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Posts posted by Dagonet'

  1. First Top From My New AMD Athlon 64X2 (Dual Core)PC... (Still have the Athlon 64x 4000 also...About six weeks old now..Love them!!) Dual Core i got today..

    The Environment..Relaxed And Content.. Is the name of this offering.. ;)

    Wall: DarkBliss

    Skin: Wire and Glass (Recolored..Blinds 5)

    Icons: Slin Sign

    Widgets: Clear Weather/Clear Meter/Horizontal Calendar (Recolored..Hue-Opacity)

    Cursor: PRO!! Tools ;)

    Windows Media Center: Wall Slide Show

    Large: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v24/Stetson11/WLL.jpg


    New Pioneer Plasma 42"..Had to get it to go with the new PC.. LOL!! ;) Also got a 1000 Watt..5.1 Pioneer Surroud to go along with it..All linked to the Dual Core..Nice Scchhuuff.

    Large: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v24/Stetson11/PIOL.jpg


    Those cute lil legs on the lazy boy be long to a scantilly clad cute and classy redhead..Who has been my better half and wife for 24 years.. B) :woot:

  2. Vlad has a new wall..Just a Ting O' Bee Uuuty..To nice to not add my rendition.. ;)

    Wall: Life..(Vladstudio Premium Widescreen) Although you can get the regular wall from his site..

    Skin: Lemon Vista..(Recolored..Blinds 5)

    Icons: CreamWare (Recolored..Icon Developer)

    Widgets: Horizontal Calendar..(Recolored)..Alpha Aero Weather (Recolored)


    Media Centre: Walls Slide Show

    Large: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v24/Stetson11/LFL.jpg


  3. Dragonet' thanks for the details! You had to go and use all the premium stuff didnt you :} lol.

    Ooooops!! ;)

    Some of these folks spend alot of hard work/time..I like to support them if they have something I'm liking..

    With the Object Desktop I get a pretty good discount on them..I support a few artists, wallpapers..Etc,Etc..I also support Norton's and all they do is p*** me off.. LMAO!!

    Cheers Dude.. :):thumbup

  4. @Dragonet

    Love your desktops man. Always my favorites, however when I try to create similar for myself its rare that I can find the items you list. Am I missing something as a hint where I might find them?


    Hey 7-11....

    The skin is a premium blinds suite..Complete with Widgets,Icons,Boot Skin,Wall etc..etc....I have pretty much all the skins that Stardock and crew have to offer....This particular one is a Paul Boyer creation...


    The Wall is a Premium Digital Blasphemy touch..Although I think you can grab a smaller size than the widescreen I use..


    Widgets are available here..


    You will need Theme manager,DesktopX,Icon Packager..Pretty much a full house of Object Desktop..

    The Suite widgets look like this..Very sharp..I just didn't feel like using them on this top..


    Also comes with the Dock for Object Dock...

    Cheers Bud.. Thanks for the compliment.. ;)

    :rolleyes: nice

    Yoe DW...Thanks Dude ;)

  5. May's A Great Month...Alot of sharp tops in May, spring is in the air and all that schtuffff.. ;)

    What Light Through Yonder Window.....Ummmm!..............Breaks!! :blink::whistle:

    Wall: Vlad's.......Can't Sleep

    Skin: JJ Ying's.....Ecliz (Recolored Slightly..Skin Studio Pro)

    Icons: AKH Black

    Widgets: Clear Weather...Horizontal Calendar..(Recolored: Hue- Opacity)

    Cursor: Pro Phorm

    Windows Viewer: Vlad's Two and the Lighthouse

    Large: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v24/Stetson11/WLL.jpg

    WLS.jpg B)

  6. I've added this Ellitical Cross Trainer to my gym tonight....E820 Sportop.

    Got it for a great price, used One Hour...Lady paid a little over $500.00 for it..

    So I gave my stepper away to replace it with this.....Very nice machine, excellent counterweight and magnetic force on it..


  7. Some Songs Never Change....Same Ole Tune..Same Ole Lyrics.. :blink::whistle:

    For The Weak Of Mind....

    Eve Of Destruction

    By Barry McGuire, 1965

    The eastern world it tis explodin',

    violence flarin', bullets loadin',

    you're old enough to kill but not for votin',

    you don't believe in war, what's that gun you're totin',

    and even the Jordan river has bodies floatin',

    but you tell me over and over and over again my friend,

    ah, you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction.


    Skin: VVV52XX (Glass Version)..Recolred Skin Studio Pro on Blinds 5

    Wall: Collapse Of Human Creativity

    Windows Viewer: Trust

    Icons: GT3...Recolored..Icon Developer

    Widgets: Clear Weather...Silica Calendar

    Large: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v24/Stetson11/EODL.jpg


  8. I actually get paid to workout at my job for up to 3 hours a week. I have always been into weight training, but now for the last couple of months I can hardly do any serious weight training at all. Going to be needing surgury on my wrists pretty soon :( I'm going to be out of commission for a few months if they need to do both wrists (hands). I should probably look like a doughboy by the time I'm recovered.

    Now nobody laugh too hard at this.. but my wife has been doing Tae Bo for the last 7 years or so, in addition to her weight training. So every now and then I'll pop one of those tapes in and they kick my butt every time.

    Hope all works out well with your wrist..

    Tell your wife, good for her..Keep up the good stuff! :)

  9. i dont like practicing in home,just doest feel like exercising.but i exercise everyday for an hour.used a little creatine and protean for 2 month but not anymore.

    I worked out at Gyms for years...I got tired of the scene and having to wait on equipment to become available.

    So I set up my own, I have a fairly good sound system, usually Bob Seger and The Silver Bullet Band is playing in the background...That or one of my other workout favs. I only have about 5 different CD's that I use on a regular basis. I find i get into sync with the beat and my reps fit into the beat of my favs, so I never change them. Different songs for different routines.

    I don't miss the public gyms at all...But if working out at the public facility is what works well for some, that's great...Working out is a comfort zone wherever it may be.. ;)

  10. Good to see some excercising getting done here.. LOL!!

    Those who complimented on my weight room, ...Thanks.. :)

    I went to a cable system, all in one workout centre for a short time, sold it quickly and went back to my free weights..

    Old Dawg..Old Tricks I guess, just didn't seem the same to me.. B)

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