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    XP Pro x86

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  1. The ASUS PRIME B860M-A CSM ? Edit: No, probably not, as CSM in this case means "Corporate Stable Model - a commercial program designed to provide stable and reliable motherboards." (see here).
  2. But that little throttle hopefully won't detract too much playing ,Moorhuhnjagd'? No kidding: i wouldn't see any reason to upgrade from Alder to Raptor Lake at all (a fortiori not for an XP user)!
  3. That was to suppose, and you may consider yourself lucky if there's no degradation in that core. Did the board get the latest bios update? i knew this already since over a year, because i read computerbase regularly !
  4. Could you detect whether it was an E- or a P- core which crashed?
  5. What about cloning the 13th gen XP-partition to a separate nvme and trying to boot the 14th gen system with it?
  6. Dear @VistaLover, i only can affiliate this! But on the other side, it's my firm conviction that it's important to get a ,OS plan B' nowadays. I do know you for years now (from this forum), but i can't remember if you ever wrote about or mentioned linux. I personally once made a decision to not use Windows beyond 7 (aka 6.1). And today, after some failed attempts, a lot of frustration (a high level of frustration-tolerance is required!) and hard efforts (see above ) i can solemnly state: that was right! Whenever booting up, i can choose between XP, 7, and linux - and meanwhile i use the latter about 95% of the time. If you're interested how XP-ish (in looks and feel) a linux can be configured, (within minutes!) (but without being Windows of course!), simply ,like' this post, and i'll give you some screenshots of my desktop in a pm. If you say: no sorry / thank you / not for me / have it already - simply do not react to this post . Kindest regards!
  7. I think i'll never love linux (as i loved XP ) - please take a look at the log when i add the option --log-file=mpv.log: <log stuff> So, where the heck do i now have to put the mpv.conf finally? i found these lines too: [ 0.004][d][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '~.configtde/mpv/scripts' [ 0.004][d][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '~.mpv/scripts' [ 0.004][d][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/etc/mpv/scripts' but if i copy the mpv.conf to '~/.configtde/mpv/scripts' i get the error (red font in the konsole): Can't load unknown script: ~/.configtde/mpv/scripts/mpv.conf - Wow! Ok, now i created a directory '~/.mpv' where i put the 'mpv.conf' into - e voila: the configuration finally applies! The CPU consumption is now at moderate 15 % for playing the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsSMmdwh89Y. Thanks @nicolaasjan - in this case tor ,compelling' me to investigate the problem further!
  8. Unfortunately no - these are in fact already the parameters you recommended me some months ago (in the palemoon/basilisk forum), i only added the [vcodec^=avc] now. For some reason, it seems that the options are ignored completely. The setting fs=no for example does not apply, and even with bestvideo[height<=720] the resolution is at a rediculous 3840x2160 (4K) - 16 times larger than specified: me@compi:~/Portable\> ./mpv https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsSMmdwh89Y (+) Video --vid=1 (*) (av1 3840x2160 59.940fps) (+) Audio --aid=1 --alang=eng (*) (opus 2ch 48000Hz) AO: [pulse] 48000Hz stereo 2ch float VO: [gpu] 3840x2160 yuv420p AV: 00:00:20 / 00:16:59 (2%) A-V: 0.000 Dropped: 110 Cache: 12s/11MB i wonder why the options - apparently - do not apply here: both executables, yt-dlp and mpv - reside in '~/Portable' , and the config file is '~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf'. Not so much that i could have done wrong?!? Edit: Now i copied the mpv.conf in the directory of yt-dlp and mpv - no change!
  9. I've only a rough idea of the technical/copyright background, but i do not ,like' the libdav/dav1d AV1 codec of that video at all . Watching it on linux/mpv, no hw acceleration is possible on a relativ modern core i5 6600k and it even drives him hot (at load of about 60 percent!). One would have to throw away 8 year old hw and get a newer pc to watch it wihout heating up the house - not very sustainable!
  10. Many thanks again @j7n (and @nicolaasjan too!), indeed, that update (KB2533623 for kernel32.dll) fixed the specific problem of yt-dlp_win7.exe here (and probably some other issues that i hadn't discovered yet ). So, in case that Python 3.9 support of yt-dlp really would be dropped in october (god beware!), i'd be prepared ...
  11. Thank you too, @j7n, the installation of the kb4457144-x64 couldn't be comleted here, after 15 minutes there was an error "configurating the update" and it took another 15 min to (imperfectly) rollback, simply annoying... Maybe i'll come back regarding your kind offer later (with a pm), for the moment i'm done ... Win7 was only an intermediate step for me, and meanwhile i spent 95% of the time with Linux... and now: back to topic, as this is a forum for XP !
  12. Since i'm on a system with XP, Win7, Linux and Grub-bootloader, a disk image is a bit tricky - with identical partition uuids...
  13. I'm afraid: no (SP1 only) - Thanks for your assistance, i'll boot to 7 and check the dll version later. Tbh, i'm a little bit concerned and afraid (again) to install that update KB4457144 - 230 MB - who knows how much junk it will dump in an installation beside. i think to try it on a test disk before... Edit: the kernel32 is version 6.1.7601.17517 - from 2010
  14. Well, i get a system error: >The Procedure entry point "AddDllDirectory" wasn't found in "KERNEL32.DLL"< (translation by me). And in the log: [PYI-3000:ERROR] Failed to load Python DLL 'C:\Users\Me\AppData\Local\Temp\_MEI29362\python313.dll'. LoadLibrary: Die angegebene Prozedure was not found. So, highly embarrassed () may i ask: has Python to be installed in Win 7 first? But why does the XP version work here ootb in this case? For several years i'm using exclusively the zipped XP version (eg. yt-dlp_x86_Windows-XP.zip) on both XP/32 and Win7/64. And btw. (and off topic) the piece of Led Zeppelin you linked above is awesome, i saw them live, about 45 years ago
  15. Well, this was the very first time for me to deal with a an NVMe. And since the first (Win-XP) partition was already a clone, it had became somewhat ,personal', to a question of honor, to achieve a clean Windows installation on it. But anyway, what can you recommend, how do you clone Win-7 partitions? i once did such with (chinese?) Easus Parition Master (9.0), but it inserted a kind of hole in the extended partition (where the Win7 part should reside), so the destination partition was a little bit smaller (in comparison to the source) and the alignment was violated. Edit: And btw, welcome to msfn, @lso!
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