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Everything posted by killerbee
hi, XPlode is back i'm soooooo happy cya Killer Bee
hi, i should note that i have a german keyboard layout - so on a PC it is AltGr+Q for the "@"........... cya Killer Bee
hi, just trying out my brand "new" shiny G3 Blue&White. With a brand new Max OS X 10.4.4 too. my first real problem reveald while ordering a DVB-S Card. I had to enter my email address - but where is the ridicolous "at" on this keyboard? After staring at the keyboard for at least 5minutes i realized there was none. OK - i have to try out. And i found out something - Apple-Q won't do the trick... So i surfed to another website and a little cut'n'paste later it was done... Today i surfed the web for it and now i know: Alt-L is the right thing for @ on my Mac i hope this amuses and helps you as me Cya Killer Bee
hi, your link says : The error returned was: Sorry, the link that brought you to this page seems to be out of date or broken. so what's your point? cya Killer Bee
hi, Avast Antivirus 4.6.763.0 is out. take a look here for a download. cya Killer Bee
hi, i recently bought a PowerMac G3 blue & white with MacOS X because it was quite cheap and it is very stylish. But as a Mac n00b i have to do a lot of research with it, so there comes up a need for a MacOS-Subforum here from my side. Is there a possibility that we can gat such a thing here? thanks in advance Killer Bee
hi, works like a charm here in germany too feels a little bit faster now keep up the good work cya Killer Bee
hi, Forceware 82.12 is out. Look here for your download pleasure. Cya Killer Bee
hi, there is a new set of Forceware out. v81.98. Please look here for a download. Have fun Cya Killer Bee
[Question] - Windows Server Update Services on Windows XP Pro
killerbee posted a topic in Windows XP
hi, i want to install WSUS on a machine running XP Pro. How can i make this work? Could someone please help? thanks in advance cya Killer Bee Title Edited - Please follow new posting rules from now on. --Zxian -
hi, and the second try should go to the Universal Silent Switch Finder to find out the unattended switches. Or there could be some info at the manufacturer-website. If nothing helps there will be AutoIT and InstallRite to get it working unattended... Hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
hi, yes, the error big_gie mentioned is here too... cya Killer Bee
hi, everything loaded perfectly take a look hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee xplode2.log
hi, i've tested it on my installed XPSP1 and a fresh installation of XPSP2 and it worked without problems, maybe your virus-scanner or another app causes this problem. I would suggest you test it on a fresh installation (inside a VM would be best for testing-purposes). This would help to look if there's a problem with one of your apps. hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
hi, but you can call a xplode.cmd which will support environment-variables. hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
hi, hmm just wondering Isn't this the XPlode-subforum? So why don't you use xplode for all this stuff so you can use it wherever you want? hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee BTW: some of the things you can do easily in winnt.sif can be a pain to do after installation...
hi, i have an idea please use the search function as it was already covered by an older topic. cya Killer Bee
hi, where do you call your XPlode? Is this a fresh installation of XP? cya Killer Bee
hi, you could try to call a batch as the third <execute> which asks for the 2nd cd and use #SOURCEDRIVE# to call the last xml? if this works you get rid of your batch! hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
hi, please look at this: <items> <item display='Users and other Basics'> <execute display='Users and other basics...' program='#XPLODE#\XPlode\xplode.exe' arguments='/xml:"#XPLODE#\xplode\basic.xml" /log:"#SYSTEMDRIVE#\basic.log"'></execute> </item> <item display='XPlode v2 test'> <execute display='Users and other basics...' program='#XPLODE#\XPlode2\xplode2.exe' arguments='/xml:"#XPLODE#\xplode2\xplode.xml" /log:"#SYSTEMDRIVE#\xplode2.log"'></execute> </item> <item display='Installing Tools'> <execute display='Tools...' program='#XPLODE#\XPlode\xplode.exe' arguments='/xml:"#XPLODE#\xplode\tools.xml" /log:"#SYSTEMDRIVE#\tools.log"'></execute> </item> <item display='Installing Appz'> <execute display='Indaned Appz...' program='#XPLODE#\XPlode\xplode.exe' arguments='/xml:"#XPLODE#\xplode\indaned.xml" /log:"#SYSTEMDRIVE#\indaned.log"'></execute> </item> <item display='Installing cracked Appz'> <execute display='cracked Appz...' program='#XPLODE#\XPlode\xplode.exe' arguments='/xml:"#XPLODE#\xplode\cracked.xml" /log:"#SYSTEMDRIVE#\cracked.log"'></execute> </item> <item display='Cleaning up'> <execute display='Cleanup...' program='#XPLODE#\XPlode\xplode.exe' arguments='/xml:"#XPLODE#\xplode\cleanup.xml" /log:"#SYSTEMDRIVE#\cleanup.log"'></execute> </item> <item display='Finalizing'> <execute display='Finalizing...' program='#XPLODE#\XPlode\xplode.exe' arguments='/xml:"#XPLODE#\xplode\final.xml" /log:"#SYSTEMDRIVE#\final.log"'></execute> </item> </items> < with this way you can shorten the beginning of your batch. Just call xplode to call the 2 xml's at the beginning. hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
hi, no this isn't possible with normal ways, but XPDeploy could do the job. hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
hi, your cmdlines.txt looks wierd, please try this: [COMMANDS] "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\xplode\Xplode.exe /xml:#systemdrive#\xplode\1.xml /log:#systemdrive#\xplode1.log" could be shortened to: [COMMANDS] "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\xplode\Xplode.exe /xml:#xplode#\1.xml /log:#systemdrive#\xplode1.log" this should solve it, as it looks like xplode isn't found. hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee BTW: i haven't noticed any issue with SP2 and xplode v1.1.2
hi, i had it a long time that it wanted to download new vir-defs after i "slipstreamed" them, but it came from extracting the virdefs manually and not via the /Extract-switch. Ater i switched to the /Extract-method all is fine now. and even after calling LU 10 times it don't want to download anything new... hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
hi, just done a second installation and LU says everything is up-to-date... what i have done: 1. created a admin install point with setup.exe /A 2. downloaded newest i32-virus definitions from here. 3. created a folder named viri in the same dir as the virus-defs are 4. ran virdefs with ...-i32.exe /Extract .\viri 5. copied everything from .\viri to the admin install point \Program Files\Symantec Antivirus\virus defs 6. downloaded SAVCE_9.0.0.1400_AllWin_EN .msp 7. integrated the update within the main program with this one msiexec /p "SAVCE_9.0.0.1400_AllWin_EN .msp" /a "Symantec AntiVirus.msi" /QB 8. put it on my CD and ran it with Symantec Antivirus.msi /QB 9. downloaded and extracted the Liveupdate v2.5 update and installed it with lusetup -q thats it and it works perfect hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee BTW: it gets installed @ T-12min and is ofcourse unattended
hi wraith, please test your upcoming file-op-plugin if it works when there are special characters in the filename. e.g. i have just found out that xplode v1.1.2 will hang if there are special characters like "%" or "&" in the filenames of copy/move/delete-operations. (Spybot Search & Destroy and Alcohol 120% are my problems while moving them around in the start menu) hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee