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Posts posted by Gouki

  1. @spiritpyre

    No. Thats it ...! I think installing codecs is boring! An app should already have everything it was needed to play the most common files.

    I kinda wanted one that was able to do everything. Music & Video

    Lol! Im problably asking for too much ...! :)

  2. Ive been thinking about this. How about installing WINE on Linux (installed on Xbox) and use any* application u want from Windows.

    * Not all of them are compatible with wine.

    I use some of these ones on my machine with linux.

    Web Design:

    Macromedia FlashMX (Wine)

    Macromedia DreamweaverMX (Wine)

    NVU (OSS) http://nvu.com/index.html

    Quanta (OSS) http://quanta.sourceforge.net/

    Bluefish (OSS) http://bluefish.openoffice.nl/


    3D Animation: (Caso faças alguma!)

    Alias Maya http://www.alias.com/eng/index_flash.shtml

    Softimage XSI http://www.softimage.com/home/

    SideFX Houdini http://www.sidefx.com/

    Blender3D (OSS) http://www.blender3d.com/

    Maxon Cinema4D (Wine) http://www.maxon.net/index_e.html

    Newtek Lightwave (Wine) http://www.newtek.com/


    Image Work:

    Cinepaint http://cinepaint.sourceforge.net/

    IFX Amazon Paint http://www.ifx.com/amazon/

    GIMP 2.0 http://gimp.org/

    Photogenics http://www.idruna.com/index.html

    Da Vinci http://www.davsys.com/

    Image Magick (OSS) http://imagemagick.org/

    Maxon BodyPaint3D (Wine)

    Adobe Photoshop 7 (Wine)

  3. I think that all the solutions have been presented.

    The best way in my opinion is to use the .exe file compname.

    It will do the installation UA and only after everything is done it will ask u to enter the name.

    I want to have this on my UA installation. Can someone help on the syntax?

    I tried /c name and nothing happend! I want to enter the name for the computer.

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