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Jody Thornton

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Everything posted by Jody Thornton

  1. ESR 128.8 is out, as is r3dFox 135 https://github.com/Eclipse-Community/r3dfox/releases/tag/v128.8.0-hotfix
  2. I see a new version: https://github.com/Eclipse-Community/r3dfox/releases/tag/v134.0.3 Hopefully a new ESR version can't be far behind
  3. I took neither from that. It appears to me that r3dFox will use release v134 on the next build.
  4. That's just it. I hate the spaces in between.
  5. On the GitHub portal, it's mentioned that v132 will incorporate new UI features. I wonder what those are? I hope not the tabs button on the top left. I would LOVE square tabs, just like Quantum, old Vivaldi and Edge.
  6. See, I think that's taking it too far. As an American, you should be able to write in American English, and north of the border, I'll use the Queen's English. We understand each other. No differently, if I was referring to an American place, I would respect that location name, such as "World Trade Center", not "... Centre". In my mind, a Canadian/UK spelling would be incorrect.
  7. Is this using OneCore API mentioned above. (I hope not because I REALLY prefer the Windows 8 UI.) Otherwise I may as well jump ship to Windows 10.
  8. How was that accomplished? Would this also work with ESR 128?
  9. @superleiw are there any other relatively updated Firefox forks (besides r3dFox), that run on Windows 7 and Windows 8x? I'm mostly interested in ESR 128x
  10. Thank you very much. I'm saddened to hear you may be placing a halt on releases. I posted this as a bug on GitHub, but the "White Caption Text" setting no longer works on the new ESR 128.6 release. I attempted changing it in "Settings" and in about:config, but no workie. Let me know if there's an easy fix. Cheers K4sum1!
  11. OK then. I knew that already. I just care that freely available Server 2012 Updates from the Microsoft Catalog can be installed.
  12. I was taking a gander at the DM Windows 8 Forums here: https://www.eightforums.com/ There is NO mention of any usability extensions such as using browsers like r3dFox, Supermium, Server 2012 updates, or anything. I actually asked, "Do ANY of you actually run Windows 8?" After all, it IS a Windows 8 forum. Go Figure!
  13. So does that include updates that I already had downloaded PRIOR to October 2023? Will those still work?
  14. I've completely switched over to r3dFox ESR 128.4 on Windows 8. (I was going to deploy my Windows 10 LTSC 2019 box, but I still love Windows 8). I'm just curious as to when the next release of ESR 128 will arrive. (no pressure @K4sum1 )
  15. One good thing that you may like is when MSFN goes down, we usually post status updates there too, so it helps both ways
  16. I have re-enabled the Task Scheduler for Windows Defender once again. I do wonder just how long ago it started working again.
  17. Seems so ... for now. I'll be keeping you posted
  18. Well over a year and a bit later, Windows Defender has started "updating" again. The update button in Windows Defender actually works again! Go figure ???
  19. Now interestingly, Windows Defender has started "updating again. For the last year or so, I've been downloading and manually running definition updates. Now the update button in Windows Defender actually works again!
  20. It may not important be to anyone else - but Interlink WAS a native x64 application, so I can't see why no one else would want ported applications to be natively 64-bit (especially for XP x64). Anyway, I run Windows 8. I just wanted a 64-bit replacement at the time for Interlink. Doesn't matter to me what @NotHereToPlayGames thinks (he always seems to have an angry disposition for some reason). Anyway, I went elsewhere and got what I wanted. So the topic is done; after all it only came up again when Mark-XP asked why I switched to Epyrus.
  21. It appears that the account services from Outlook.com have been blocked by Microsoft from older mail clients that do not have Oauth2 authentication. Today, Epyrus will NOT receive mail from my Outlook account.
  22. I saw it - I guess I thought it would be more front an centre since it's the more "modern" New Moon build. All good!
  23. Just out of morbid curiosity. Why aren't New Moon 28x builds listed here anymore. I see on the https://o.rthost.win site that they're still built.
  24. Oh, I wanted an x64 build and Roytam1 wouldn't compile one (even though Interlink was an x64 application). Epyrus was, and I nearly mimicked the look of Interlink.
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