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Everything posted by eGo®Z

  1. Hey guys, refresh the link for NDP30SP2-KB3072308, here is the new one (new version of this KB pack, 9.0.30729.4089): NDP30SP2-KB3072308
  2. Hotfix KB3062741-v2 released and can be ordered via e-mail. This one replaces KB3066710.
  3. @eGo®Z: Thanks for the heads up! I had missed that one... You rock! Despite on the fact that it was released in May 2015, really it was placed in the downloads only on July 23rd
  4. Using PE Explorer 1.99R6. They are empty - see in hex mode - you will see only zeroes. But it's OK. Checked the latest versions from W7x86 and x64 (rsaenh.dll 6.1.7600.16385) - it looks in the same way. It looks like these resources are not used in the new versions of rsaenh.dll and left there just for compatibility.
  5. Hey, guys! What do you think on this one: KB3055973??? It adds support for TLS 128-bit & 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) cipher suites in Windows XP. This update exists only in English version. But it's very strange update. RC Data section of rsaenh.dll contains 2 resources, 666 and 667, and both of them are empty. In all previous versions of rsaenh.dll these rsources were not empty. So far, I can not figure out is it an error or not :angrym:
  6. Changing version number with the highest one will protect you from an occasional reinstalling of the original KB3013455 in a future. So if Microsoft will release in march a new KB with the same file version number, you will need just uninstall your patched KB. By the way about last digital group in update.ver file. On the ryanvm.net forum i've found the message from harkaz where he wrout that it is CRC-32 hash sum. But how it can be caculated? Anyways it is not CRC-32 (ISO) or CRC-32B with Normal hash sum generator type - that's for sure.
  7. jaclaz, heinoganda, cdob, roytam1 don't forget - a file version number patching is also required for the better result
  8. The Russion version of win32k.sys has the same offset for patching like an English one, and it works perfectly, thanks harkaz By the way, i have to add my one cent to "update.ver" file patching. It has the structure, as it described below: [sourceFileInfo] sp3qfe\win32k.sys=D34BA6467C2109D604646747AB33D3AC,000500010A281A4D,1890432,SP3QFE,7B2FBF88 |----------- MD5 -------------| |-- Version --| |--bytes--| |--Branch--| |--Unknown--| ======== In our case Version is 5.1.2600.6733, so it can be decoded in this way: 0x0005 - 5 0x0001 - 1 0x0A28 - 2600 0x1A4D - 6733 PS: What means the last group of digits i dont know. If anyone knows, so describe it here, please.
  9. Where to get an info on it (guide and tools)? I meant "Delta compression optional" I just need to repack few older hotfixes for using in regular Windows XP (f.e. KB2095711, it has ProductSuit ==EmbeddedNT restriction)
  10. legitcheckcontrol.dll is updated to 1.9.0009.0 download it
  11. i've made MicrosoftUpdateAgent ver.7.2.6001.788 it uses the same setup engine like the original WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe and, of course, supports the same setup switches: MicrosoftUpdateAgent30-x86.exe /wuforce /quiet /norestart supports 24 languages, should be installed after Windows Update Agent ver.7.2.6001.788 Download it ~333KB
  12. English: Windows XP Professional (SP3) Retail - Part No. x14-80428 Windows XP Professional N (SP3) Retail - Part No. x14-92445 Windows XP Home (SP3) Retail - Part No. x14-92413 Windows XP Home K (SP3) Retail - Part No. x14-92386 Windows XP Home KN (SP3) Retail - Part No. x14-92388 Windows XP Home N (SP3) Retail - Part No. x14-92393 Windows XP Professional (SP3) VLK/Corporate/Volume - Part No. x14-73974 Windows XP Professional KN (SP3) VLK/Corporate/Volume - Part No. x14-92432 Windows XP Professional K (SP3) VLK/Corporate/Volume - Part No. x14-92430 Windows XP Professional N (SP3) VLK/Corporate/Volume - Part No. x14-78118 Windows XP Professional (SP3) Checked Build - Part.No x14-92469 Windows XP Professional (SP3) OEM - Part No. x14-72249 Windows XP Home (SP3) OEM - Part No. x14-73422
  13. Mr The Plague have U "lastdrive=..." string in your config.sys file? have U "net use ..." command in any startup file (f.e. autoexec.bat or any logon script with drive mapping)? is your PC used as a workstation in Novell Netware network?
  14. i'm on dial-up connection and unfortunately can't download sabj from the Rapidshare completely in Free account mode How about to split it with a few parts using rar or 7zip or place it on another source?
  15. of course, but the best way to make it is to publish here links to infs and drivers missed in 2.2 - it's so hard to browse web everyday for the newones Also we have one limitation - USBSTOR.INF is about 50KB in size now - 64K max
  16. yes, U can do that, but U have change it with the same or the newest version in your language
  17. as i know from the problem described by Maximus - setupx.dll from Win earlier than Me not allows using preserve as Folder - only cab-files. MDCU stores all its extracted files in folder Windows\Options, but not in the cab located there.
  18. context is: setupx.dll from WinMe works much better however it shows also all messages from Me and should be edited in some way...
  19. also very useful link http://perso.wanadoo.fr/tmcd2/
  20. some years ago i've found so much different manuals on inf-coding, unfortunately the most of the sources are dead now, one of 'em is www.crucifer.net - site is under construction more than year, Here is my local copy of such web manual from that site. Of course it's not the latest inf-description and sed-files are described not completely, but it is quite good manual. - hope this helps
  21. i think they have removed CPU info from sysdm.cpl due to a lot of new CPUs, in the most cases CPU info is wrong. agreed - not only cosmetic
  22. Gape i think U're still remember about some addon into infex.exe? i mean "context short-description option" for the selected items in the options list. also i think it will be very usefull to add "radiobuttons" here also. In some cases i need this. For example different icon styles - only one style can be selected during the install. Another one - hotfix KB891711. I can continue
  23. Of course And the most usb-drive makers also use it. UFD.SYS - one of them, and i can add much more examples. I think You have so much advance to check many of them. Some driver makers even have not changed original file name and file version (umss.sys, 5.0.1868.1). Some of them have changed file name, but leaved version the same. And so on. But this one can not be considered as an universal driver like usbstor.sys, unfortunately. Usbstor covers the most of the devices, but not all.
  24. hp38guser the string %GenericBulkOnly.DeviceDesc%=USBSTOR_BULK, USB\Class_08&SubClass_06&Prot_50 in the usbstor.inf means that your drive should be detected, however some devices can't be detected because not always required protocol for the device can be recognized. It looks like XP has better (and of course newest) usbstor.sys driver. And that means also - the devices which are not detected should be described in the usbstor.inf. At least in XP usbstor.inf we also can find some definitions for range of the usb devices - that means XP detects 'em not correctly in auto mode too. By the way i think all devices from Your inf are from "Bulk Only" class, but what's about the property page of your card-reader comparing to the original drivers (i mean storpg98.dll in the original package)?
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