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Posts posted by Dietmar

  1. @PPeti66x

    A nice solution for this would be,

    when at the moment, when opcode for cmpxchg8b is asked from a file for the 486 cpu,

    that there is something like a tender between the opcode and the cpu,

    that makes exact the same operations on all the registers, that cmpxchg8b is doing.

    It would be like a software simulation for cmpxchg8b direct before the cpu.

    The program for this can be done in C language.

    I will call it 486.dll .

    At once, such an XP would work on 386, 486 586 686 cpu with all functionality.

    And once it has been done one time, crazy work,

    other unknown opcodes for other cpu can be done the same way.



    PS: @Mov AX, 0xDEAD  I remember, that you have a tool, that can check, if 2 binaries are doing the same.


  2. I think, this is a crazy nice way to overcome this problem, that works on all cpu.

    Problem is only the translate from AMD64 with 64bit registers this opcode to x86 (486 cpu) with 32 bit registers.

    I think, it can be done


    For bit64
            mov     rax, [rcx]              ; get address, sequence, and depth
            and     rax, 0fe000000H         ; isolate packed address
    ; The following code takes advantage of the fact that the high order bit
    ; for user mode addresses is zero and for system addresses is one.
            cmp     rax, 1                  ; set carry if address is zero
            cmc                             ; set carry if address is not zero
            rcr     rax, 1                  ; rotate carry into high bit
            sar     rax, 63 - 43            ; extract first entry address
            shr     rax, 63 - 42            ; extract first entry address
            ret                             ; return


  3. @PPeti66x

    Hi, until now not.

    But when I take a look at the Source Code from XP SP1 or even XP bit64, there is in each a file with name slist.asm.

    The 64bit version is from 2000, same author. But 64bit slist.asm takes another way, not using  cmpxchg8b.

    If this opcodes from 64bit can be translated into x86 code, this would be also a possibility.

    But I have no idea, how to reach this in Hex code.

    It is unchanged since 1996 for NT4. "Only" the opcode cmpxchg8b has to be simulated with opcode from 486 cpu.

    Cutler in 1996 and so also for XP SP1 solved this problem, just "jump" over this opcode during

    assembly for .386 (and not .586). I make a try with 90 90 90 90 for all apearance of this opcode in XP SP3 in ntoskrnl.exe.

    But Bsod. Strange, because also in XP SP3 there is exact the same code from Cutler used from 1996,

    as you can see in ntoskrnl.exe via Ida Pro.

    It is a heavy memory operation and with more than 1 cpu there can be problems with this "jump".

    But the 486 cpu has only 1 processor, so it may be possible


    EDIT: With Windbg, starting with bu ExInterlockedFlushSList I come to its driver entry point of my modded driver.

    And via trace (t, F8) I can see, that the code in my modded driver was fully entered and left with retn, no Bsod.

    slist.asm XP SP1

            title  "Interlocked Support"
    ; Copyright (c) 1996  Microsoft Corporation
    ; Module Name:
    ;    slist.asm
    ; Abstract:
    ;    This module implements functions to support interlocked S-List
    ;    operations.
    ; Author:
    ;    David N. Cutler (davec) 13-Mar-1996
    ; Environment:
    ;    Any mode.
    ; Revision History:
    include ks386.inc
    include callconv.inc                    ; calling convention macros
    include mac386.inc
            page , 132
            subttl  "Interlocked Flush Sequenced List"
    ; RtlpInterlockedFlushSList (
    ;    )
    ; Routine Description:
    ;    This function removes the entire list from a sequenced singly
    ;    linked list so that access to the list is synchronized in an MP system.
    ;    If there are no entries in the list, then a value of NULL is returned.
    ;    Otherwise, the address of the entry at the top of the list is removed
    ;    and returned as the function value and the list header is set to point
    ;    to NULL.
    ; Arguments:
    ;    (ecx) = ListHead - Supplies a pointer to the sequenced listhead from
    ;         which the list is to be flushed.
    ; Return Value:
    ;    The address of the entire current list, or NULL if the list is
    ;    empty.
    ; These old interfaces just fall into the new ones
    cPublicFastCall ExInterlockedFlushSList, 1
    fstENDP ExInterlockedFlushSList
    cPublicFastCall RtlpInterlockedFlushSList, 1
    cPublicFpo 0,1
    ; Save nonvolatile registers and read the listhead sequence number followed
    ; by the listhead next link.
    ; N.B. These two dwords MUST be read exactly in this order.
            push    ebx                     ; save nonvolatile registers
            push    ebp                     ;
            xor     ebx, ebx                ; zero out new pointer
            mov     ebp, ecx                ; save listhead address
            mov     edx, [ebp] + 4          ; get current sequence number
            mov     eax, [ebp] + 0          ; get current next link
    ; N.B. The following code is the retry code should the compare
    ;      part of the compare exchange operation fail
    ; If the list is empty, then there is nothing that can be removed.
    Efls10: or      eax, eax                ; check if list is empty
            jz      short Efls20            ; if z set, list is empty
            mov     ecx, edx   		; copy sequence number
            mov     cx, bx                  ; clear depth leaving sequence number
    ifndef NT_UP
       lock cmpxchg8b qword ptr [ebp]       ; compare and exchange
            cmpxchg8b qword ptr [ebp]       ; compare and exchange
            jnz     short Efls10            ; if z clear, exchange failed
    ; Restore nonvolatile registers and return result.
    cPublicFpo 0,0
    Efls20: pop     ebp                     ; restore nonvolatile registers
            pop     ebx                     ;
            fstRET    RtlpInterlockedFlushSList
    fstENDP RtlpInterlockedFlushSList
            page , 132
            subttl  "Interlocked Pop Entry Sequenced List"
    ; PVOID
    ; RtlpInterlockedPopEntrySList (
    ;    IN PSLIST_HEADER ListHead
    ;    )
    ; Routine Description:
    ;    This function removes an entry from the front of a sequenced singly
    ;    linked list so that access to the list is synchronized in an MP system.
    ;    If there are no entries in the list, then a value of NULL is returned.
    ;    Otherwise, the address of the entry that is removed is returned as the
    ;    function value.
    ; Arguments:
    ;    (ecx) = ListHead - Supplies a pointer to the sequenced listhead from
    ;         which an entry is to be removed.
    ; Return Value:
    ;    The address of the entry removed from the list, or NULL if the list is
    ;    empty.
    ; These older interfaces just fall into the new code below
    cPublicFastCall InterlockedPopEntrySList, 1
    fstENDP InterlockedPopEntrySList
    cPublicFastCall ExInterlockedPopEntrySList, 2
    fstENDP ExInterlockedPopEntrySList
    cPublicFastCall RtlpInterlockedPopEntrySList, 1
    cPublicFpo 0,2
    ; Save nonvolatile registers and read the listhead sequence number followed
    ; by the listhead next link.
    ; N.B. These two dwords MUST be read exactly in this order.
            push    ebx                     ; save nonvolatile registers
            push    ebp                     ;
            mov     ebp, ecx                ; save listhead address
    ; N.B. The following code is the continuation address should a fault
    ;      occur in the rare case described below.
            public  ExpInterlockedPopEntrySListResume
            public  _ExpInterlockedPopEntrySListResume@0
    ExpInterlockedPopEntrySListResume:      ;
    _ExpInterlockedPopEntrySListResume@0:   ;
            mov     edx,[ebp] + 4           ; get current sequence number
            mov     eax,[ebp] + 0           ; get current next link
    ; If the list is empty, then there is nothing that can be removed.
    Epop10: or      eax, eax                ; check if list is empty
            jz      short Epop20            ; if z set, list is empty
            lea     ecx, [edx-1]            ; Adjust depth only
    ; N.B. It is possible for the following instruction to fault in the rare
    ;      case where the first entry in the list is allocated on another
    ;      processor and free between the time the free pointer is read above
    ;      and the following instruction. When this happens, the access fault
    ;      code continues execution by skipping the following instruction.
    ;      This results in the compare failing and the entire operation is
    ;      retried.
            public  ExpInterlockedPopEntrySListFault
    ExpInterlockedPopEntrySListFault:       ;
            mov     ebx, [eax]              ; get address of successor entry
            public  _ExpInterlockedPopEntrySListEnd@0
    _ExpInterlockedPopEntrySListEnd@0:      ;
    ifndef NT_UP
       lock cmpxchg8b qword ptr [ebp]       ; compare and exchange
            cmpxchg8b qword ptr [ebp]       ; compare and exchange
            jnz     short Epop10            ; if z clear, exchange failed
    ; Restore nonvolatile registers and return result.
    cPublicFpo 0,0
    Epop20: pop     ebp                     ; restore nonvolatile registers
            pop     ebx                     ;
            fstRET    RtlpInterlockedPopEntrySList
    fstENDP RtlpInterlockedPopEntrySList
            page , 132
            subttl  "Interlocked Push Entry Sequenced List"
    ; PVOID
    ; RtlpInterlockedPushEntrySList (
    ;    IN PSLIST_HEADER ListHead,
    ;    IN PVOID ListEntry
    ;    )
    ; Routine Description:
    ;    This function inserts an entry at the head of a sequenced singly linked
    ;    list so that access to the list is synchronized in an MP system.
    ; Arguments:
    ;    (ecx) ListHead - Supplies a pointer to the sequenced listhead into which
    ;          an entry is to be inserted.
    ;    (edx) ListEntry - Supplies a pointer to the entry to be inserted at the
    ;          head of the list.
    ; Return Value:
    ;    Previous contents of ListHead.  NULL implies list went from empty
    ;       to not empty.
    ; This old interface just fall into the new code below.
    cPublicFastCall ExInterlockedPushEntrySList, 3
           pop	[esp]			; Drop the lock argument
    fstENDP ExInterlockedPushEntrySList
    cPublicFastCall InterlockedPushEntrySList, 2
    fstENDP InterlockedPushEntrySList
    cPublicFastCall RtlpInterlockedPushEntrySList, 2
    cPublicFpo 0,2
    ; Save nonvolatile registers and read the listhead sequence number followed
    ; by the listhead next link.
    ; N.B. These two dwords MUST be read exactly in this order.
            push    ebx                     ; save nonvolatile registers
            push    ebp                     ;
            mov     ebp, ecx                ; save listhead address
            mov     ebx, edx                ; save list entry address
            mov     edx,[ebp] + 4           ; get current sequence number
            mov     eax,[ebp] + 0           ; get current next link
    Epsh10: mov     [ebx], eax              ; set next link in new first entry
            lea     ecx, [edx+010001H]      ; increment sequence number and depth
    ifndef NT_UP
       lock cmpxchg8b qword ptr [ebp]       ; compare and exchange
            cmpxchg8b qword ptr[ebp]        ; compare and exchange
            jnz     short Epsh10            ; if z clear, exchange failed
    ; Restore nonvolatile registers and return result.
    cPublicFpo 0,0
            pop     ebp                     ; restore nonvolatile registers
            pop     ebx                     ;
            fstRET  RtlpInterlockedPushEntrySList
    fstENDP RtlpInterlockedPushEntrySList
    ; InterlockedPushListSList (
    ;     IN PSLIST_HEADER ListHead,
    ;     IN PSINGLE_LIST_ENTRY ListEnd,
    ;     IN ULONG Count
    ;    )
    ; Routine Description:
    ;    This function will push multiple entries onto an SList at once
    ; Arguments:
    ;     ListHead - List head to push the list to.
    ;     List - The list to add to the front of the SList
    ;     ListEnd - The last element in the chain
    ;     Count - The number of items in the chain
    ; Return Value:
    ;     PSINGLE_LIST_ENTRY - The old header pointer is returned
    cPublicFastCall InterlockedPushListSList, 4
    cPublicFpo 0,4
            push    ebx                     ; save nonvolatile registers
            push    ebp                     ;
            mov     ebp, ecx                ; save listhead address
            mov     ebx, edx                ; save list entry address
            mov     edx,[ebp] + 4           ; get current sequence number
            mov     eax,[ebp] + 0           ; get current next link
            mov     ecx, [esp+4*3]          ; Fetch address of list tail
            mov     [ecx], eax              ; Store new forward pointer in tail entry
            lea     ecx, [edx+010000H]      ; increment sequence number
            add     ecx, [esp+4*4]		; Add in new count to create correct depth
    ifndef NT_UP
       lock cmpxchg8b qword ptr [ebp]       ; compare and exchange
            cmpxchg8b qword ptr[ebp]        ; compare and exchange
            jnz     short Epshl10           ; if z clear, exchange failed
    cPublicFpo 0,0
            pop     ebp                     ; restore nonvolatile registers
            pop     ebx                     ;
            fstRET  InterlockedPushListSList
    fstENDP InterlockedPushListSList
    ; FirstEntrySList (
    ;     IN PSLIST_HEADER SListHead
    ;     )
    ; Routine Description:
    ;   This function returns the address of the fisrt entry in the SLIST or
    ;   NULL.
    ; Arguments:
    ;   ListHead (rcx) - Supplies a pointer to the sequenced listhead from
    ;       which the first entry address is to be computed.
    ; Return Value:
    ;   The address of the first entry is the specified, or NULL if the list is
    ;   empty.
    cPublicProc _FirstEntrySList, 1
    cPublicFpo 1,0
            mov       eax, [esp+4]
            mov       eax, [eax]
            stdRET    _FirstEntrySList
    stdENDP _FirstEntrySList
    ; RtlInterlockedCompareExchange64 (
    ;    IN OUT PLONGLONG Destination,
    ;    IN PLONGLONG Exchange,
    ;    IN PLONGLONG Comperand
    ;    )
    ; Routine Description:
    ;    This function performs a compare and exchange of 64-bits.
    ; Arguments:
    ;    (ecx) Destination - Supplies a pointer to the destination variable.
    ;    (edx) Exchange - Supplies a pointer to the exchange value.
    ;    (esp+4) Comperand - Supplies a pointer to the comperand value.
    ; Return Value:
    ;    The current destination value is returned as the function value.
    cPublicFastCall RtlInterlockedCompareExchange64, 3
    cPublicFpo 0,2
    ; Save nonvolatile registers and read the exchange and comperand values.
            push    ebx                     ; save nonvolatile registers
            push    ebp                     ;
            mov     ebp, ecx                ; set destination address
            mov     ebx, [edx]              ; get exchange value
            mov     ecx, [edx] + 4          ;
            mov     edx, [esp] + 12         ; get comperand address
            mov     eax, [edx]              ; get comperand value
            mov     edx, [edx] + 4          ;
    ifndef NT_UP
       lock cmpxchg8b qword ptr [ebp]       ; compare and exchange
            cmpxchg8b qword ptr[ebp]        ; compare and exchange
    ; Restore nonvolatile registers and return result in edx:eax.
    cPublicFpo 0,0
            pop     ebp                     ; restore nonvolatile registers
            pop     ebx                     ;
            fstRET  RtlInterlockedCompareExchange64
    fstENDP RtlInterlockedCompareExchange64
    _TEXT$00   ends


  4. Hi,

    I found also this but have no idea how to make a simulation for 486 cpu from it, because it has an retn, a second retn is not good in a function


        the single instruction
            lock    cmpxchg8b qword ptr [ebp]
    is replaceable with the following sequence
            lock    bts dword ptr [edi],0
            jnb     acquired
            test    dword ptr [edi],1
            je      try
            pause                   ; if available
            jmp     wait
            cmp     eax,[ebp]
            jne     keep
            cmp     edx,[ebp+4]
            je      exchange
            mov     eax,[ebp]
            mov     edx,[ebp+4]
            jmp     done
            mov     [ebp],ebx
            mov     [ebp+4],ecx
            mov     byte ptr [edi],0

    and this

            lock    cmpxchg8b qword ptr [esi]
    is replaceable with the following sequence
            lock    bts dword ptr [edi],0
            jnb     acquired
            test    dword ptr [edi],1
            je      try
            pause                   ; if available
            jmp     wait
            cmp     eax,[esi]
            jne     keep
            cmp     edx,[esi+4]
            je      exchange
            mov     eax,[esi]
            mov     edx,[esi+4]
            jmp     done
            mov     [esi],ebx
            mov     [esi+4],ecx
            mov     byte ptr [edi],0


  5. Hi,

    I try to install XP SP3 on the Shuttle Hot 433 board with 486 cpu.

    But very early in Setup comes a message, that the 486 cpu does not support the hex opcode cmpxchg8b  and so XP cant be installed.

    I also try an XP SP3 from another compi in IDE mode, crash at once.

    Now I look at the hex wíth Ida pro for this cmpxchg8b on an ready XP SP3 install.

    On a first try I find it in ntoskrnl.exe (one cpu) and in ntdll.dll.

    There may be other PE files in XP also with this opcode.

    The use is always the same. This opcode does a atomic search in a register.

    So, when a working solution is found, the replacement in other files is easy!

    I try to replace it with a series of opcodes, that the 486 cpu understands.

    This is not easy.

    I found this (Edit: This is wrong).

    push    ebx                 ; save nonvolatile registers
        push    ebp
        xor     ebx, ebx            ; zero out new pointer
        mov     ebp, ecx            ; save listhead address
            mov     edx, [ebp] + 4          ; get current sequence number
            mov     eax, [ebp] + 0          ; get current next link
        or      eax, eax            ; check if list is empty
        jz      short Efls20        ; if z set, list is empty
        mov     ecx, edx            ; copy sequence number
        mov     cx, bx              ; clear depth leaving sequence number
            jnz     short Efls10            ; if z clear, exchange failed
        pop     ebp                 ; restore nonvolatile registers
        pop     ebx

    This I try as a replacement for this function ExInterlockedFlushSList in ntoskrnl.exe in XP SP3.

    The funny thing in this is, that simple the opcode cmpxchg8b qword ptr [ebp+0]  is deleted. May be it works on NT4 but for me it crashes XP.

    EDIT: May be, that this version for i368 cpu of ExInterlockedFlushSList   works really only on a compi with 1 cpu and 1 core. Like in 1992 486 cpu.

    Then, my test on modern compi will fail.

    Also can be, that now I use a mix of cmpxchg8b, nothing from this, cmpxchg on one compi, because I simulated only one appearence of this function in ntoskrnl.exe. Funny, this is from Cutler, 13. March 1996, now also identic in XP SP3,

    THis is the original ExInterlockedFlushSList in XP SP3, first introduced in NT4 Servicepack4,

    Hex code 53 55 33 DB 8B E9 8B 55 04 8B 45 00 0B C0 74 0B 8B CA 66 8B CB 0F C7 4D 00 75 F1 5D 5B C3

    .text:0040B0B2 ; Exported entry   7. ExInterlockedFlushSList
    .text:0040B0B2 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
    .text:0040B0B2                 public ExInterlockedFlushSList
    .text:0040B0B2 ExInterlockedFlushSList proc near       ; CODE XREF: sub_45F0DF:loc_45F0F7p
    .text:0040B0B2                 push    ebx
    .text:0040B0B3                 push    ebp
    .text:0040B0B4                 xor     ebx, ebx
    .text:0040B0B6                 mov     ebp, ecx
    .text:0040B0B8                 mov     edx, [ebp+4]
    .text:0040B0BB                 mov     eax, [ebp+0]
    .text:0040B0BE loc_40B0BE:                             ; CODE XREF: ExInterlockedFlushSList+19j
    .text:0040B0BE                 or      eax, eax
    .text:0040B0C0                 jz      short loc_40B0CD
    .text:0040B0C2                 mov     ecx, edx
    .text:0040B0C4                 mov     cx, bx
    .text:0040B0C7                 cmpxchg8b qword ptr [ebp+0]
    .text:0040B0CB                 jnz     short loc_40B0BE
    .text:0040B0CD loc_40B0CD:                             ; CODE XREF: ExInterlockedFlushSList+Ej
    .text:0040B0CD                 pop     ebp
    .text:0040B0CE                 pop     ebx
    .text:0040B0CF                 retn
    .text:0040B0CF ExInterlockedFlushSList endp
    .text:0040B0CF ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    With PE Maker I make a relocate of this function in ntoskrnl.exe.

    This works(!).

    The relocation I do, because the following replacement is bigger than the original Hex code.

    I split the cmpxchg8b opcode in 2 parts with lock cmpxchg,

    because the 486 cpu understands this. But Bsod. I use Windbg, cant fetch the reason.

    I check my hex code several times, find no error. The only thing in my eyes that can happen, is a missing syncronic between the 2 cmpxchg.

    This does not happen on cmpxchg8b, because all memory is blocked during this operation.

    Here is my last try for the replacement of the ExInterlockedFlushSList


    .data:004762B2 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    .data:004762B2 ; Exported entry   7. ExInterlockedFlushSList
    .data:004762B2                 public ExInterlockedFlushSList
    .data:004762B2 ExInterlockedFlushSList:                ; CODE XREF: sub_45F0DF:loc_45F0F7p
    .data:004762B2                                         ; DATA XREF: .edata:off_5AC2A8o
    .data:004762B2                 push    ebx
    .data:004762B3                 push    ebp
    .data:004762B4                 xor     ebx, ebx
    .data:004762B6                 mov     ebp, ecx
    .data:004762B8                 mov     edx, [ebp+4]
    .data:004762BB                 mov     eax, [ebp+0]
    .data:004762BE loc_4762BE:                             ; CODE XREF: .data:004762D5j
    .data:004762BE                 or      eax, eax
    .data:004762C0                 jz      short loc_4762DA
    .data:004762C2                 mov     ecx, edx
    .data:004762C4                 mov     cx, bx
    .data:004762C7                 lock cmpxchg [ebp+4], eax
    .data:004762CC                 mov     ecx, edx
    .data:004762CE                 mov     edx, ecx
    .data:004762D0                 lock cmpxchg [ebp+0], eax
    .data:004762D5                 jnz     short near ptr loc_4762BE+1
    .data:004762D7                 nop
    .data:004762D8                 nop
    .data:004762D9                 nop
    .data:004762DA loc_4762DA:                             ; CODE XREF: .data:004762C0j
    .data:004762DA                 pop     ebp
    .data:004762DB                 pop     ebx
    .data:004762DC                 nop
    .data:004762DD                 nop
    .data:004762DE                 nop
    .data:004762DF                 retn
    .data:004762DF ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    I put this via relocation to the new address 4762B2. This is in .data section and not in .text section. But this does not matter, because when I put the original Hex code to this new place, it works. The original place at 40B0B2 I fill with 00 00 00.. for to make sure, that now my function at this new place is used.

    I want to get better in Assembler. No free KI for Assembler in Internet. Do you have an idea @Mov AX, 0xDEAD?

    Chatgpt, Bard AI and Bing behave like crazy, when it comes to Hex code


  6. Hi,

    I get for few Euro an 486 board with empty Bios battery, Shuttle Hot 433 v1.

    Oh crazy, I cant boot this compi without this Dallas battery.

    I come to the idea, to modd the Bios, so that it does not longer wait for CMOS error.

    From another old compi I put out its Bios chips, because only that chip is an EEprom, can be flashed without crazy UV light.

    With EEpromer TL 866 Plus I read the Bios out and modd.

    Now the fresh modded Bios recognices also my oldest 8.4 Gbyte harddisk, before it was not recogniced.

    For full XP SP3 I need about 1 Gbyte harddisk at minimum.

    Next problem was, that this board does not recognice my memory, PCI-graphik , mouse.

    The Isa card now is recogniced with name Trident Super VGA from an i386 compi.

    Still no mouse. The cache on this board is 256kB.

    Just now I work with 4 Mb, which was the only stick, that was recogniced until now, brrr..

    Win98SE boots, not slow. I add an AMD AM486 DX4-100 SV8T.

    Oh..crazy to set that millions of jumpers. Something must be wrong in the head of those manufakturers, because for example 6 positions for one Jumper, but sometimes they are counted vertical, sometimes horizontal and sometimes mix. About 40 jumpers.

    This cpu wants 3 Volt, the board offers ony 3.3 Volt, I choose this.

    Voila, Win98SE works!

    XP SP3 will be tomorrow;))..



    EDIT: The 100MHZ cpu runs hot without any cooler, heatsink or fan.

    The DX-33 MHZ cpu before does not need a cooler at all.

    EDIT2: I succeed to install 256 MB of ram on this 486 board.

    But still no mouse, no working PCI Graphik card.

    EDIT3: The PCI GT610 graphik card is not recogniced, may be because it offers also HDMI and not only VGA(?!).



  7. @Damnation


    Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
    804dcbdf f390            pause
    1: kd> g
    Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
    *                                                                             *
    *   You are seeing this message because you pressed either                    *
    *       CTRL+C (if you run console kernel debugger) or,                       *
    *       CTRL+BREAK (if you run GUI kernel debugger),                          *
    *   on your debugger machine's keyboard.                                      *
    *                                                                             *
    *                   THIS IS NOT A BUG OR A SYSTEM CRASH                       *
    *                                                                             *
    * If you did not intend to break into the debugger, press the "g" key, then   *
    * press the "Enter" key now.  This message might immediately reappear.  If it *
    * does, press "g" and "Enter" again.                                          *
    *                                                                             *
    804e2a42 cc              int     3
    0: kd> g
    *** Fatal System Error: 0x0000007e
    Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
    A fatal system error has occurred.
    Debugger entered on first try; Bugcheck callbacks have not been invoked.
    A fatal system error has occurred.
    Connected to Windows XP 2600 x86 compatible target at (Thu Feb 29 19:05:36.031 2024 (UTC + 1:00)), ptr64 FALSE
    Loading Kernel Symbols
    Loading User Symbols
    *                                                                             *
    *                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
    *                                                                             *
    Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.
    BugCheck 7E, {c0000005, 0, f789e168, f789de64}
    Probably caused by : NDIS.sys ( NDIS!ndisMQueryNetworkAddress+23 )
    Followup: MachineOwner
    804e2a42 cc              int     3
    11: kd> !analyze -v
    *                                                                             *
    *                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
    *                                                                             *
    This is a very common bugcheck.  Usually the exception address pinpoints
    the driver/function that caused the problem.  Always note this address
    as well as the link date of the driver/image that contains this address.
    Arg1: c0000005, The exception code that was not handled
    Arg2: 00000000, The address that the exception occurred at
    Arg3: f789e168, Exception Record Address
    Arg4: f789de64, Context Record Address
    Debugging Details:
    EXCEPTION_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 - Die Anweisung "0x%08lx" verweist auf Speicher bei "0x%08lx". Die Daten wurden wegen eines E/A-Fehlers in "0x%081x" nicht in den Arbeitsspeicher  bertragen.
    00000000 ??              ???
    EXCEPTION_RECORD:  f789e168 -- (.exr 0xfffffffff789e168)
    ExceptionAddress: 00000000
       ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation)
      ExceptionFlags: 00000000
    NumberParameters: 2
       Parameter[0]: 00000000
       Parameter[1]: 00000000
    Attempt to read from address 00000000
    CONTEXT:  f789de64 -- (.cxr 0xfffffffff789de64;r)
    eax=00000000 ebx=80702790 ecx=54445358 edx=00000001 esi=f7472b20 edi=807026c0
    eip=00000000 esp=f789e230 ebp=f789e250 iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na pe nc
    cs=0008  ss=0010  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=0030  gs=0000             efl=00010246
    00000000 ??              ???
    Last set context:
    eax=00000000 ebx=80702790 ecx=54445358 edx=00000001 esi=f7472b20 edi=807026c0
    eip=00000000 esp=f789e230 ebp=f789e250 iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na pe nc
    cs=0008  ss=0010  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=0030  gs=0000             efl=00010246
    00000000 ??              ???
    Resetting default scope
    PROCESS_NAME:  System
    ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 - Die Anweisung "0x%08lx" verweist auf Speicher bei "0x%08lx". Die Daten wurden wegen eines E/A-Fehlers in "0x%081x" nicht in den Arbeitsspeicher  bertragen.
    READ_ADDRESS:  00000000 
    bac63a56 e6ff            out     0FFh,al
    00000000 ??              ???
    ANALYSIS_VERSION: 6.3.9600.17237 (debuggers(dbg).140716-0327) x86fre
    LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER:  from 00000000 to 00000000
    STACK_ADDR_RAW_STACK_SYMBOL: fffffffff789d9e0
    STACK_COMMAND:  dps fffffffff789d9e0-0x20 ; kb
    f789d9c0  6c674a6f
    f789d9c4  6e666e67
    f789d9c8  ee776a67
    f789d9cc  6a676a67
    f789d9d0  7e647a66
    f789d9d4  7b667866
    f789d9d8  38063a0e
    f789d9dc  bac63a56 NDIS!ndisMQueryNetworkAddress+0x23
    f789d9e0  3a063a06
    f789d9e4  3a063206
    f789d9e8  91ea67db
    f789d9ec  c37cf2f2
    f789d9f0  f1ea779b
    f789d9f4  e3ff5070
    f789d9f8  b1eb67d3
    f789d9fc  e3fed2f2
    f789da00  00008070
    f789da04  00000000
    f789da08  8071e0fe hal!HalpGetFeatureBits+0x52 [e:\xpsp1\nt\base\hals\halmps\i386\mphal.c @ 1097]
    f789da0c  00000001
    f789da10  f78feb3c
    f789da14  f78feb38
    f789da18  f78feb38
    f789da1c  00008070
    f789da20  00000000
    f789da24  00000000
    f789da28  756e6547
    f789da2c  49656e69
    f789da30  6c65746e
    f789da34  00d1e300
    f789da38  00000000
    f789da3c  00000000
    SYMBOL_NAME:  NDIS!ndisMQueryNetworkAddress+23
    FOLLOWUP_NAME:  MachineOwner
    IMAGE_VERSION:  5.1.2600.5512
    FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  0x7E_NULL_IP_NDIS!ndisMQueryNetworkAddress+23
    BUCKET_ID:  0x7E_NULL_IP_NDIS!ndisMQueryNetworkAddress+23
    FAILURE_ID_HASH_STRING:  km:0x7e_null_ip_ndis!ndismquerynetworkaddress+23
    FAILURE_ID_HASH:  {6cac7e57-f19c-4081-7e29-9f6a6f30cf6b}
    Followup: MachineOwner


  8. @Damnation

    804dcbe5 3b6d00          cmp     ebp,dword ptr [ebp]
    11: kd> p
    804dcbe8 740d            je      nt!KiDispatchInterrupt+0x3a5 (804dcbf7)
    11: kd> p
    804dcbf7 83bb2801000000  cmp     dword ptr [ebx+128h],0
    11: kd> p
    804dcbfe 74d7            je      nt!KiDispatchInterrupt+0x385 (804dcbd7)
    11: kd> p
    Packet failed authentication.  Please make sure the host and target encryption
    keys match exactly. Also make sure you don't have multiple target machines
    pointed at the same network port on your host.
    Bad packet sent from
    Run nslookup from a command prompt to get the machine name.
    Packet failed authentication.  Please make sure the host and target encryption
    keys match exactly. Also make sure you don't have multiple target machines
    pointed at the same network port on your host.
    Bad packet sent from
    Run nslookup from a command prompt to get the machine name.
    Packet failed authentication.  Please make sure the host and target encryption
    keys match exactly. Also make sure you don't have multiple target machines
    pointed at the same network port on your host.
    Bad packet sent from
    Run nslookup from a command prompt to get the machine name.
    804dcbdf f390            pause
    10: kd> p


  9. @Damnation

    A first run shows only the same error as you have, that someone tries to write in forbidden memory


    *** Fatal System Error: 0x0000007e
    Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
    A fatal system error has occurred.
    Debugger entered on first try; Bugcheck callbacks have not been invoked.
    A fatal system error has occurred.
    Connected to Windows XP 2600 x86 compatible target at (Wed Feb 28 18:25:27.820 2024 (UTC + 1:00)), ptr64 FALSE
    Loading Kernel Symbols
    Loading User Symbols
    *                                                                             *
    *                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
    *                                                                             *
    Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.
    BugCheck 7E, {c0000005, 0, f789e168, f789de64}
    Probably caused by : Unknown_Image ( ANALYSIS_INCONCLUSIVE )
    Followup: MachineOwner
    804e2a42 cc              int     3
    11: kd> !analyze -v
    *                                                                             *
    *                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
    *                                                                             *
    This is a very common bugcheck.  Usually the exception address pinpoints
    the driver/function that caused the problem.  Always note this address
    as well as the link date of the driver/image that contains this address.
    Arg1: c0000005, The exception code that was not handled
    Arg2: 00000000, The address that the exception occurred at
    Arg3: f789e168, Exception Record Address
    Arg4: f789de64, Context Record Address
    Debugging Details:
    EXCEPTION_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 - Die Anweisung "0x%08lx" verweist auf Speicher bei "0x%08lx". Die Daten wurden wegen eines E/A-Fehlers in "0x%081x" nicht in den Arbeitsspeicher  bertragen.
    00000000 ??              ???
    EXCEPTION_RECORD:  f789e168 -- (.exr 0xfffffffff789e168)
    ExceptionAddress: 00000000
       ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation)
      ExceptionFlags: 00000000
    NumberParameters: 2
       Parameter[0]: 00000000
       Parameter[1]: 00000000
    Attempt to read from address 00000000
    CONTEXT:  f789de64 -- (.cxr 0xfffffffff789de64;r)
    eax=00000000 ebx=80702790 ecx=54445358 edx=00000001 esi=f7472b20 edi=807026c0
    eip=00000000 esp=f789e230 ebp=f789e250 iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na pe nc
    cs=0008  ss=0010  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=0030  gs=0000             efl=00010246
    00000000 ??              ???
    Last set context:
    eax=00000000 ebx=80702790 ecx=54445358 edx=00000001 esi=f7472b20 edi=807026c0
    eip=00000000 esp=f789e230 ebp=f789e250 iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na pe nc
    cs=0008  ss=0010  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=0030  gs=0000             efl=00010246
    00000000 ??              ???
    Resetting default scope
    PROCESS_NAME:  System
    ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 - Die Anweisung "0x%08lx" verweist auf Speicher bei "0x%08lx". Die Daten wurden wegen eines E/A-Fehlers in "0x%081x" nicht in den Arbeitsspeicher  bertragen.
    READ_ADDRESS:  00000000 
    00000000 ??              ???
    00000000 ??              ???
    ANALYSIS_VERSION: 6.3.9600.17237 (debuggers(dbg).140716-0327) x86fre
    LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER:  from 00000000 to 00000000
    f789e22c 00000000 00000000 00000000 f74774fc 0x0
    FOLLOWUP_NAME:  MachineOwner
    MODULE_NAME: Unknown_Module
    IMAGE_NAME:  Unknown_Image
    FAILURE_ID_HASH_STRING:  km:0x7e_null_ip_analysis_inconclusive
    FAILURE_ID_HASH:  {dfedf0b5-2624-ece8-95fa-645295e3260a}
    Followup: MachineOwner


  10. @Damnation

    First I make small joke, just replace acpi.sys, halmacpi.dll and ntoskrn8.sys with your version on the XP SP3

    Setup xp.iso.

    But during the  "Setup is inspecting your hardware configuration" comes message, that "acpi.sys is damaged".

    Now I setup with the original files and debug


  11. @Damnation

    Yes, I fixed everything that is possible on the HP 255 g6 board. Now, there is ACPI-Multprocessor with mostly all drivers.

    A lot of other notebooks boot with the same idea XP SP3 now, which show before Bsod, not direct related to acpi.sys.

    All those Bsods happen because of their VGA settings in DSDT and their internal VGA cant be disabled via Bios.


    Now I am just setting up a new XP SP3 on my Asrock z370 k6 board.

    Without any extra driver, just naked and ready for debug.

    This is possible, because it can use PS/2 for mouse and keyboard. Then I add your acpi.sys, hal.dll and ntoskrn8.sys.

    Soon I report


  12. Hi,

    if somebody has interest for the whole ACPI Multiprocessor XP SP3 for the HP 255 g6,

    just mail me


    EDIT: This image works also for the HP 15-bw000ng.

    But the Paragon 17 tool has problems with different sizes of harddisks.


        1.) Unzip with 7zip all files.
        2.) With Rufus 2.18 put the Paragon.iso to an empty USB stick.
        3.) After this, copy the Job-202402251402635 (contains the XP SP3 image)
            to the same USB stick.
        4.) Put the USB stick to the HP 255 g6 notebook.
            Be sure, that the harddisk from the HP 255 g6 is empty or can be formatted with NTFS and MBR.
        5.) Boot the HP 255 g6 from this USB stick (F9).
        6.) Extract the full ACPI-Multiprocessor XP SP3 image in Job-202402251402635
            to this harddisk in the HP 255 g6 via Paragon.
           Good luck


  13. Yesssa, I got it:cheerleader:. Now I have 2 entries for processor in Device Manager

    It belongs to DSDT.

    In modmodmod DSDT I write now for the shortest possible way for the processor definition


        Scope (_PR)
            Processor (C000, 0x00, 0x00000410, 0x06){}
            Processor (C001, 0x01, 0x00000410, 0x06){}
            Processor (C002, 0x02, 0x00000410, 0x06){}
            Processor (C003, 0x03, 0x00000410, 0x06){}


  14. @Mov AX, 0xDEAD

    I get everything to work under Acpi Multiprocessor on the HP 255 g6 board.

    Only one thing I do not understand.

    Why is only one processor shown in Device Manager.

    For sure, I make all correct in registry for the other processor also. This AMD E2-9000e is strange, because on Win7 it shows 2 processors

    but also only 2 threads. The same is true for the Lenovo board with the same XP SP3 as for the HP, with the same AMD E2-9000e cpu. There also 2 processors are shown but also only 2 threads all together via Task Manager.

    I tried a lot, only one processor is shown, when I start from Standard PC.

    It seems, that when I use in first place "Standard PC", that at an unknown place is written,

    that this means only one processor



  15. Yepp,

    both devices are in the DSDT from the HP but NOT in the DSDT of the Lenovo.

    EDIT: Yes, I succeed to integrate the HP PS/2 keyboard and PS/2 mouse into the modded DSDT from Lenovo.

    There is a driver from HP for XP(!) for this keyboard. And the PS/2 mouse is simply the touchpad.

    So, still it seems that the reason for Bsod with original HP DSDT is the settings for VGA in its DSDT.


                    Device (KBC0)
                        Name (_HID, EisaId ("HPQ8001"))  // _HID: Hardware ID
                        Name (_CID, EisaId ("PNP0303") /* IBM Enhanced Keyboard (101/102-key, PS/2 Mouse) */)  // _CID: Compatible ID
                        Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate ()  // _CRS: Current Resource Settings
                            IO (Decode16,
                                0x0060,             // Range Minimum
                                0x0060,             // Range Maximum
                                0x01,               // Alignment
                                0x01,               // Length
                            IO (Decode16,
                                0x0064,             // Range Minimum
                                0x0064,             // Range Maximum
                                0x01,               // Alignment
                                0x01,               // Length
                            IRQNoFlags ()
                    Device (PS2M)
                        Name (_HID, EisaId ("SYN3254"))  // _HID: Hardware ID
                        Name (_CID, EisaId ("PNP0F13") /* PS/2 Mouse */)  // _CID: Compatible ID
                        Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate ()  // _CRS: Current Resource Settings
                            IO (Decode16,
                                0x0060,             // Range Minimum
                                0x0060,             // Range Maximum
                                0x01,               // Alignment
                                0x01,               // Length
                            IO (Decode16,
                                0x0064,             // Range Minimum
                                0x0064,             // Range Maximum
                                0x01,               // Alignment
                                0x01,               // Length
                            IRQNoFlags ()


  16. @Mov AX, 0xDEAD @Damnation

    I take a look via Task Manager.

    There are 2 Threads. So, this cpu from AMD E2-9000e has one (2?) core with all together 2 threads


    EDIT: Under win7 SP1, there are 2 entries in processor in Device Manager.

    The same 2 entries for XP SP3 on the Lenovo board with the same E2-9000e cpu.

    But always only 2 entries for cpu in Taskmanager can be seen.

    So, my modd of the Registry miss something. I think it happens, because with "Standard PC" you have only always one cpu with one core and one thread. The numbers of processors should be 2 here always, each with one Thread.


    PS: Still I do not find the reason, why the HP 255 g6 crashes under XP SP3 with its orignial DSDT from HP.

    Mostly all of the notebooks from HP around 2017-2018 have this problem under XP.

    Now I think, the reason for this may be the PS/2 keyboard, because I do not find any device for this keyboard,

    no HID, no USB no PS/2 device under XP. EDIT: The Bsod is not because of this PS/2 keyboard or PS/2 mouse.

    I edit the Registry of the HP and modd the DSDT from Lenovo as careful as this is possible.

    On win7 SP1 bit 7 on this HP notebook,

    the Device Manager tells about the keyboard: PS/2 device: Acpi\HPQ8001

    But tells also about an PS/2 mouse with: Acpi\Syn3254 , it is the Touchpad.



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