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Everything posted by WinWord2000

  1. I bought my grandson a new pc Dell Latitude 7300 Core i5, but I wanted to install Windows XP or 2000 on it, it shows an error 7B in installation , Is there a version stable of ACPI that can solve this problem
  2. Are you going to add these functions (missing imports) using ImportPatcher ? If yes I can help , jumper taught me how to do it WinWord2000 Grazie a tutti !
  3. Hello , I'm glad you're back at work, are you working on 2000 and XP at the same time ? This is really cool WinWord2000 Grazie a tutti !
  4. Thank you jumper I'll see how fwd work . WinWord2000 Grazie a tutti !
  5. Yes, this method is enough, I tried it now but how to add missing function in ntdll.dll with ImportPatcher WinWord2000 Grazie a tutti !
  6. Are the names of the functions that you have chosen approved or just a choice, because they do not resemble the names of the missing functions. With the addition of faultrep.dll and XP compatibility this error appear i don't use any vanilla update Can you please compress the modded program (pickMeApp) and upload it here to try it on my system with out any update? WinWord2000 Grazie a tutti !
  7. with twice ImportPatcher and then fcwin2k I think the problem due the program required faultrep.dll WinWord2000 Grazie a tutti !
  8. Can you please put pictures of steps of your work? WinWord2000 Grazie a tutti !
  9. Did you do this experiment and it worked for you? WinWord2000 Grazie a tutti !
  10. this win2k without bwc update I used XP kernel32.dll with new name kernel2.dll I have removed a letter from every function name in order the checksum will be not removed, so the operation was completed successfully but the error has not changed Always the same error ! WinWord2000 Grazie a tutti !
  11. I see it is W2k without bwc update WinWord2000 Grazie a tutti !
  12. We are waiting impatiently, I hope to see this update before I die I got a lot older and I got sick every day slowly, I will be very thankful to you if you succeed WinWord2000 Grazie a tutti !
  13. @DamnationDid you quit working on your project in win2000 man, every day I wait for you to release your update
  14. thank you It's really nice to have this work in Windows XP but an old man like me loves Windows 2000 what can he do now. Is it possible for infuscomus to succeed in running this on my favorite system as per your knowledge ? https://forum.eclectic4un.me/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=89
  15. I know someone in another Forum who I think is Damnation here, who started doing this work, but he encountered problems in debugging : https://forum.eclectic4un.me/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=89 . @Damnationdo you know how to handle this error ? If anyone @Dietmar or @Mov AX, 0xDEAD or @George King know of debugging knowledge then help Damnation please Windows 2000 is the only classic system that can run this because of its similarity to XP I don't know about this stuff ,my specialist is Security and Network WinWord2000 (Mox ax,bx in EclecBoard) Grazie a tutti !
  16. I think it is also possible if we change the ntoskrnl and hal of Windows 2000 with the ntoskrnl and hal of the leaked XP sp1 , Is that correct ? WinWord2000 (Mox ax,bx) Grazie a tutti !
  17. Unfortunately, Windows 2000 is unfortunate, did not find anyone to support it from these problems If you knew its value and the value of its logo and the feelings of its users towards it, it would not be left like this . WinWord2000 triste ma grazie a tutti !
  18. Is this project alive, we want a percentage of the project's progress, please WinWord2000 Grazie a tutti !
  19. It is impossible to run WDF 1.11 in Windows 98 and Me, so it would be impossible for this extender to work in them maybe it works in 2000 because it's similar to XP and 2003. WinWord2000 Grazie a tutti !
  20. Hi,where did you in your project is there a release soon?
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