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Everything posted by BoardBabe

  1. I run all my cleanup from wpi.cmd, works like a charm I also delete wpi.cmd from the very last line of wpi.cmd
  2. Interesting. Do you really need to apply a .reg file if you modify HIVESFT.inf?
  3. check unattended.msfn.org. It says there how to add admin user with autologon from cmdlines.txt using net user command(s).
  4. Hmmm, ok I understand. So it might be better to run the regsvr32 /s %windir%\system32\wups2.dll from my cleanup.cmd. This runs after WPI has completed. (At the same time as RunOnceEx method has completed the list of apps to install)
  5. Ok, great! I'll give it a go on real format tomorrow and get back to you with some results. the regsrv will be run from (batchfile) the very top of cmdlines.txt before anything else (user creation and regtweaks).
  6. Hmmm I just noticed something. They are there, but not compressed... i386\msi.dll i386\msiexec.exe i386\msihnd.dll i386\msimsg.dll i386\msisip.dll So just this secound I got them both compressed (new files) and uncompressed (original files) - Do I just delete the uncompressed once then?
  7. Thanks shark007! I will definatly test this tomorrow Should the compressed files msi.dl_ msiexec.ex_ msihnd.dl_ msimsg.dl_ msisip.dl_ already be precent in the i386 dir? I did not get any message to overwrite when I copied them to i386.
  8. My winnt.sif contains DriverSigningPolicy=Ignore, but when installation is complete the Windows Driver Signing is set to ask what to do in case of a non signed driver. I found this can be "fixed" with the following reg key. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Driver Signing] "Policy"=hex:00 Will it work applying this from cmdlines.txt, at that early stage? And does DriverSigningPolicy=Ignore in winnt.sif not work, or is this only for OemPnPDriversPath? Im also installing some drivers from WPI, so Driver Signing should be off at least at WPI stage, and maybe turned back on at cleanup after WPI?
  9. Guess it was'nt ment to be then ;-) Well thanks for a nice guide anyway
  10. Ah, okey. Thanks Im on a laptop so @60 is my max
  11. @Shark007 Uh... ohkey... That's just rude... Despite your doubt of my skills I did infact do exactly as you described and it did not work. Windows Update website asked me to update to V6. Could it be different on my Norwegian system? Running WindowsUpdateAgent20-x86 with /quiet /noreboot works good, but your integrating method is still of my interest. I have compressed and replaced all files in i386 dir, verified that wups2.dll was copied to system32 dir, and tried to register it from both cmdlines.txt and at cleanup after WPI completion. Note that all tests were run at clean & real format... Keep up the good work...
  12. Hmm the shark007 method did not work for me. Just did a real format. The windows update site asked me to update to v6... followed all your steps...
  13. I create the admin userprofile from a .cmd that runs from cmdlines.txt cmdow @ /HID @echo off set ADMINRIGHTS=SuperDude net user %ADMINRIGHTS% /add net localgroup Administratorer %ADMINRIGHTS% /add net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited REGEDIT /S Autologon1.reg EXIT To ensure that this user is autologgedon the first time, so that WPI will run and install to this user I apply Autologon1.reg that enables autologon in the registry, for this user. Autologon1.reg Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon] "DefaultUserName"="SuperDude" "DefaultPassword"="" "AutoAdminLogon"="1" How can I apply this regtweak directly from the cmd file without calling an external .reg file? So that I can use the variable for "DefaultUserName"="%ADMINRIGHTS%" I need this Cause I change usernames alot
  14. @sonic: Ah ofcourse cmdlines.txt is the best place to run the regsrv. How do I run it from there? Do I need to make a .cmd file that I call from cmdlines.txt or can i run the command directly from cmdlines.txt somehow?
  15. I'm a bit confused, is there any downside to using Shark007's method of integrating? Im using WPI, should i run the regsrv before or after WPI, or does it matter?
  16. Norwegian: English: "Version" - Norwegian: "Versjon"
  17. Does WPI and winnt.sif support a resolution of 1400x1050x32@60? Do I HAVE to set the refreshrate?
  18. I'm trying to save a modified Royale theme (changed screensaver and background) in Windows theme properties. But as I save and apply a modified Royale theme the background of the file edit view... menu in apps get a white background. Anyone else experienced this?
  19. Yeah man, this is a pretty sweet way to do it! Good job!
  20. Thanks man. I will try your method right away... Did I understand correctly that wups2.dll is not to be compressed and put in i386? (Not both this and placed in $OEM$\$$\system32...)
  21. N00b question incoming... how to compress? (the command please)
  22. I just get an error report when opening NCAB.exe EDIT: worked the next time i clicked ncab.exe, possibly just my xp that ran poorly.
  23. Why fix it if it aint broken, right? I've integrated wmp10 using your first "manual" method, any point of reintegrating with newest version?
  24. This has already been answered numerous times. Search...
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