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Everything posted by muiz

  1. why doesnt this work? the trial key gets back in place each time, so is there a way to delete the trial reg and replace it with my reg?
  2. why u want all those things in a windows xp cd? use ghost !
  3. use the corporate version
  4. search in the xp directory for the background images replace them with ur own , but keep the names rename urs to those in windows so if in windows is a windowsxp.bmp rename 1 of ur files to windowsxp.bmp and replace it
  5. there is no option in it to do that, or did u put it in urself? :/
  6. 1st 1 doesnt work after getting into xp i have only 4 colors 2nd works but reboots so it wont finish my batch file i placed it at the end so it does the rest, but..... ECHO Installing nVIDIA Drivers... ECHO Please wait... start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Applications\Nvidia\driver\Setup.exe -s -f1"%systemdrive%\install\Applications\Nvidia\driver\setup.iss" rmdir c:\install/s ECHO. EXIT i use "rmdir c:\install/s" so it will delete the install folder, but when nvidia reboots it wont. i used nforce driver 2.45 so i have all in 1 btw after the reboot its installed and works fine
  7. good question.. does ny1 know ?
  8. just wanted to say hi to ya all
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