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Everything posted by K4sum1

  1. I think I know the cause. It started happening again after I used my AMD card for some testing, and reverted back to my Nvidia card.
  2. We AMD again For now I only renamed System32\atiumd6a.* and SysWOW64\atiumdva.* and it seems stable. Maybe I could force applications to interact with a fake atidxx64/32.dll instead when DXGI flip is needed. Although it would probably need patching to work realistically.
  3. So GPUs would be up to 2000 series stock, up to 3000 series modded. AMD works up to 6000 series, but they're jank. Actual properly would be probably up to RX 5xx or maybe Radeon VII or Vega 64 maybe. Everything else should just work. I've not encountered hardware that works on 10 but not 8.1.
  4. Yes, you don't need to patch it with winvertroll, but you do need to edit the MSI with Orca iirc. Here's an old screenshot I made for unrelated reasons. It shows 1.16.5, however it also shows Java 17 in the top right.
  5. I'm not sure why I didn't mention, I have a GTX 970, same generation as 980 Ti but different GPU. If it works with the older kernel, you might be able to use DLL redirection to use the older extended kernel DLLs in the game directory.
  6. So I tried these driver versions, and saw no difference.
  7. I just stopped replying after a while, I had nothing else to add on topic, and the opinion pieces would get deleted, so better to not poke the bear.
  8. Can you send me the Maxthon stylus? I have a half finished abandoned dark mode conversion of it that I'm pretty sure I was working on before Eclecboard was a thing or at least before it was a clone board. The theme actually is somewhat live on the site, you can see it by appending &style=8 to any page on the board, but you can't normally select it. This post was going to be a lot longer, but I don't feel like going that far OT.
  9. I could do some testing on my X58 machine. What all games do you know that crash? Preferably something free to test with.
  10. Well, the first update after January 1st actually worked fine, The later updates are what broke. What I was getting at was blocking updates kept the client working before, so it should now.
  11. Made a post about this on my forum, it's a bit too early to really do or say much, but my post has a main idea that I would like to share here. Don't say that Steam will immediately stop working on 1/1/24. It is technically possible that it could happen, however, it's not likely going by past events, or even viable to do.
  12. I did make a post about this on my forum, going to mirror it here. It's not the easiest or the best method, but it's the one I like to use. I use AdoptOpenJDK, and up to release 8u242 works. However you will need to mod it. For XP x64: https://github.com/AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk8-binaries/releases/download/jdk8u242-b08/OpenJDK8U-jre_x64_windows_hotspot_8u242b08.msi For XP x86: https://github.com/AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk8-binaries/releases/download/jdk8u242-b08/OpenJDK8U-jre_x86-32_windows_hotspot_8u242b08.msi To modify it for XP, you'll need these two below. Orca: https://www.technipages.com/downloads/OrcaMSI.zip winvertroll: https://board.eclipse.cx/viewtopic.php?t=652 Install Orca, then right click the OpenJDK8 installer, and click Edit with Orca. In Orca, go to Launch Condition, select the one with "Windows 7 or later is required" as the description, right click and drop row. Save and close Orca, then install OpenJDK8. Navigate to C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jre-\bin, and drag both java.exe and javaw.exe onto winvertroll.exe. Now you have Java 8 on XP! For Java 17, you need One Core API. One Core API is unstable, but is the only way to get this working as far as I know. Get Java 17 from here: https://adoptium.net/temurin/releases/ Select Windows as Operating System, and JRE as Package Type. Download the one for your system. Repeat the Orca steps for Java 17 and install. If this fails, I've only tested with 17.0.5+8, which can be found in the archive. The latest should be fine, but I haven't tested it. I will soon though. Now you have Java 17 on XP!
  13. So I made a post about this on my forum, however I'll basically summarize everything I've learned into this post. It doesn't appear to be text, at least going by the language menu which has a pretty high FPS, it's the drawing of menu items that causes the slowness, different menus with more boxes lower the FPS. I tried this on a 3770K desktop and saw the same issues as the laptop. Here's a video from the desktop showing what happens in game. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/901264453067218985/1115878785686978560/VID_20230607_003822.mp4 Here's the FPS fluctuating in menus. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/901264453067218985/1115878785686978560/VID_20230607_003822.mp4 I went and tried the HD 4600 to see what it would do, but discovered an even more wack issue. I think it's hardware specific, but since it's unrelated to this topic, I won't go into it.
  14. Ah ok, well my site please. I was going to edit into that post me suggesting against various sites, but I went and typed so much you already replied. MDL likely would require login to view such a post because they like doing that. Reddit might work, but going by API killing and i.reddit.com killing, old.reddit.com might go away and in that case rip old browsers. reboot.pro seems too generic and more new technology focused to replace MSFN, but could work for a thread like that. XP/Vista forum could work, but they seem too specific towards one OS. Less of an issue for a regroup post, but idk. Edit: reboot.pro is surprisingly usable in K-Meleon 76 (NM27 iirc). I haven't tried logging in or making an account, but it could work. (Last Vista post there was in 2017 lol.) Edit 2: I made an account and set a pfp all in K-Meleon 76. Pretty nice actually, surprised I never heard about the site.
  15. I've never seen any Twilight films, I also don't watch many films anyways.
  16. I'm torn between suggesting my site https://board.eclipse.cx/ and https://www.wincert.net/forum/. WinCert is probably a lot more likely to handle the amount of traffic that MSFN does while I have no clue how my site would fare. However WinCert is also basically alternative timeline MSFN and suffers from Invision software as well. Meanwhile you can use my forum with Retrozilla if you wanted to. Considering MyPal 68 is a thing and goes down to 2000 (with extended kernel) and 9x users have 52 based browsers now iirc, it's less of an issue now, but an Invision update could break those later on too.
  17. Well that should be the same driver as the I225-V mod I did that works so idk what the issue is. Maybe you could force the I217 driver or similar.
  18. Just made this, I haven't done any basic dependency walker checks because lazy, but it should work. https://mega.nz/file/LRsXDAxC#QkbQ71IDNe5WOX3C_950QnbNdVPYj2ecbBUxGrdF7MI
  19. I have this driver lying around, not sure if it's one of the ones you've already tried, but if it still doesn't work I could try modding some drivers. https://mega.nz/file/3Y0VHTzK#f7KjHCPYvFHjTFtzTDNw84j-yxo3_pMCyjerBj0350I
  20. I'm thinking something happened. There's been nothing from @XPerceniol on MSFN or any activity on my forum since March 30th.
  21. I guess I forgot to reply here. I appear to have fixed it by using 1.2.5. Not sure why it had issues at first, but it's been months without any weirdness.
  22. You're kinda right though, I don't use XP, no GPU or USB drivers. At first I wasn't so sure about the idea, but thinking about it, having the 68 style UI with the 78 engine is actually pretty nice. Might try using this on my PC with 8.1 to see how it fares with the sites I use.
  23. I finally got around to this again, gameplay is at 5 FPS basically lowest. I press F1 and FPS shoots up to the 30s-40s. The more text or whatever gets displayed the worse the frame rate gets. Doesn't make sense.
  24. Yes, you need OCAPI and OpenJDK 17 (Adoptium). I haven't actually tested it but it should just work since Java 17 works.
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