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About wyf180

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    Windows 7 x64

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  1. Could you get a update file list the website employed some large files including dx9 nov2004 I always download error with old ie browser.
  2. Could you use http://v4.windowsupdaterestored.com/catalog/en/ work in modern Chrome?I wish to download old version Windows updates quickly,and Microsoft official https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/home.aspx could work in Chrome.
  3. Could update the ported drivers to v45?I think the v24 drivers were too old after 2 years.
  4. Could you fix the wuweb.dll and wuaueng.dll to make wu v5 and v6 working together on windows XP? I successfully make v5 working but xp itself v6 got broken after I used the proxy.
  5. With the help of @pm67310 on mydigitallife forum,I got longhorn 5342 hd audio driver.It could perfectly work on xp with virtualbox.But When I tried it on vmware it got error with code 10.So could anyone fix the longhorn driver for vmware use?
  6. Could you fix a virtio scsi driver working on xp?https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=105581 I found all win8's virtio scsi driver api in the ntoskrn8.sys ,however after I used winhex to edit the string ,it still can't work with xp. @George King
  7. Can WU/MU by using the patch + proxy method and WU/MU by using the nginx method working together on the same system by fixing wuaueng.dll?The two ways patch of the wuaueng.dll aren't the same.
  8. Today we could crack files including uxtheme.dll tcpip.sys acpi.sys to remove the limitations in Windows systems.Now Windows xp source leaked ,could anyone find why Windows media player get error after year 2038,and cracking some files to make it continue working ?
  9. Maybe you couldn't get ndis6 on xp with only ntoskrn8.sys.The ndis6 is much more different from ndis5,in old version of vmware tool the ndis 5 vmxnet3 driver don't in the same path with ndis 6 driver like video card driver xpdm and wddm.
  10. Did the ndis6 working on xp project abolished ?
  11. I found the problem today:the mmc device was not emulated by qemu😁
  12. I tried the driver on qemu sd card,the sd bus driver can work but the mmc driver can't work
  13. I used update check from github on my xp virtual machine,it could found my xp lack some updates.I googled them and could find some of them to download but 6 of them including kb895961 kb954920 kb955417 kb960680 kb2264107 kb971314 I could only find dead links.So could anybody from msfn find these copy of updates,could you share them for me ?
  14. I tired many hdaudio drivers for xp,but all of them can't work for virtualbox.But when I tried vista,it worked properly.So I got hdaudio.inf and hdaudio.sys from vista DVD,then changed the file itself name hdaudio.sys to hdaudiv.sys and in inf file.Then I changed the string in hdaudio.sys ntoskrnl.exe to ntoskrn8.sys with hex editor and put ntoskrn8.sys in system32/drivers .What should I do next if I want the driver to work,Could anybody tell me?
  15. I found all hardware drivers that vmware 15 and virtualbox 6.0 emulated for windowsxp except Intel hd audio for virtualbox.I tried lots of intel audio drivers and winxp itself hd audio driver,but all of them can't work.So could anybody have this driver to share it for me?
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