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Everything posted by Aegis

  1. For a user that does the following tasks, I don't even see why you want to upgrade. XP can serve your needs just fine...
  2. So CDFS is not supported on any DVD with more than 2GB of data?
  3. Gaming can cause addictions for most kids. As with any other addiction, forcing the kid to stop playing can cause them to react with anger, usually leading to bad relationships between parents and their children. Another problem is that they are often deprived of a chance to interact with other kids, and may result in depression and antisocial behavior later on in life.
  4. Yes, sadly I wouldn't be too surprised if this generation turns out to have a shorter lifespan than the last, due to the rising obesity and physical inactivity. I think the problem is that most people look in the mirror and either don't see what everyone else does, or they're so ashamed of what they do see that they turn to games where they can be a buff Level 59 swordsman or whatever... Luckily, my parents nagged the hell outta me whenever I played games in my childhood. Half of my childhood was also before computers and consoles became as mainstream as they are today. If you take a look at this graph, you'll notice that there's almost a 10% increase in obesity per 11 years since 1980's.
  5. Modified in Adobe Photoshop (original picture shot by mordoc). Download the high-resolution version below. Download: http://msfn.yaxm.org/bliss.png -- changed the link since it was down (the file is the one Aegis posted a few post below [it is bigger]) - Camarade_Tux Source: http://www.sxc.hu/browse.phtml?f=view&id=545398
  6. Run "winnt32.exe /?" from the I386 directory. One of the switches does what you want.
  7. One rumor I heard is that they're redesigning the thread management, since the original NT architecture did not foresee a future where everything is becoming massively multicored.
  8. http://www.x86-secret.com/pics/cpu/p46xx/x64.png
  9. Now tell me why do you have to upload the username/password file to YOUR server when similar tools like l0phtcrack do so locally? And how many people trust uploading a file containing such information to a third-party server with no reputation?
  10. URGE (music service I use) is WMP11-exclusive.
  11. I think Microsoft disabled IMAP access for hotmail unless you have a paid subscription.
  12. The Vista RTM review: http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=35700 And the relevant parts for crahak:
  13. Type "SET DEVMGR_SHOW_NONPRESENT_DEVICES=1" into cmd.exe and then run devmgr.msc.
  14. MBP was just updated recently with the new Core 2 Duo, so the technology's only a month or two old by the time Christmas comes around. You're so lucky ...I've been wanting to switch to an MBP ever since it was updated.
  15. He means something like this... http://www.legionhardware.com/Pics/Thermal...03/Image_00.jpg Which was exactly what I wanted to recommend to him too .
  16. I think crahak's just a little too overenthusiastic over Vista, but it's true that DX10 won't be ported back because it requires a new driver architecture.
  17. Mr. Crahak, sir...I think you forgot to mention the 10-15% FPS decrease in games...
  18. And someone try highlighting that blank space underneath my first post...
  19. That new kernel you're so enthusiastic about also includes a number of new DRM measures built-in. Heard the new network and audio stacks are good though (lower latency). The rest of the things you mention are applications you can easily get for XP (desktop search, command-line tools, disk imaging, parental controls, Windows Defender, fonts, etc). And most people get bored (irritated) of Aero in a few weeks, anyway.
  20. http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=35679
  21. Guess Vista RTM surpassed the original goal of a 15-minute setup... http://soapbox.msn.com/video.aspx?vid=c677...a4-48bdb74da4eb
  22. Am I seeing that right? 23000 in 3DMark06!?! Time for a new version, I think.
  23. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=85463
  24. If the user is a student, and their institution has an MSDN AA subscription, the user has free access to a variety of Microsoft software, including Server 2003.
  25. Any software to rename OpenType Fonts (.otf) to their real names? For example: ACaslonPro-Bold.otf > Adobe Caslon Pro Bold.otf. I found a piece of software named "Free Font Renamer" but that is TTF specific (changing the extension doesn't work).
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