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Everything posted by gunsmokingman

  1. Thank for posting your code, it nice to see a different language being used. I made a VB.net app that list installed updates. I have tested this on Windows 7 x64, Vista Sp2 x32, and a friend tried it on Xp not sure if it was x32 or x64 version, he reported it work and listed 104 updates. I have it list the updates in a Combobox, on Win7 and Vista if there a URL, upon selection it will open the url address for the update. Source Code ListUpdates.exe
  2. Welcome to MSFN but, a request for money for service is generally frowned upon by this board.
  3. I have updated my Get key, It will now list Computer Name, Ram Total, Date Installed, Get Key. If anyone has any more suggestion as to what to add, I am open to suggestions. Source Code GetKey_V2 New Source Code Get_KeyV1 New Get_KeyV1
  4. Thank you for posting this code. If you could zip up any of the files needed for this, and post them. Gsm
  5. gunsmokingman


    Hello and welcome to MSFN.
  6. DigeratiPrime, thank you for the information about that. This is the first time I have used raid on a computer.
  7. The software does not install, but thanks for that information.
  8. When you posted that about the disk i was still running this in non raid, didnt occour to me it could affect the raid set up. As to the hard drives I wont be replacing them soon as I said I am happy with the new results, I only expected a result of 5.5 to 6.5. This is the new result of winsat disk -v
  9. HP sent me a fix for Windows7 low access score. I did what was suggestted and got a 6 on the index, now I am happy Could you post the cmd line for winsat on vista I tried winsat disk -v but got a error. So I guess I was wrong to some extend, the fix was so simple I had to hit myself with those wet noodles.
  10. Ok if i accept your explaination of what happening, then explain why on Vista I get 5.9 versus 2.8 on the 2 computers. Now the disk scores are as follows New 5.9 versus Old 5.6, from what I understand is that I should get a lower score on Vista with my set up. Which is not the case I get a higher disk score on Vista with the Seagate then the WDC, so is there a problem with Vista that it produces the wrong results.
  11. Ran the tests on both computers Uploaded the results in a zip file. Responce from HP about the interface speed in Raid I will also run the same test on Vista Sp2 and post the results.
  12. Got it and sent a reply Other Test Results Hd Test 2 Old Computer HD Test 2 New Computer I still do not know if my HD are using the 1.5 or 3.0 interface. I sent a Email to HP and waiting for a reply.
  13. On My first install of Win7 and I had my drives in non raid, I had one drive that was approx 400 gigs in size was not given a drive letter. I could not access that drive until I open up the disk management and added the drive letter. On my second install of Win7 I lost acccess to a drive of approx 230 gig, I was able to add a drive letter to threw disk management. So I guess it the manufactor fault that Win7 can not assign all correct drive letters. It funny how this problem does not show up on XP or Vista. Could you provide a link with the information about Seagate 7200.11 contoller being bad. I down loaded HD Tune and ran it on both my computers I have included 2 links with the results. From what I gather from the tests is my 7200.11 is better then my WDC, I could be wrong and if I am, I will give myself 50 lashes with wet noodles. Old Computer Score New Computer Score I was expecting some where between 5.5 and 6.5 for my new computer not the 3 I recieved.
  14. The original source code was a vbs script and I wanted to see if it would work in Vb.net I made the app to see if it would work on Win7. Sorry about not posting the source code it slipped my mind. I have included the Vb.net project files so you can open it in Vb.net and make any changes you want. Source Code New Source Code Get_KeyV1 New Get_KeyV1
  15. I made this Vb.net app on Win7 and it get the OS Key and saves it to a text file. I have tested this On Win7x64, Vistax32, XPx32 I have updated this app GetKey_V3 Source Code GetKey_V3 New Source Code Get_KeyV1 New Get_KeyV1 GetKey.exe
  16. I just notice that I can not get the right click menu on any of my start menu items. Example : On my start menu if I right click Computer Icon I dont get the menu that pop up. I have not made any changes in GPO or touch any reg settings, it was working then it was not working. I can still left click any program and it will run.
  17. I havnt open up the case and would of hope that HP would of set them to 3. I will open up the case to see what the jumpers are set to and make the corrections. I converted my drive to raid to see if I could improve my score but it scores 3 either way. If the jumpers are not set to 3 then I Apologise for any confusion on my part. I will also retest the computer if I have to change the jumpers. My Computer Specs From what I read in the test part was my Seagate 500 was faster then the WD 400 I have a IDE WD 320 with 8 mb cache and assume it specs are closed to the 400. I have filled a bug report with Microsoft about this.
  18. I bought a HP computer with Vista Homepremium and was not happy at all the crap that came with it. Since I am in the Vista Sp2 beta I downloaded the latest image from Microsoft, found my sticker key on the side of the computer and used that to install Vista homepremium SP2, I had no problems with activating it with that key.
  19. Cluberti I have to disagree with you on your statement I have a slow drive. Here is a Link with my hard disk spec and it performance. So by Win7 Windows Experience Index my old Single Core P4 and 2 gigs of ram is better then my Quad Core P4 and 8 gigs of ram to run Win7. In reality which computer would you rather have my new computer or my old computer? I have also converted my hard drives to raid0 and guess what it still gets a 3.
  20. I get a crap 3 on win7 and yet cavveman get an 6 with almost the same specs.
  21. It a good guide and it does work, thanks for the info.
  22. cluberti I did what you suggested and it improved the disk score from 2 to 3.
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