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Posts posted by SD73

  1. 2 minutes ago, dencorso said:

    Sure! You may ignore those two all right. If installed they'd just nag you and serve no other purpose. You're better without the two of 'em. Great to hear your system is OK now! :yes:

    Thanks!  It's okay because of guys like you and Mr. H!  Had I have been left on my own to keep my pc updated it would have burst into flames years ago.  ;)

  2. 1 hour ago, heinoganda said:

    Disable automatic updates first, restart the PC, manual installation of cumulative update of IE8 (KB4047206), Security Update for Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack Service Pack 3 (KB4011265) and Security Update for Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack Service Pack 3 (KB4011205). After these updates are installed, the search should work properly with IE8 under Microsoft Update. If there are still problems, send me a PM.


    I think you have the key there.  But I left mine to run overnight to since i didn't see your turning off the Automatic Updates suggestions.  When I looked this morning it found the XP Updates, and even the IE8 one that I had already installed.  After I rebooted and turned off Automatic Updates it went through the manual check process fast, but didn't find any other updates.  I suppose that makes sense since i have Office 2003, and not 2007.  I thought maybe some of the updates would affect the older Office version but apparently not.  

    When I ran Belarc Advisor it found 2 missing updates.  The first one I've had all along and discarded as I thought it was just that annoying get of XP message Microsoft loved the broadcast.  I'm assuming the second one is the same but for Office?  1) EOL-MICROSOFT-WINXP  2) EOL-MICROSOFT-OFFICE03


  3. 15 minutes ago, dencorso said:

    I've just downloaded and installed Comparability Pack update, did the same the IE8 one, and rebooted. Then I told MU to look for updates and waited less than 1 (one) minute, before it gave me the list with the remaining updates.

    Something is definitely not right. Please, gimme a screenshot of the page on which you've already been waiting for 3h.

    Here she is......


  4. 10 hours ago, heinoganda said:


    On the subject of the high CPU utilization during the search at WU / MU, I had already given a recommendation a long time ago.

    Here, the steps with the most recent cumulative update of IE8 and Office Compatibility Pack and / or Office Updates have already been circulated, but no one seems to have taken the trouble to date. That's why an upvote to @dencorso

    @ all

    Small info on the edge, the complete list of .NET Framework 3.5 and 4 updates for Windows XP now also with downloadlinks.



    That's the thing.  My CPU was low.  Under 5 percent for over 5 hours.  I didn't notice any of the Update services running then either.  That's why I decided to manually download the updates.  I'll be interesting in hearing Dave's results from his wait and see testing.

  5. Glnz, I have no complaints with the updates themselves.  Mine has Office 2003, so it didn't take both 2007 updates, but it did take the Comparability Pack.  I guess that's the last time we get that luxury anyway.

    LiamZ, I finally gave up on waiting and just downloaded and installed from the links provided.  How long did people wait?  I gave up at about 5 hours or so.

  6. 2 hours ago, glnz said:

    No problems so far, and MS Update shows them at the top of the installed list.

    But are they really installed?  (Do I really exist?)

    Anyone else having explorer.exe problems?

    You may want to try the Belarc Advisor to verify you're fully updated.  That's been a great tool for me.  I've had no IE or any dump issues either.  

  7. 22 minutes ago, Mathwiz said:

    Apparently available only from the MS Update catalog; not (yet) via AU, WU, or MU. (But come hell or high water, we get those time zone updates!)

    Also the downloaded file appears to be unsigned? Very unusual for MS....

    According to the link heinoganda provided it's only to be used if you're seeing a specific issue.

    "A blank page or "404" error prints when you try to print a frame in Internet Explorer versions 9 through 11"

    Microsoft also notes that it may make your network vulnerable as well and to use at your own risk.

  8. I got 13 updates this time around.  I only have Office 2003 and no 2007 products so I'm hoping that accounts for the missing 3.  Instead of downloading the updates manually, I decided to see what my computer picked up on it's own.  The last time I downloaded to a USB, I had a horrendous time getting a corruption problem straightened out, that heignoganda finally helped me correct.  In any case, I let my computer run overnight and I also initiated the updates through the IE web browser.  The browser was still searching for them in the morning, but the Update Shield had them ready for install.   The install went smooth, so all is good!

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