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pridesnow last won the day on December 1 2020

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About pridesnow

  • Birthday 06/12/2006

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    Vista Home Premium x64

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  1. I am offended that I was born at the wrong moment and at the wrong time. I want to see the internet from 2005-2009, I don't want to see the current situation with the unnecessary staff and dull interface. I want to see the complete openness of people on the Internet and their kindness to me. I want to see how Windows was made lovingly and stable, not 10, which is filled with surveillance and unnecessary services. I want to see the past of the internet and what it was like.

    1. Win10-Hater


      Same here. I was born in 2008 and those were the good times of tech, when Windows was awesome, when computers were upgradeable and future-proofable. I wish to travel to the earlier days. These days, M$ has been up to no good, shoving Windows 10 down everybody's throats and computers are also non upgradable, especially laptops.

    2. xpclient


      Thankfully I was born in 1984 and was 10-11 years old when the revolutionary Windows 95 arrived. Experienced the peak glory of Windows in my youth - 3.0, 95, NT4, 98, 98 SE, 2000, Me, the legendary XP, Vista, 7, 8.1. You can experience the classic versions in a Virtual Machine. If you want to know anything, feel free to ask me privately.

    3. Win10-Hater


      Yes, I have Windows 98 and 2000 vms for experimenting with legacy Windows versions in 2020 and beyond. They was very easy and pleasant to use it, I guess, as they are rock solid for me. 


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