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About rob9980

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    Windows 2000 Professional

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  1. Quit wasting your time, the audio is incompatible with or without exkernel
  2. Two things; 1. He's banned now, so don't bother replying 2. ACPI support is entirely dependent on the motherboard. And any 1155 board worth caring about it will run 2k with ACPI
  3. Other than being idiotic, all you'd need is a patch and my first statement would apply once again. Dream on.
  4. the source leaks have no real security impact
  5. Got USB3 to work with PAE under a new driver. Also screwed with the audio driver some more, it's fine now as well.
  6. I recently built a new pc based on intel's z490 platform with an i7-10700k, and wanted to see how well 2k would work on it. This is the result. Functional: AHCI USB3 Non-Functional LAN Audio (didn't test much so it might work) ACPI Hyperthreading
  7. Thank you sir!
  8. This mod takes the start button from the early Longhorn builds and puts it into Windows XP's explorer. The start button shown below is the only modification to explorer. Installation Instructions: 1. extract the archive containing replacer.cmd and the modded explorer 2. Locate the original explorer.exe in x:\Windows 3. Open replacer.cmd, drag said original explorer.exe into replacer.cmd, press enter 4. Drag the new explorer.exe file from the archive in (_XPmodded for x86 and XP_x64_modded for x64), press enter 5. Reboot and enjoy NOTE: Installing service packs (including uSP4) will probably undo this, take this into consideration when installing. Credits: Most go to DeviantArt user Rafax64, I used the bitmap from his modded explorer. This is also where replacer.exe came from. Rafax64 modded explorer: https://www.deviantart.com/rafax64/art/Longhorn-Explorer-Mod-for-XP-132097072 Download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I0mLHemUrzbPZO01QxIm8oGvz4QAXiG0/view?usp=sharing
  9. DellLatitudeD630ATG -> rob9980
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