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Everything posted by VistaLover

  1. Thanks to both @segaklon and @dencorso for their replies Yep, it's nice to know MSE can still be used on Vista!
  2. @dencorso wrote: > Seems to me nobody did the test Apologies, I am indeed on Vista Home Premium SP2 x86, but am currently running Kaspersky Internet Security, which is incompatible with MSE . Windows Defender is only used for on-demand quick scans... It would've been a hassle for me to test MSE: 1. Uninstall KIS, then reboot. 2. Use Kaspersky Removal Tool (all settings are lost), then reboot. 3. Install MSE, then reboot. 4. Do various tests with MSE. 5. After I was finished testing, I would uninstall MSE (possibly aided by MSE Removal Tool ) then reboot. 6. Then go through the trouble of re-installing and reconfiguring KIS (another reboot required), followed by a lengthy definitions update with possibly another reboot required after that... So, a definite NO-GO it was for me... Just some additional info: On both following official MS links for MSE: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/14210/security-essentials-download https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5201 Vista SP1+ (both 32 & 64bit) "appears" to be supported . Both those links fetch the current client version of MSE, which is - is this the one reported broken by @Werewolf at this previous post? I presume they disabled it via a definition update, am I correct? Version 4.4.304.0 reported as working by @segaklon has a digital signature from October 2013; is this version good/efficient enough? And how was 1) its definitions update performed, 2) itself prevented from upgrading to ? Apologies for being a pest, I just want to establish what my options are when my KIS licence expires... Regards
  3. Many thanks for the info . In my eyes, this looks like a promising replacement to MSRT that I could download and manually run every month... To be on the safe side, I did create a Restore Point before letting it perform a quick scan; that took ca. 12min (I recollect MSRT taking somewhat less, perhaps 7-8 min), 0 infected files were found, so all OK !
  4. I was dismayed to discover they were that quick to remove Vista Support from MSRT - I distinctly remember that on my (now decommissioned) XP SP3 desktop, WU continued to find updated versions of MSRT many months after XP SP3 was EOL'd... But given how swift they were to disable MSE on Vista after April 11th, I can't say I was surprised ... So, Windows-KB890830-V5.48.exe wouldn't run on Vista; previous version Windows-KB890830-V5.47.exe (for April 2017) is the last that would... They have issued a statement, to be found on https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/890830/remove-specific-prevalent-malware-with-windows-malicious-software-removal-tool I suspect there now is a built-in OS version check that hinders v5.48 from running the scan on Vista ; I'll leave the task to the real experts (to query if it's even possible to lift that restriction), but as Vista and Server 2008 are both NT 6.0, I'm curious as to how they implemented it... I've never been much dependent on MSRT, so I'll not lament its deprecation on Vista... Does anyone have any prior experience with Microsoft Safety Scanner ? Latest version 1.0.3001.0 doesn't complain when started on Vista SP2, but I haven't let it perform the scan yet
  5. ... Judging from this recent post, it would appear it's GAME OVER for MSE on Vista SP2 currently; I couldn't tell myself, since I am running Kaspersky IS on this Vista SP2 x86 laptop. FWIW, Windows Defender still functions properly at the time of writing: Updated definitions can be downloaded manually from Malware Protection Center, in the "Windows Defender in Windows 7 and Windows Vista" links; let's wait and see if/when that "Windows Vista" reference gets removed and whether the remaining "Windows Defender in Windows 7" links would yield files installable on Vista ...
  6. You are correct - the last version of .NET Framework 4.x.x that would install on Vista (Home Premium SP2 x86 here) is 4.6.1; but the last version officially supported by MS on Vista is 4.6, so WU won't offer you to install 4.6.1 if you have 4.6 already installed; as I see it, if you have 4.5.2 installed, WU will find updates for 4.5.2 and offer an in-place upgrade to 4.6; if the upgrade is chosen and applied, only updates for 4.6 are found. The full standalone installer for 4.6.1 is file "NDP461-KB3102436-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe" and can be fetched via MS Download Center; this will install fine on your fully patched Vista OS, replacing your previous .NET FW 4.x.x version and all of its updates. Sadly, as pointed out by @Mine Turtle, being an unsupported version means that WU won't be able to find any updates for it . One can always track down in MS Security Bulletins (now discontinued) or Microsoft Catalog individual updates for 4.6/4.6.1 destined for Windows 7 SP1, fetch them to disk and apply them manually... I am lucky with regards to the tracking part, because sister's laptop runs W7 SP1 x64 with .NET FW 4.6.1 (purposely not upgraded yet to 4.6.2) and I am monitoring what .NET FW updates this gets, write down their KB numbers and then download their x86 flavours and apply them manually in my Vista laptop. For anyone curious/needing those, here's a capture (via snipping tool) of the .NET Framework 4.6.1 section of my "Installed Updates" list (4.6.1 was manually installed last May): As for 4.6.2, its .EXE installer may have been "artificially" made incompatible with Vista or it may indeed be the case that 4.6.2 as a whole requires API functions not present in the Vista OS; really inapt to tell... And since v4.6/4.6.1 is still supported on W7, it may well be that future security/performance updates for 4.6/4.6.1 on W7 could be manually applied on Vista, too (unless MS plays it nasty and blocks them via an OS check switch or whatever ).
  7. > Thank you for the information, VistaLover! ... You are most welcome > I finally got around to updating the Last versions of software for Windows Vista list to reflect this information ... from your PDF viewers section: >> Adobe Reader DC version 2015.10.2006.0 (FREE, CS, UNS) ... a small typo there, actually it's 2015.010.20060 > and I added an installation package for Reader DC for Vista containing all of the needed files. Very much appreciated, no doubt, by Vista users Please accept some well-intended remarks: >> To install, download this file Your link actually points to a MEGA shared folder; one has to click the "Download as ZIP" button Incidentally, MEGA was being mean at me the day you first uploaded this and wouldn't let me fetch anything from inside that folder; it was fixed the next day, though (by that time I was anxiously trying to figure out what's wrong at my end ) ! >> and follow the instructions ... from your "Instructions.rdf" file (step 1): >>> run setup.msi There doesn't exist such a file; as per my original post, one would have to manually execute first the patched AcroRead.msi file, followed by executing manually file AcroRdrDCUpd1501020060.msp (step 2 of your guide), or, possibly, only execute file setup.exe which, if setup.ini is to be trusted, does the same things... >>> 4. Browse to the "Wrappers" folder, and copy both files to Windows\System32 (AND SysWOW64 if on 64-bit OS) I am on Vista x86, but according to @smeezekitty's original instructions for his wrappers, Vista users shouldn't mess with system dirs/files; both user33.dll & kernel33.dll can be placed (along with app's modified dlls) inside the app's installation directory, as per your step 3 - this is what I've done myself (all 5 dlls inside Acrobat Reader DC installation folder) and everything's OK! >> There are some bugs ... Nothing encountered on Vista Home Premium SP2 32bit >> Unfortunately, later versions currently don't work under Vista. BTW, many thanks for: >>> CREDITS: -VistaLover of MSFN.org, for finding out the absolute final version of Adobe Reader DC that works in Vista. ... and I hate to bring this up, but, considering Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is a closed source software (owned by Adobe), distributing modified parts of it (EXE installer, AcroRead.msi and three DLLs) might not go down well with their legal department... Best regards from Greece
  8. Hello Running Windows Vista SP2 Home Premium x86 as my only OS here (Toshiba Laptop), so not inside a Virtual Machine. KB3217877 appeared on Windows Update as an optional update on Mar 22nd 2017; it was at that time completely undocumented, so did not install it initially... The following days various related articles appeared on line: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_other-update/vista-patch-kb3217877/4b622ea2-2050-436f-8e35-096d1dd0ce87 https://www.askwoody.com/forums/topic/kb3217877-for-vista-and-windows-server-2008/ http://borncity.com/win/2017/03/23/update-kb3217877-for-windows-vistaserver-2008/ and finally M$ uploaded the relevant KB article at: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/3217877/update-for-windows-server-2008-and-windows-vista-kb3217877 It was then that I decided to go ahead with the install, did it, restarted laptop as indicated and do not have any issues whatsoever since... It appears KB3217877 is an update to Win10 UCRT (KB2999226, file Windows6.0-KB2999226-x86.msu) so make sure this is installed first in your virtual OS. I am very sorry I can't help you any further, but MSFN does have very knowlegdeable members that should be able to... Regards
  9. Hi all I got as far as File Version 15.010.20060.43353 of the "Continuous Track", which was released one year ago (March 8th 2016) and has the tabbed interface: I think people will find valuable Adobe's own ftp links: ftp://ftp.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/win/AcrobatDC/ Open the "1501020060" directory and download "AcroRdrDC1501020060_en_US.exe". As per the instructions previously in this thread, unpack (I used 7-zip) into a folder and patch "AcroRead.msi". A free alternative to Orca is Superorca, but be cautious because Superorca instantly modifies .msi installers; there's no "Save" option, only a "Save as" one, which allows for saving the modified file under a new name... To install base version 15.007.20033 on Vista, I changed "Not((VersionNT<601))" under "LaunchCondition" to "Not((VersionNT<600))". "AcroRdrDCUpd1501020060.msp" (windows installer patch) is the file that will update your initial installation from 15.007.20033 to 15.010.20060. My aged memory fails me at this point, what I think I did was to "cheat", so to speak: I installed "AcroRdrDC1501020060_en_US.exe" directly onto a Win7SP1 laptop (without a prior Adobe Reader installation), and (before it got updated further) I copied over the whole installation dir to a USB stick; this was then used to overwrite the initial 15.007.20033 Vista installation... I don't remember whether file "AcroRdrDCUpd1501020060.msp" runs on Vista or not, (Super)Orca can't inspect it... Last stage is to hex-edit DLLs "AcroRd32.dll", "AGM.dll", "AdobeLinguistic.dll" (read previously in this thread) and add "kernel33.dll" and "user33.dll" kindly and selflessly compiled and provided by @smeezekitty (...huge belated thanks ) The next update Adobe issued to 15.010.20060 was 15.016.20039, released on May 4th 2016. Most sadly, @smeezekitty's fixes cease to work at this point, because the devs introduced another Vista kernel incompatibility: I don't possess the knowledge to tell whether this error could be still fixed by another "redirection" DLL by @smeezekitty or someone else... Version 15.010.20060 is already one year old, superseded by many others in between (from 15.016.20039 to latest 15.023.20070). I would be very keen on having one of those later versions made to run on Vista, since they implement the new "DarkTheme.acrotheme", a dark UI which is much softer on the eyes, especially during the night... If I understood right, @Dibya works on XP and has modified the XP kernel accordingly... Can a solution be worked out on Vista OS, too? Please do share here if anyone's managed to have a recent version of Reader DC run on Vista... EDIT1: To prevent your Vista installed version (15.010.20060) from auto-updating to a non-compatible newer version, rename or delete the "Updater.api" file inside "plug_ins" folder. EDIT2: Acrobat Reader DC needs files msvcp100.dll, msvcp110.dll, msvcp120.dll, msvcr120.dll to be present inside app's root installation folder; the "110" flavours belong to MSVC++2010 (should be already present in Vista SP2) and the "120" ones belong to MSVC++2013. If not already present in your system (e.g. via another app or via Windows Update), look for them in Microsoft Download Center: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/developer-tools.aspx Best regards
  10. Sure. Then again, he did warn people to use his "archive" link instead... ... For WinXP users, permanent links to Google Chrome v49.0.2623.112 (32bit) direct from Google servers; the download link template is of the form: <url>/release2/<string>/49.0.2623.112_chrome_installer.exe where <url> is one of the next four mirrors: http://cache.pack.google.com/edgedl http://redirector.gvt1.com/edgedl http://www.google.com/dl http://dl.google.com and <string> is: 14okehgrtfipvtyyd9pt7hf7ek7hhs7k47bc481jwgh8fz1ono51hw75dtgcm4j6kkei8h9clijoftygpga0q2kbey0o9n4ec6wd Uncertain for how long those links will remain live Maybe sdfox7 could also back up that file onto his server; that file has the added benefit of being extractable with WinRAR, 7zip and similar archivers, unlike "ChromeStandaloneSetup.exe" On Windows Vista SP2 32bit, Google Chrome 50, though officially unsupported, runs fine; in all probability, it'll be the last Google Chrome version to run on that OS; v51 (currently into beta & dev channels) will start up on Vista, but all browser tabs will be empty If anyone else on Vista is willing to give it a go, the "filename" for latest 50 version (currently on the stable channel) is "50.0.2661.87_chrome_installer.exe"; you can use the download link template posted above for v49, but replace given <string> with: euxv7s2geeridhk4gou5e0clgqqu7cbf5aaanm7jgzh5ymluyr5jzmqnsjwfttjaq2m795gcgpfshqw8m5mkbh5gvj35jo0rnpi and, obviously, replace "49" filename with the "50" one... Currently running v50.0.2661.87 in portable mode (PAF), on Vista Home Premium SP2 32bit:
  11. Hello all Vista users After reading the following comment: Google Chrome 50 Drops Windows XP and Vista I went ahead and downloaded v50.0.2661.75 (32bit) of Google Chrome Portable from page: Google Chrome 50 Portable (PAF) It extracted and installed fine (the portable NSIS setup apparently doesn't check for mininum OS required ). Once the portable launcher (GoogleChromePortable.exe) was run, the browser itself loaded fine and behaved flawlessly in every test I put it through (I was testing it for at least 45min after install). Unlike what was posted previously in this thread, all URLs tried loaded successfully and quickly. I only have 2GB of RAM on this 2007 Vista Home Premium 32bit SP2 laptop, yet Chrome 50 appears to be very responsive, as long as the number of opened tabs isn't excessive (max 8 tried...). Screengrab: Of course, as could be expected, Aero doesn't work; you all know it hasn't worked since v41 ... But the browser, in portable mode, is very usable on my system . I was never a true Chrome convert (I have used Firefox as my main browser since 2006), but I do want it for tests occasionally... I haven't bothered to try the installable version (to query if it does install to begin with), nor do I have an interest currently for the beta/dev channels, but Portable Chrome 50 (stable) does seem as a working option on the Vista OS. For XP users: Although it's not to be found on the PortableApps.com site anymore, you can download Google Chrome 49.0.2623.112 Portable from the following link: Google Chrome 49.0.2623.112 Portable (IFTW) This is an installer-from-the-web, aka stub/online NSIS setup, which fetches the 49.0.2623.112 files from Google servers... If you are interested, better download and install now; who knows if/when Google remove those files... Best regards
  12. Hello smeezekitty, many thanks for your reply If I understood correctly, K32EnumProcesses function is present on Vista in psapi.dll, but on Win7 (min OS requirement for Adobe Acrobat Reader DC) is to be found in kernel32.dll? Still, it's odd to me that the Adobe devs introduced that function only in the latest update, with so many continous-track updates having no need for it The good news, I guess, is that it's fixable, I am certainly not in a hurry, so take your time to provide a properly working fix... Let's hope Adobe don't introduce even more incompatible code with their next update I'll be keeping a watchful eye on this thread for the eventual appearance of your patched DLLs. Many thanks in anticipation PS: There's some issue with the quote tags in your previous post; as well as quoting me, you are also quoting yourself!
  13. Hello dencorso Please accept my apologies I wrote from memory, thus I failed miserably... Plus, my XP (SP2) box has been decommissioned since last November, so was not practical for me to test there, only tested on Vista SP2 without the PUS. So Fx 45.0.1 is definitely not working! But here are the full details: I used to frequent the mozillazine forums and it was there I became aware of the following bugzilla bug #1234099 ; it was this bug (and its title: Unhide Adobe GMP on Windows XP) I had in my mind when I posted here with regards to your issue... Sadly, I had not checked that bug's recent activity; it was "uplifted" to version 46, which brings us in turn to Bugzilla bug #1250766 ; comment 6 writes: ... and comment 12 writes: Today is/was a Sunday, so had some more spare time at hand; I decided to bring my XP SP2 x86 box out of storage and try myself - I installed first Firefox 46.0b9 portable and then Firefox Developer Edition (DevEd for brevity) 47.0a2[20160410] portable (both in PAF format, with separate profiles). In both Firefox versions, there is a "Primetime CDM provided by Adobe Systems Incorporated 17" entry in about:addons -> plugins, also in the profile folder exists a "gmp-eme-adobe" directory with "eme-adobe.dll". about:config has "media.gmp-eme-adobe.enabled;true". But about:preferences#content does not show a "Playback DRM content" section! I tried to play back some local MP4 files, first in Fx 46.0b9 and then in DevEd 47.0a2. In both cases, playback failed, in contrast to what is stated inside #1250766. In the case of DevEd 47.0a2, browser suffers a silent crash: Firefox 47.0a2 Crash Report [@ mozilla::gmp::GMPChild::ProcessingError ] everytime I try a new MP4/M4A file. Perhaps my failure stems from the fact I'm still on SP2 (32bit), but I did not care to debug this further... You don't stand to lose anything if you yourself try versions DevEd 47.0a2_x86 or even Nightly 48.0a1_x86 (you can use the portables without affecting your normal Fx install) - perhaps in your case, with SP3(/4) installed, you may have better results. Comment 12 only mentions a test on XP (SP2) x64, so 32bit XP is not explicitly covered in that comment... Since you are very keen on having this working (playback of h264/aac in MP4 in Firefox on XP), perhaps you should join referenced Bugzilla bug and share your findings there... It appears the Mozilla Devs want this as much as you... Anyhow, again sorry for the initial false info, I do hope you soon get this sorted ! Many regards
  14. Hello dencorso If you have latest (release channel) version of Mozilla Firefox (45.0.1), then please make sure you have the latest vesion of Adobe Primetime HTML5 Content Decryption Module installed inside Extensions -> Plugins. On systems which lack the native OS resources (XP, Vista without Platform Update Supplement) to play back patented H264+AAC, the CDM is being used as a fallback mechanism to play back un-encrypted (H264+AAC) MP4s (or audio M4As) delivered over HTML5. The main caveat is that Hardware Acceleration (GPU) can't be used with the CDM, only software one (CPU) ... HTH
  15. Hello smeezekitty The main reason I joined MSFN was to grab a copy of your compiled "user33.dll" in this thread (Google led me here), so I could preview/install Adobe Acrobat Reader DC on my Vista Home Premium SP2 32bit laptop - so, many thanks indeed Your DLL redirection method has worked flawlessly during all the continuous-track updates Adobe pushed, for the record those were: -- File Version -- 15.007.20033.02203 15.008.20082.15957 15.009.20069.28170 15.009.20077.29851 15.010.20056.36345 15.010.20059.40980 Sadly, the latest update, which was File Version: 15.010.20060.43353 somehow has broken things for me When I try to access the Preferences popup window, (Edit -> Preferences), I now get the error reported by 2008WindowsVista in: comment=1109941 which, much like his case, appears only once when you try to access Prefs; clicking OK makes it go away and Prefs pops up normally. But, much like 2008WindowsVista has already posted in: comment=1109943 the real deal-breaker is when trying to access the Tools tab (either directly or via Edit -> Manage Tools), when the error shown can't be clicked away and results in an endless loop, making it necessary to kill AcroRd32.exe process manually via Task manager. 2008WindowsVista is on Vista Ultimate 64bit and he already reported those glitches since first released version 2015.007.20033, but I am on Vista HP 32bit and only started having those after the latest update (version 2015.010.20060). I do realise Adobe's code is closed-source, but are you in any state to discern what was introduced in latest update that started causing me those issues? Could an updated version of your user33.dll be compiled so as to address those? As a workaround, I have downgraded to version 2015.010.20059 (which works totally fine on my system) and renamed \plug_ins\Updater.api (to Updater.api.BAK) so that it won't auto-update to 2015.010.20060... Of course I can stay put at that version, but it'll become less secure as time moves on... Anyhow, many thanks for your efforts so far... Most kind regards
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