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Everything posted by piaqt

  1. Every sci-fi movie from the '50's has a "they've escaped from the lab but they're harmless" scene -- right before the carnage begins.
  2. I got the idea from you. I even said so, somewhere. But again: "Thanks to MSNWar for the new title."
  3. more at: smart :assshake 'd
  4. 10. AaronXp is the flight attendant.
  5. dressing rooms, not loo.
  6. How to Know You're on Trailer Trash Airlines The plane is sitting on cement blocks. The windows are broken. Business class is reserved for those with 2 pickup trucks or more. First class means one of them actually works. The oxygen masks are for sniffing glue. Somewher along the ride, you're gonna have to get out and push. There's a gun rack strapped to the roof. The emergency exit is a hog chute.
  7. Let the church say, "Amen!" :bigok
  8. piaqt


    Tris would know-- he's my next-door neighbor. jerseygirl My own. Whatever makes me laugh.
  9. piaqt

    Best skin

    Nice style! thanks, blackwar. I also like some of Chaninja's work, also at http://www.themexp.org/. I use his cursors and icons. And for all you boytoys: dancelad and spurm
  10. piaqt


    A woman was in bed with her lover when she heard her husband opening the front door. "Hurry!" she said. "Stand in the corner." She quickly rubbed baby oil all over him and then she dusted him with talcum powder. "Don't move until I tell you to," she whispered. "Just pretend you're a statue." "What's this honey?" the husband inquired as he entered the room. "Oh, its just a statue," she replied nonchalantly. "The Smiths bought one for their bedroom. I liked it so much, I got one for us too." No more was said about the statue, not even later that night when they went to sleep. Around two in the morning the husband got out of bed, went to the kitchen and returned a while later with a sandwich and a glass of milk. "Here," he said to the 'statue', "eat something. I stood like an id*** at the Smith's for three days and nobody offered me so much as a glass of water."
  11. Thanks, babis et al. What I also want to know is, how do the different systems work/ differ from each other re: hardware? For example, dialup uses phone lines. Cable uses coaxial cable. All I know about DSL is that it's an acronym for direct satellite link. Does it use phone lines? What's ISDN?
  12. um... I thought they were the same. what's the diff?
  13. http://terrafly.fiu.edu/ check this out. Da hood
  14. Hi, and don't worry about feeling foolish. No one ever died of embarassment. Else everyone on this board would be 6 feet under, long time.
  15. piaqt


    The first morning after the honeymoon, the husband got up early, went down to the kitchen, and brought his wife her breakfast in bed. Naturally, she was delighted. Then he spoke: "Have you noticed just what I have done?" "Of course, dear. Every single detail!" "Good. That's how I want my breakfast served every morning."
  16. makes a lot of sense. :bigok
  17. Korea-Japan 2002 v1.6 [540k] W9x/2k/XP FREE http://www.ideograph.it/koreajapan2002/ {Track the World Cup} "It's a simple application for managing the FIFA World Cup Korea-Japan 2002 tournament. With this program, you can view the match schedule, save the final score, show both groups and second stage table, build and export simple statistics and, optionally, you can also update the results on-line. This version was not planned, but the great feedback received from many users convinced me to spend more time and resources into this project."
  18. Because there is no "american continent."
  19. X-Setup's official site is down for the count. Their Web host (Yahoo!) is apparently being non-responsive? From CptSiskoX: "Yahoo! has some ridiculous policies in place. A while ago they had a Terms of Service agreement which claimed everything hosted on a Yahoo! site (GeoCities division especially) was property of Yahoo! and all creative works were relinquished to their ownership, etc. Public outrage surged against them and they backed down eventually. As I recall, it took them a few different tries to get the wording acceptable to the public. Yahoo! took serious public relations damage from that incident and several others, such as automatically signing all members up for spam and junk e-mail (unsolicited commercial bulk as we all know) and the user had the 'responsibility' to get off the spam lists by changing the preferences (again) even if they had previously said they did not want to receive the spam. Yahoo! has continued a pattern of blunders and has a real bone-headed approach to appeasing their users. It's exactly these type of idiotic, oppressive and offensive acts that cause people to leave companies for competitors." Some are going as far as to Boycott Yahoo! now. http://www.parentpreview.com/boycott.htm
  20. [1]WinXP Pro [2]Office XP [3]Photoshop [4]Kerio Personal firewall [5]NoteTab pro [6]winZip [7]X-teq [8]Norton AV (well, not a fave, but necessary) [9]A-I Roboform [10]e-cleaner ok, how do i format a list?
  21. Thanks. I did that. Right AFTER I posted.
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