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About DarkKnight

  • Birthday 01/22/1964

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  1. I am sure I am not the only one wondering this, but is StartIsBack even being updated anymore? StartIsBack has not seen an update or a fix since November of 2021 , almost a year now , all the while we are seeing constant updates with bells and whistles being added to StartAllBack and none are transferring back to StartIsBack. I myself and I am sure there are others of us still on Windows 10 feel like we have been dumped for the latest and greatest. FYI , I own licenses to both, I just prefer to stay on Windows 10 as there is nothing on 11 that absolutely warrants me changing , at least not yet. It would be nice to see some of the additions added to StartAllBack make there way back to us Windows 10 users or make StartAllBack compatible with both Windows 10 and 11.
  2. I agree, while there are some pretty nice themes for WB , the one thing it has NEVER been able to do is skin the entire OS and it kinda sucks if you are creating a dark theme and are left with areas of white that WB cannot skin. Another thing is the system resources it uses, which is really not a problem with today's computers but why waste system resources running third party themes when it really isn't necessary? just another area they have never tried to correct or advance in and is where Stardock falls behind. Instead of them joining, embracing and working with the themeing community they choose to keep all their stuff proprietary, like themeing cannot be achieved without their software ... lol, in the long run is only going to hurt them. Word is they will not have a fully working Window Blind program for Windows 11 until 2023 ....... Ouch! That is gonna cost them. As far as BM , I sincerely hope he is ok and would like him to answer even if it is to say he is not continuing on with Aeroglass. Aeroglass was always a far better option than Window Blinds. Don't really know if anyone can take over his works , you would need source code for that and who knows how close BM kept his secrets to his vest? and IF anything , god forbid, has happened to him if anyone else even had access to his works. I am no programmer or anything but I wounder if Aeroglass can be de compiled to show it's source code?
  3. Well that makes sense
  4. Upgraded my license from StartIsBack To StartAllBack. How long does it usually take to receive the key? I have been waiting about an hour now and so far nothing.
  5. It would be nice to have an option to keep the original Windows 11 configuration (Start menu and button centered on the taskbar)
  6. I wholeheartedly agree, same with the forum itself, there are so many dead links in the forums it makes it virtually useless , really needs to be cleaned up.
  7. Are there things we as humans can do to make our planet a more pleasant place to live? yes we certainly can, reduce pollution, carbon emissions and clean the landfills that float in the middle of our oceans just to name a few, but here is the thing ........ We cannot and will never be able to stop climate change and the thing no one ever realizes is our planet has been doing this since the dawn of time, without the help of humans creating carbon emissions and greenhouse gases. It is something that just naturally happens, it warms and freezes in cycles, it has been doing it for eons, even before we were here. Think of it as a cleansing. We only know of one ice age when in reality there more than likely have been dozens. All the money, conferences and geniuses in the world will not stop what planet earth does naturally. The Paris Climate Accord is nothing more than a way for countries to soak money from one another and get nothing done. When is reality all that needs to be done is the entire world take ownership of the pollution and garbage they make and clean it the f@#k up. Can we slow down the process a little by leading cleaner lives? we certainly can but it will not stop it entirely like we as humans idiotically believe we have the power to do, the only thing we have the power to do is to adapt to it because this planet has the ability to shake us like a bad cold if we start messing with the natural order of things. Right now the planet is in a warming trend which is why the polar caps are melting, this would have happened with or without our help, after the warming trend a cooling period will begin and more than likely a new ice age will happen, so , the sky is not falling. it is just a natural process that happens, we just have not been here long enough or have been smart enough long enough through recorded time to realize this. If we had records that spanned before the last ice age we would know this , unfortunately , humans were not smart enough back then, we were just learning how to make fire.
  8. Lol, wouldn't ever count on that happening, Stardock is all about proprietary software. All their software uses their own extensions. Also, Stardock Windowblinds and Start10 uses .bmp images to generate their theme images as .msstyle themes generally use .png images which is why StartIsBack probably acts glitchy with Windowblinds. Stardock has made it that if you want to use Windowblind themes you have to use Start10 and I don't ever see that changing, it would be detrimental to their sales of Start10.
  9. Bloatware is bloatware no matter how you slice it or what your pc runs. Stardocks software is a total waste of pc resources.
  10. To each his own, I have it installed and depending on how you use it, it does not make the entire window transparent, if you want Windows 7 transparency then install Windows 7 or install Starbloat's Curtains. I honestly do not believe that AeroGlass by Big Muscle is going to be updated anytime soon (if ever again) and honestly the answer is a no, there is no de-facto alternative to AeroGlass, you have Vistaglazz , Black Glass Enhanced etc. but all do the same thing SSM does to some extent. I actually happen to like this , although until a version comes out that actually saves your chosen settings it is kind of pointless to use everyday. I for one, will be keeping an eye on it.
  11. Ok, little confused here, downloaded , unpacked and installed. I can see how it works but what is confusing to me is how to make it keep the settings without having to turn on the aeroglass effect every time you open a window? Seems kind of pointless to me if that is what you have to do. Ok, hier wenig verwirrt, heruntergeladen, entpackt und installiert. Ich kann sehen, wie es funktioniert, aber was mich verwirrt, ist, wie ich die Einstellungen beibehalten kann, ohne den Aeroglas-Effekt jedes Mal einschalten zu müssen, wenn Sie ein Fenster öffnen. Scheint mir irgendwie sinnlos, wenn Sie das tun müssen
  12. We will never know will we, they may surprise you one day, just as with Sets, it'll be back one of these updates. Listen, I get what you are saying, there are a lot of frustrated people that have made donations that are complaining too. No one seems to know what motivates the man, he just does it when he does it. I did not mean to imply that you were plastering complaints all over the forum , it is everyone is general, they think if they complain enough it'll make BM update it faster, in my mind it is quite the contrary.
  13. If it bothers you that much about having to "donate" to unlock the software and having to wait for updates, you don't have to use it. There are other less viable options out there like Black Glass Enhanced that you can use. I have donated more than once but I also wait patiently for the updates without plastering complaints all over the forum here, because it gets you nowhere, it is not going to make him update it any faster, it'll get done when it gets done. I have always said that if BM does not have the time to invest in and update and improve aeroglass then he just should sell the source code to someone who does, but that is his choice. I am also absolute;y positive that we have some very smart individuals in this forum that with a little time could come up with a viable replacement to aeroglass also, but no one does. I can take aeroglass or leave it, it is not an absolute necessity for me to have because to me it is only eye candy, my OS's functionality is not dependent on it. But when it is updated I do use it, aeroglass also does not dictate to me whether or not I upgrade my system to the latest versions of Windows or not, if a version of Windows breaks it , fine, I just move on and wait for the next update, while for others it might be a deal breaker but as for me that is just absurd to run a less secure OS just because I cannot have that glass effect. Give it some time, MS is slowly adding acrylic to Windows 10 and before you know it there will be no need for aeroglass
  14. I have tried the PDB Downloader, doesn't work, at least not on 1909, I still get the error. I just click retry or cancel and it goes away, I am sure there will be a fix for it put out a few weeks before 20H1 is released, then we will need the fix for 20H1.
  15. I use custom Windows icons and have just updated to SIB 2.8.7 and see that in unlike previous versions of SIB that my All Programs icons are now the standard Windows yellow folder icons and not the custom folder icons I have installed, yet in the SIB Configurations my custom icons are displayed ....... Is this just a bug ? Because I am hearing things of user having to modify SIB .dll's in order to have their custom icons shown in All Programs.
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