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Everything posted by muiz

  1. Works fine for me , thx shark !
  2. Why dont you slipstream it?
  3. No need for this mess. It should work the way I mentioned. Its no mess it works fine, and thats what i need things that work. I use winrar for almost everything i install, and it all installs fine. And i use this for media player 11(dont know about 10) Setup=setup_wm.exe /Q /DisallowSystemRestore TempMode Silent=1 Overwrite=1
  4. Why opened another topic about the same? http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=81683 And no offence , but dont you think you need a bigger harddrive?
  5. That was not my question.
  6. More discussions about this on the board , but none with answer. Im looking for this for a long time.
  7. Put it in the same folfder as where your setup files are in. Example : Or like shark007 does : ;The comment below contains SFX script commands path=%programfiles% Setup=regedit /s "%programfiles%\Windows Live Safety Center\wlss.reg" Silent=1 Overwrite=1
  8. How do you install things from svcpack and what
  9. Setup=quicktimealt168.exe /VERYSILENT /SP- Presetup=REGEDIT /S MyReg.reg TempMode Silent=1 Overwrite=1
  10. I thought you told us not to use it?
  11. already told him that http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=69886&st=285
  12. I never said anything about trial versions or activators.
  13. I also tried this many times , aslo with the newer versions. But always thought it worked. Till i installed 3dmark 06 , it says that i needed direct x. So at that point i knew it never worked. Now i install it from RunOnce , and now its fine.
  14. Like i said , already discussed http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...l=msn+messenger
  15. There are already a few topics about this , why starting a new one?
  16. I sure as hell know how to read, but you on the other hand, you might be in the need for a lesson in manners. Actually, you might want to consider a lessson in reading yourself, considering that you either can't read or comprehend where i said in my post "In case I am wrong about all this, then please excuse me. But I have tried this every which way with the same results." As for those registry entries being from version 6, maybe they are not. But they are also not from version v7.0.1815 To confirm this, all one has to do is start with a clean registry, install v7.0.1815 and then enter the serial numbers for deluxe, advance audio pack & interactual pack. Then export the entries from the registry and one will find that the entries that you have posted are quite different. THe entries I posted were the ones that I got from exporting the registry after following the preceding said procedure of installing PowerDVD. I don't mind someone telling me that I am wrong, but for them to be rude is something I feel is inexcusable. From your screenshot it looks like you are not even using build 7.0.1815. What you seem to have is an older build. Can you confirm what build you are using? The fact is, that what used to work with older builds no longer works with build 7.0.1815 and that is why I had started this thread. Here is a screenshot of what I have: Once again I'd like to state that if I am wrong about all or any of this, then please excuse me for the same. But I would like for others also to please check to make sure they are using v7.0.1815 since this thread was started for that very specific build. Thanks, Sanjay ever heard of skins???? Gues not
  17. I use winrar now instead of your installer for msn Works in svcpack now with winrar Setup=MsnMsgs.msi /qb TempMode Silent=1 Overwrite=1 I also install almost everything from svcpack
  18. method 3 ?? there are only 2
  19. In the same time you wrote this , your cd could be ready
  20. Space? Use Setup=setup.exe -s in winrar comment i.e ;The comment below contains SFX script commands Setup=Setup.exe -s Presetup=REGEDIT /S PowerDVD7.reg TempMode Silent=1 Overwrite=1 That didnt work for me , that way it does not install.( at my end )
  21. First of all its MUIZ , not muez this is how mine looks like after install. As you can see with all plugins. So whats your problem?
  22. Wrong place Should be here http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=69886&hl=nero
  23. Spotted Nero v7.502 Reloaded today
  24. This is like posted 100 times before
  25. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=73305 And yes i know the version numbers are out dated. I will redo the guide when i have time. But here is what you can do : Install MCE, best is with all normal updates in it , like with ryans pack etc. He doesnt include MCE hotfixes , so when you go to windows update the only hotfixes that are left are from MCE. Write them all down. The. put them like the guide, in your unattended @antonio_king , if i am pointless , what are you?
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