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Posts posted by Jakob99

  1. 4 hours ago, ScrapMechanicFan2016 said:

    will Microsoft Office 2019 be able to be installed and ran on Windows Vista with the latest release? if so it'd be ready enough for me to use vista as my main OS on my main rig(Vista business is my main OS on my thinkpad)

    That one only supports Windows 10 and later. Although someone did get it to work on 7 and 8.1, that method will probably not work, though I could be wrong.

  2. 25 minutes ago, SIW2 said:

    You can get the updates with dism++ later.

    Either the problem is your installation media, or there is something about your mobo/bios which is different from the normal lga1155 mobos from gigabyte  etc. .

    The way to find out is to install vanilla vista with sp2

    Cool! I have to be doing something wrong. When I boot into the BIOS settings, the UEFI boot options does not show the USB drive. When I hit F12, it shows up under Legacy mode, but not UEFI. When I select it under Legacy mode, it loads up just fine and it sees everything, but when I attempt to chose the partition, it tells me it can't install to it as it is in GPT format. I did everything you told me to do:

    The simplest way is format the usb stick fat32 using disk management.

    Mark the fat32 partition active.

    Extract the contents of win7 installation iso onto the usb stick.

    Rename windows 7 install.wim to something like install7.wim - or delete it.

    Copy the vista install.wim into the sources folder on the usb stick .

    Yet, I am unable to boot the USB in efi mode. Here's photos of the BIOS and WinPE: https://imgur.com/gallery/gig72vV Not sure what else to do as even a vanilla SP2 Vista image would not work since this appears to be a problem of it not being able to boot/device the drive in efi mode.

  3. 13 hours ago, SIW2 said:

    "but could not get it to mark the drive as active, like you said to do"

    At cmd prompt:


    sel vol v  ( replace v with the letter of your usb stick fat32 partition )




    Then close diskmgmt and open it again to see the change



    And one more question. Do I need to convert the USB stick to be in the GPT partition style. I'd take it, since I am to boot it in UEFI mode, that it would have to be, but just want to make sure.

    I have not tried the regular install.wim. The ISO that I am using has all the Vista updates from 2007-2017, which is what I use for Extended Kernel. It also has custom generic USB3 drivers within it as well

  4. 8 hours ago, SIW2 said:

    The simplest way is format the usb stick fat32 using disk management.

    Mark the fat32 partition active.

    Extract the contents of win7 installation iso onto the usb stick.

    Rename windows 7 install.wim to something like install7.wim - or delete it.

    Copy the vista install.wim into the sources folder on the usb stick .

     ( If your vista install.wim is larger than 4gb, then split it first and copy install.swm and install2.swm or however many there are into the sources folder.)

    Boot the usb stick in efi mode to do the installation


    I followed these steps, but my BIOS is unable to see the USB in the boot options. When I hit F2 to enter the BIOS, it only shows Windows Boot Manager as the available boot device, meaning I cannot make the USB boot first. Gonna restart and see what F12 does.

    F12 allowed me into the USB drive. Will report back later on what happens.

    I tried your steps and they did not work. The first time, I created as an MBR drive as I tried GPT, but could not get it to mark the drive as active, like you said to do. I booted it up with F12, it saw everything, but could not install it. I then recreated it using GPT, but when trying to boot it using F12, it told me that booting the device failed. USB was not being detected under UEFI for some reason, so I added it in manually through the BIOS, and that's where the error came from. I then ran setup through the already installed Windows 7 and chose the Vista drive I created, and it seemed to work, but when it rebooted the second time, I was greeted with this BSOD: https://imgur.com/a/EM51oPF The BSOD is 0x01E. Not sure what else to do here.

  5. 1 hour ago, SIW2 said:

    Yes, the SP1 "media refresh" win7 iso work fine for this.  It doesnt have the vista license files, so it shows you the win 7 equivalent. Dont worry about that, it actually installs vista.

    If you want setup to allow you to choose any edition of vista that is in the install.wim, delete the ei.cfg file from the win7 sources folder on the usb stick.


    Cool! I will try this now and see what happens. Also, I am installing this alongside Windows 7 (Windows 7 is already installed and is what I am using to type this), which is also in UEFI. Do I also need to create a hidden partition for Vista or no?

  6. 10 minutes ago, SIW2 said:

    The simplest way is format the usb stick fat32 using disk management.

    Mark the fat32 partition active.

    Extract the contents of win7 installation iso onto the usb stick.

    Rename windows 7 install.wim to something like install7.wim - or delete it.

    Copy the vista install.wim into the sources folder on the usb stick .

     ( If your vista install.wim is larger than 4gb, then split it first and copy install.swm and install2.swm into the sources folder.)

    Boot the usb stick in efi mode to do the installation


    For future reference, how do I split the install.wim?

  7. 54 minutes ago, SIW2 said:

    I had vista running fine in efi mode on an ivybridge b75m mobo with i5-3570. Didnt need to delete basic graphics.

    What did you do to get it working? I did a trick that involved making the drive up as UEFI in Rufus, going to USB:\efi\boot, delete the bootx64.efi file there, going to Install.wim and opening it up in 7zip, extract bootmgfw.efi and copy it to USB:\efi\boot and then rename it to bootx64. This did not work and produced a BSOD, which I think was 0x01E or something. I also just realized this same file is in Boot.wim as well. Gonna try that one and see what happens. Regardless, I am still in need of your solution in case this does not work either.

  8. Laptop:

    Dell Latitude E6530

    Intel Ivy Bridge, Core i5, HD 4000.

    16GB of Ram

    Windows 7 with UEFI mode (No Basic Display Adapter) on 4TB SSD.


    Installation Media:

    Windows Vista x64 SP2 Updated to 2017 EOL (for Extended Kernel) formatted in Rufus with UEFI\GPT settings.


    Hi! I was wondering if anyone knows how to run Windows Vista SP2 with UEFI enabled on Intel Ivy Bridge Core i5? If so, what do I need to do, and how do I dual-boot it with Windows 7 when Windows 7 is installed first. The ISO has all the updates from Vista launch to its 2017 discontinuation. The Windows 7 installation on UEFI was made possible by deleting Basic Display Adapter after installing it through Mini Windows 10's DISM. UEFI is needed if I want to use the full 4TB SSD space. Any help on this is greatly appreciated!

    EDIT: I solved this issue. You can get Windows Vista working under UEFI (on devices that support Windows 8 and later such as Sandy/Ivy Bridge, Haswell, Broadwell, Skylake, etc) using UEFI7. Just replace the Windows 7 ISO with the Windows Vista updated to 2017 eol ISO (if you are using that ISO). Details on how to do this can be found here: https://vinaypundith.github.io/windows_7_efi_guide/

  9. I hope not either. I'm actually trying to install Windows 2000 to a Dell Latitude E6530, but am having issues on part two of setup (the part where you need to use the mouse and keyboard) due to nothing, not even the built-in touchpad mouse and keyboard not working. Rather than hijack this thread, you can learn more about my problem in the thread I linked to below. Hopefully someone has a solution.


  10. Dell Latitude E6530 (2014)

    Intel Ivy Bridge (Intel HD 4000)

    16GB of Ram

    1TB HDD

    Intel Core i5

    Os's from Windows XP through Windows 10 have been installed on this laptop at one point or another and all are confirmed working.

    If you need anything else, please let me know.

    Hi! I am trying to install Windows 2000 onto a Dell Latitude E6530, but am having problems. The CD I am using has BlackWingCat's SATA drivers integrated as well as SP4. Due to an ACPI error, I had to press F7 to continue and the DOS-esk setup goes smoothly. Was able to detect the full 400GB that I set aside for the OS (as a dual-boot with XP), able to format it just fine, etc. However, once it gets done with that stage and the laptop restarts into the GUI setup phase (where it sets up devices, your user account, etc), that's where it stops working. The next part of setup loads just fine, however, the laptop's built-in mouse and keyboard do not work at all as is also the case with the lone USB 2.0 port (the rest are 3.0). Despite these things not working, it is at least able to get to the Setup is installing your devices screen, but after that, I cannot proceed. This laptop has no PS/2 ports so I cannot use that nor do I have a PIC-E USB and/or PS/2 card.

    So I was wondering if it would be possible to slipstream in working USB 2.0 drivers so I can use the USB mouse to finish the second part of installation. I'm sure @blackwingcat is bound to have something to help get me through this issue. I should note that the built-in mouse/keyboard work in the BIOS and they also work on the OS bootloader (where I get to choose between 2000 and XP), but then stop after I select 2000. I should also note that they also work just fine under XP (which has driver support). Any help on this issue is greatly appreciated, especially blackwingcat's whom I've summoned here in the hopes of drawing his attention.

  11. If you are having trouble installing/running Windows 2000 on an Acer TravelMate 2480, please read this guide.

    1. Grab a Windows 2000 CD and pop it in. Ensure it has service pack 4 integrated. No SATA drivers are needed.

    2. Ensure your hard drive of choice is inserted. Windows 2000 should work with drives up to 500GB, though you will need a modification to work it. Drives 130GB or less require no mods.

    3. Start it up, press F2, and ensure the laptop is set to boot from CD/DVD drive. Hit F10 to leave.

    4. Let the installer load up. Once finished, go through and follow the prompts. Partition the drive how you'd like. If you want to dual-boot it with XP or Vista, make equal space (E.G. If you have 130GB, make two 65GB partitions). Let it install.

    5. After loading it up, using another  computer with internet, go here https://www.acer.com/ac/en/US/content/support-product/187?b=1 Everything there should work, even the wireless driver, though I haven't had any luck with the audio driver listed there.

    6. Go here http://retrosystemsrevival.blogspot.com/2018/01/boingo-wireless.html and download this. It will link itself to the wireless driver and allow internet to work.

    7. Follow this video to update Windows 2000.

    8. Go here and set this up. Extended Kernel allows any XP SP2/3 Apps to run.

     9. You have successfully set up your Acer TravelMate 2480 with Windows 2000 and Extended Kernel!

  12. On 9/13/2021 at 9:18 PM, win32 said:


    91 ESR is working with the hex patches I described earlier. 92 beta as well, but 93 developer also has issues for me. But remember that 93 developer is bleeding edge and instability should be anticipated. I would be concerned if the crashes stuck around to beta, however.

    You mentioned a couple pages back that a new kernel version is coming out at the end of September. Will this feature Windows 7+ driver support? Also, is there any way to get Vista working under UEFI? Most newer laptops only include that, rendering Vista unusable on those devices, some older laptops from Sandy Bridge/Ivy Bridge have it, which may lead to people wanting to try it out on it (It will fail as Windows Vista's, and even Windows 7's UEFI support does not work with these hardware as they were designed more for Windows 8/8.1), and if you want to use more than 2TB of space on your hard drive/solid state drive. Both of these issues are why I had to use Windows 7 with my 4TB SSD (I got it working by installing 7, deleting the basic display driver entirely, and loading in Intel HD 4000 Graphics through Medicat Mini Windows 10. I don't have BSOD, SafeMode, or checkdisc, but oh well) instead of Vista.

  13. On 9/13/2021 at 6:32 AM, Ark_mage2180 said:

    Anyone tried to install Vista on Broadwell-based laptop?

    I think it might be interesting, but I know that most drivers won't work, even with Extended Kernel as of today.

    It will work, but there will be serious bugs with it. Many services will refuse to start plus there are a host of other problems. Nobody knows how to get these fixed however. These problems did plague Windows 7, but it was fixed with an update not long after Haswell came out.

    Most drivers also will not work. You might get lucky and find some, but not everything. Many of these won't work until Win32 figures out how to get Windows7+ drivers working with the kernel. He said to me a while ago that it should be in the release that follows up the May release, whenever he drops that.

  14. On 8/14/2021 at 11:12 AM, Dixel said:

    Reach with what exactly ? The OP was asking about his specific notebook model , Dell Latitude E6530. So the advice was given looking at the specs. This CPU/laptop is like what , 10 years old ? I can't imagine any possible scenario where he could reach all 16GB of RAM . This machine has 3rd gen Intel Core i3-3110M Processor (2.4GHz, 3M cache). It's underpowered , he just can't play any modern (and not so modern) games on that ! Wait a minute , I kinda know ,  perhaps if he joins @ArcticFoxie's 360 browser contest in a desperate attempt to open 189283028302 pages with youtube and play all videos all at once...

    Full laptop specs , says 2011 at the end of the page.


    Actually, this laptop is able to emulate Gamecube Games and Wii games nicely. It can also run Steam games such as Bloons TD 6 nicely as well. This thread is actually now redundant as I decided to put the 4TB SSD into this laptop instead and install Windows 8.1 to it.

  15. Hi! I just purchased a WD Blue 4TB 3D NAND Internal Solid State Drive which will go into another laptop and replace the WD Blue 1TB 3D NAND Solid State Drive currently in that computer and I was thinking about popping the 1TB into my Dell Latitude E6530 and installing Windows Vista with Extended Kernel to it and was wondering about SSD care tips when using one with Vista. I do have Elpamsoft's SSD Tweaker Pro, which I got when I tried Vista on a 500GB SSD on an older Vista laptop, and it appeared to work, but I wanted to know of other tips that can help in prolonging the life of the SSD while using it with Vista. Thanks in advanced for your guys' help!

  16. Not sure if this is extended kernel related, but sometimes when I wake my laptop from sleep mode, the wireless internet does not work and trying to configure a wireless network causes Explorer to freeze, requiring me to restart just to get it working again. This has happened on an Acer Aspire E1-531 and a Dell Latitude E6530. The Acer had Qualcomm Atheros for internet while the Dell (which I am currently using) has Intel Centrino Ultimate-N 6300 AGN. I should note that I did disable the "Allow Windows to turn off this device to save power", but it still does not fix the problem! Any help is greatly appreciated!

  17. 13 hours ago, nicksilverstein said:

    I have the Dell Latitude E6230, E6430, Dell Precision M6700, and M4700. They are all the same CPU/GPU Generation as your E6530. All of those do not have driver support for vista but, there are workarounds.

    Basically how you get it to work is firstly install the extended kernel because it's needed to extract the dell installer. then, download the Driver Cab (aka Driver Pack) from Dell for Windows 7 and XP 64-bit. If there isn't a XP 64-bit folder download the precision equivalent of the latitude cab. there is always precision xp 64-bit drivers intel 3rd gen and earlier. also, download the intel lan installer for seven because it's the only way to install it. then point device manager to the extracted cab of seven if it doesn't find it try pointing it to the xp one.

    as for intel hd 4000 there is a version of the drivers that does work with it:

    I hope it helps!

    I got it working a few days ago! Most of the 7 drivers from the Dell website worked. A few, I just used driver booster to get.

  18. 9 hours ago, Vistapocalypse said:

    Dolphin 5.0 is said to have been the last version to support vanilla Vista x64, but let us know what happens if you try a higher version.

    I have tried the latest beta version and it works like a charm with vcredist 2019 installed. Per Vistafand, you don't need the Extended Kernel for 2019. Fore some reason, I thought you did. Anywho, for the latest beta build of Dolphin, you will in fact need the Extended Kernel (unlike Vcredist 2019). Just install Vcredist 2019, download the latest beta build of Dolphin (Vcredist 2019 has a link on the Dolphin download page), extract it to your desktop or whatever, and then open it. It should open just fine. No modification of files needed. I'm only using Dolphin 2014 as that was compiled around the time Ivy Bridge was still on the market (and around the time the early Haswell's were heading out) and I experience less glitches in most Wii Games, although to beat World 6-1 and 6-2 in Super Paper Mario, I had to temporarily upgrade to the newest beta. In all, Haswell is the minimum I recommend for Dolphin as I have a 2015 desktop with that and I have no glitches using the latest beta and Windows 8.1, although if you have souped up Ivy Bridge laptop like I have and want to travel with Dolphin, you will be fine for the most part, although you may need to swap Dolphin versions as issues/glitches dictate (Google search the glitch/issue and check the search results for more info on this. The save data is compatible with most versions. For Wii, copy the title folder located inside Documents\Dolphin Emulator\Wii. For Gamecube, copy GC. Move these to Desktop and then delete the Dolphin Folder. Setup the different version of Dolphin, run a Wii game once til you get to the save data screen, close it down, and then copy the title folder in as well as the GC folder).

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