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Everything posted by red_house

  1. If you are saying that the files needed to run the automatic update service are not in the system 32 folder, then why not just transfer them from your XP disc to the folder.
  2. What have you got against a restart?
  3. Define cool! http://www.tipsdr.com/windows-xp-screensavers.html http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloa...creensaver.mspx free screensavers are all over Google like a rash, however, the cool aspect of your request is a bit more difficult to accommodate!
  4. XP is definitely better but '98 felt, dare I say it, more human. It was definitely more temperamental.
  5. XP is definitely better but '98 felt, dare I say it, more human. It was definitely more temperamental.
  6. Excellent!
  7. Have you tried the Ms info. - it looks promising.
  8. I found this at MS - it may be what you need to read. Try it anyway. http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=810903
  9. You need to consult you motherboard manual to set the bios.
  10. Control panel\power options or its a bios setting.
  11. Done correctly it just repairs the installation - it replaces, or repairs, any files that are knackered. It doesn't affect your installed apps., or your personal files but be aware that it must be a full retail version otherwise it simply formats the drive and installs afresh over everything - also be aware that it could well be one of your apps. that caused the problem in the first place. Visit these sites read what they have to say and you will feel more comfortable with what you are doing. When everything is up and running again you should consider making regular backups of your registry, also your important files - if you had regular backups of your files then you wouldn't be needing to take them of your drive now and you could just horse on with a reinstall. Good luck.
  12. Here's a few sites to be getting on with:- http://www.michaelstevenstech.com/XPrepairinstall.htm http://www.mytechsupport.ca/support/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=2918 http://www.theeldergeek.com/r.htm
  13. done correctly, yes. Visit the Microsoft Site to get the gen on effecting a repair correctly. There are many tech sites on the web where you can get all the info. you require, if need be. It is necessary to have a full retail version of XP - it can't be done with a restore disc, at least I don't think so.
  14. If you have a full retail version of XP you can do a repair which will not overwrite your personal docs. Try that if you are unable to move your personal files.
  15. Ignore the question - I found the answer, and some more pertaining to "Daisy". If anyone else is in the same predicament, the site is at -
  16. When I try to run "Daisy 2.2" I get the following error message :- msgsrvstatus=wntSvcStatus (' " ', msg_name,0,2) does anyone have any idea what this means? The fact that I have been using "nLite" and removed some services is, quite possibly, relevant - and the reason I would like to get "Daisy" up and running is so that I can strip out "I.E." once and for all. Thank you, in advance, for any help you may be able to give.
  17. If you've done a registry backup then restore it. If you haven't been backing up the registry and you're using XP then try a system restore. If neither of these work then you are quite possibly looking at a reinstall, although a repair may do it.
  18. I'm not too sure about this info, but I have been told that regular backups of the registry will achieve the same ends as System Restore. I'm willing to be corrected on this, if wrong.
  19. You could try uninstalling SP2, install the files you need and, then, reinstalling SP2. Barring that, you could always Disable System Restore completely and rely on System Backups or Drive Imageing software such as that available from Acronis.
  20. Humble apologies.
  21. Glad you like it. SpywareBlaster is very good too and it's stablemate SpywareGuard. Happy hunting!
  22. If your uncertain about it check Spybot's "about" tab - it should state Spybot-Search & Destroy 1.3.1TX Latest detection updates 2004-10-14
  23. You need to have 1.3 installed for 1.3TX to work. Just install over the top and then reboot - for some reason it will not work until you have re-booted.
  24. Yes. Spywareblaster does the "The Fox" and "I.E." - http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/spywareblaster.html It sits in the registry and prevents the "Nasties" from setting up house.
  25. I forgot to add - they do not tell you in the download but you must reboot your computer in order for the fix to work.
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