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Everything posted by TELVM

  1. Corrected. Thanks . It's interesting to compare what's happening in Windows against this declaration of principles: "... We want to give you, the user the feeling again, that you actually _own your computer_, that you’re in control and have the freedom to make it work any way you want it ..." Thanks. Only the Mongols have succeeded in defeating Russia during the winter (they were extremely tough customers and did so by choice). Now THAT is being smart in my book .
  2. If she's right, then we need to either start getting used to Tiles, or start thinking about an alternative OS that's better suited to our needs and preferences. :angrym: --JorgeA Well I refuse to use operating systems for ignoramuses, on general principle. Being realistic, all available evidence indicates that Se7en is the last real Windows, and the last useable OS from Microsoft. Thus considering alternatives is a necessity for me. I'd like very much if the think-tank of vast-knowledged people in this thread could enlighten the audience about alternatives, for the benefit of plain common long-time Windows users like here your servant. I'm beginning to feel like an orphan in need of a new home.
  3. I suspect enhancing confusion is the true purpose.
  4. At this rate of coffee spraying I'll need to buy new monitors in packs of six.
  5. Right below he writes these sad but worringly true words: Another commenter left this interesting link: Why tablets suck, and have set us back over a century
  6. I was digging in the catacombs of this thread when I was struck by this astonishing clairvoyance . Written in February 2012: You can try 'watch on youtube' button => turn on english automatic captions ... ... but I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy . Honestly no idea, but I seriously suspect that the gentlemen in the screen couldn't care less about what any "cousin" says, or doesn't. As of the trustworthiness of "Big Bro TV", later in the movie a healthy Montag watches his own violent death on another screen .
  7. As scary as they come, gives me the creeps. It escapes my comprehension how any unfeathered biped with intact cerebral functions could pay money to plant such a WPD (Weapon of Privacy Destruction) at home. Brings to mind the "Big Bro Television" in Truffaut's 1966 version of Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAFGUEUVweU
  8. The top most helpful tips in the Windows 8 section of Microsoft Community as of 10/04/2013: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_8?tab=QnA&sort=HelpfulCount&dir=Desc
  9. "Open the pod bay doors Xbone ... ... Xbone? ... " My vote goes to the Principality of Sealand.
  10. Oh yes they did! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_1je7r7RYE
  11. Found this at The Register : The NSA's hiring - and they want a CIVIL LIBERTIES officer "In other news, the Spanish Inquisition want an equal opportunities officer"
  12. Exactly. All these callous murdering attempts on the succesfull XP and Se7en in a vain attempt to insuflate life into the capsized Tiles zombie remind me of this painting by Goya: "Saturn devouring his (best) son/s" It's such an obviously self-destructive path that one has to wonder if they aren't doing it on purpose, for whatever the reasons.
  13. Short Takes: September 27, 2013 - Company Meeting: Windows 7 Will Not Be the Next Windows XP by Mr. Thurrott
  14. "That's it! That's the Death Star's weak spot we were looking for!"
  15. How about having your "password" unavoidably "written" multiple times all over your device ?:
  16. Hope this doesn't degenerate in angry mobs of teutonic internauts assaulting the embassy and taking everybody as hostages . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran_hostage_crisis
  17. Kudos to Koroush! :thumbup Worth reading every bit of it. I've followed this guy's tweak guides (more like treatises in fact) for years, and learned a lot in the process. This paragraph perfectly summarises the righteous indignation of power desktop users upon this Tiles joke for retards: ^ Homeric!
  18. Microsoft reverses course; releases Windows 8.1 RTM to developers
  19. "Lester, can you actually believe we f***ing sold the wiretaps to the targets ... ... LMAO!"
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