other computers, it is most likely a hardware problem and on the wrong board. But since it is here, I'll ask you this: do other floppies work on your computer? Are you able to boot from them and read from them? It sounds suspiciously like a BIOS setting that you've just overlooked.
  7. The icons that exist in the Start Menu and on the Desktop are not controlled at all by the theme file. To add shortcuts you can use shortcut.exe or (my favorite) NirCMDc.exe. Google for NirCMD and look at the help file, you can figure it out pretty easily. Placement of shortcuts: "%UserProfile%\Start Menu\" - exists only in the start menu of logged-on user. "%AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu\" - exists in the start menu of all accounts on the computer. "%UserProfile%\Desktop\" - exists only on the desktop of the logged-on user. "%AllUsersProfile%\Desktop\" - exists on the desktop of all accounts. To save the positions of icons on the desktop, configure them the way you want on a test computer, then REBOOT and export "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\1\Desktop"
  8. Firstly, please edit out your Nero serial number from your first post. As was mentioned, the theme has to be a .theme file. More info about creating that .theme file is in the Guide. Also, I noticed you have this line in your batch file: copy %systemdrive%\Extras\System\*.* %systemdrive%\windows\system32\*.* /Y You can achieve the same end by placing those files in $OEM$\$$\System32\ on your CD, and that way you don't have to copy twice and then delete. Also, the %SystemDrive%\Windows part is better written as just %WinDir%. You can see the other variables by typing "Set" at the command prompt. Finally, about the registry files. Firstly, I would not run them from CmdLines.txt as Godfatha suggests, because the programs haven't been installed yet. Depending on the data in the registry files, it may get overwritten when the program installs. What I would do is make sure that they are valid registry files (can you merge them by double-clicking? Remember they need the "Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00" or "RegEdit4" as the first line). You could also consider adding the lines from the batch file itself, instead of calling external files. Read the "Reg /?" and "Reg Add /?" helpfiles to figure out how to do this. Beyond that, I'm not sure what to tell you. We may need to see the contents of the registry files if you can't get them working (remember to use CODE tags this time, please).
  9. Why do you need the TV to be the primary? If you made the monitor primary everything would open in it; that's basically the point of having a primary and secondary. I'm sure it would be easier to get Meedio to run on the secondary then to get every one of your other programs to do so.
  10. http://unattended.msfn.org/advanced/cosmetics/bootscreen.htm http://unattended.msfn.org/advanced/cosmetics/logon.htm Your link is a generic how-to for replacing files on the CD. I recommend reading the guide or searching the boards instead of asking silly questions.
  11. Snakefoot's is pretty good, http://snakefoot.fateback.com/tweak/winnt/services.html. Always keep in mind that what any site recommends may not be the best for you; go with your own judgement.
  12. Multiboot a Bart/Win PE with your Windows install. Boot to the PE, prompt for the data, write it to a WinNT.sif file in the ramdisk, then call Win32.exe /unattend:<path to WinNT.sif> /s:<path to I386 dir> There are several projects here at MSFN that can help you with this, check out this post in the PE forum specifically. Search may bring up some more, similar topics. If that sounds like a lot of work to you, you can just run a program after the install to change dummy settings in your WinNT.sif. You can add users, set passwords, change the owner/organization/computer name/workgroup/serial number, all after the install. This is how I do it; I've written a script that prompts the user to enter the data so they don't have to enter info at various odd times during the install. The computer name is in the registry in these two places (although I'm not entirely sure you need to change the second...?) HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName\ComputerName HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\NV Hostname If you want to do this step entirely unattended, look at compname.exe to generate a computer name based on serial numbers, UUIDs, IPs, hostnames, dates, or random characters. For changing the product key, look at this MS support article. Although it says the method is for SP1 it should still work for SP2. Hope this helps.
  13. Remove the ones you don't like from your install CD, then you won't need to worry about it at all.
  14. For copying files, I doubt you want to do it every log in. Just have the last line of the script delete itself.Also, there is a shared Application Data folder in the All Users profile, which might be easier than coping files to individual users App Data.
  15. You want this product? From what I just read on Google (I hadn't heard of it before), it sounds like it will be just more bloat to remove. Besides, both of you should be fully capable of making an AV/Firewall program install with Windows
  16. Pfft, you can always search, it just takes a bit more effort. Just search for the end instead of the means, and there has been enough discussion about this topic that there's no excuse for not finding it yourself.The basic alternatives you can find with the search are: NirCMD, any of the plethora of batch file compilers, AutoIt (you can use it just to send the switches, not press the buttons), or you can try to find the little .exe someone on the boards created specifically for this purpose.
  17. If the first thing after "Start /Wait" is quoted, it uses it as the title for the cmd window. Just change the command to Start /Wait "" "%ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Firefox\Firefox.exe" -install-global-extension "%ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Firefox\adblock.xpi" Note the empty quotes following the "/Wait" switch.
  18. @AzBill5, that's what he has already tried. Also, telling him to run "O&O.reg" without giving him the contents isn't helpful. I assume you're referring to the User, Company, and SerialNo keys in "HKLM\Software\O&O\O&O Defrag\8.0\Pro\licenses", which have nothing to do with rebooting and don't pertain to his question. @Huihot, I use O&O Defrag Professional 8.0.1398 with just the /qb switch and it works fine. No reboot. Are you sure the problem isn't elsewhere?
  19. There are many ways to get the pause you want. First try starting the Firefox installer with "Start /Wait", which will prevent the next command in the batch file from being run until the program completes. This is by far the best solution, but will not generally work if the installer has a wrapper. You can also use a seperate .exe file to cause a delay. Search the boards for sleep.exe or wait.exe, for example. My favorite is NirCMD because it does so many other handy batch tricks as well (such as running the file completely silently, changing the volume, hiding windows, killing processes, or changing the resolution). Definitely worth integrating into your project. To create a 30 second pause with NirCMD use NirCMDc.exe Wait 30000 Lastly you could use an internal Windows function that takes some time to complete, such as ping. Use this as a last resort.
  20. Someone hasn't been reading Slashdot! Yahoo is buying the program and making it free. Full article here. I'm guessing this is what prompted the original post?
  21. First thing's first... You can use %AppData% instead of "%UserProfile%\Application Data".Secondly, I don't really see why you need to know the directory name. You can CD to it using CD "%AppData%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\*.default", and once this is your working directory you can copy stuff in like normal, and you can use partial paths for subdirs. Copy "%CDROM%\Firefox\userContent.css" "chrome\" Copy "%CDROM%\Firefox\prefs.js" "%CD%" If for some reason you really needed to remain in the original directory, or have some other reason for needing to know the folder name, try this @Echo Off Set ScriptDir=%CD% CD "%AppData%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\*.default" Set FFProfile=%CD% Set FFProfileFolder=%CD:~-16% Set FFProfileName=%CD:~-16,-8% CD %ScriptDir% ECHO Found Firefox profile directory as %FFProfile% ECHO Found Firefox profile folder as %FFProfileFolder% ECHO Found Firefox profile name as %FFProfileName% PauseDoubtlessly there is a more elegant way to do this, but it works nonetheless (unless I typoed ). I just use "Silence of the Foxes" to make my installer.
  22. You missed my first post; I assume we were typing at the same time. But to answer your second question, yes, there is a rename command. The easiest way to find out if a command exists is to type "<commandname> /?" at the command line, instead of posting a topic about it.
  23. This is probably a bit simpler MOVE /Y "%AUStart%\Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal\Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal.lnk" "%AUStart%\Kaspersky.lnk"
  24. You won't be able to test this in VMWare, because what you're really testing is whether the read speed of the optical disk drive is fast enough to make up for time lost by the CPU expanding the files. Whether or not you get a speed gain will depend on your hard disk, optical disk drive, CPU, and the written media you burned. This is basically what Marek said, but no one seems to have paid attention. Also, You aren't just expanding the files, you are also writing (and reading) those files to the disk, which is a slow process for such a large write. The writing process needs to be done no matter what method you use (obviously), so this is irrelevant to the testing.If you really wanted to see if this would be faster, you would need to monitor the time for completion of the copy from removable media to the hard disk versus the expansion of the same files to the hard disk. Do this over a wide range of hardware to find an approximate coincidence, then use this point as the critical point to determine which type of Windows install to use. If the critical point is on older/slower hardware then that of the average user of your disk, then it may be worth expanding the files. Sorry for the somewhat incoherent post, but hopefully I got across some of my concerns. I will be interested to see what the forum decides on this method.
  25. As Marek says, a multiboot CD is probably the best solution. With the "optimization" ability (write multiple files only once on the CD and point to that file multiple times) available in most iso creators a dual-boot CD like this will be almost the same size as a regular CD. Check out the "Multi-Boot CD/DVDs" forum and Flyakite's guide if you need more info.
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