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I think you need to tell it where the setup answer file (winnt.sif) is located. will release next version in a few days, that will copy lang folder if necessary.
Sure because maintaining one version is not enough work
Hi dlinh9, Welcome here 1. problem is caused by the IE8 AddOn, nlite Addon Packs are not supported. It would require a complete parsing of dosnet.inf, txtsetup.sif layout.inf, ... , like the original winnt32.exe does. 2. Problem occurs because Winntsetup does not copy the \I386\LANG folder from the Windows source I will adjust next version to copy LANG folder, if LanguageGroup has multiple selections
hmm funny, the guy who kicked the best developers out of the boot-land forum, calls himself also Nuno Brito. Your focus is not what any script developer cares about. I would highly recommend to focus on reliability, speed, simplicity AND a clear script syntax.
How to set no password expiry
JFX replied to Tripredacus's topic in Unattended Windows 7/Server 2008R2
Im using this in my unattend.xml files: <FirstLogonCommands> <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add"> <CommandLine>net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited</CommandLine> <Order>1</Order> </SynchronousCommand> </FirstLogonCommands> -
Hi Drake, a direct use of an ISO would not be possible, but you could mount it with imdisk. That's the way I do it. create a sub folder ISO and put imdiskinst.exe and your ISO inside. create a batch file next to winntsetup similar like this: @echo off set ISO="ISO\de_windows_7_ultimate_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_677306.iso" ISO\imdiskinst -y imdisk -a for /f "TOKENS=3,4 SKIP=1 DELIMS=: " %%i in ('imdisk -a -m #: -f %ISO%') do ( set Imdisk_device=%%i set Imdisk_letter=%%j ) echo Imdisk Device Number: %Imdisk_device% echo Imdisk Device Drive : %Imdisk_letter%: WinNTSetup2_x64.exe -NT6 -Source:%Imdisk_letter%:\sources\install.wim rem optional unmount and imdisk uninstall rem imdisk -D -u %Imdisk_device% rem rundll32.exe setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultUninstall 132 %windir%\INF\imdisk.inf @Killerdog sorry for keeping your waiting so long, next version will completely solve that issue with XP Based PE.
Installing Devices at first boot takes 3 hours
JFX replied to Tripredacus's topic in Unattended Windows 7/Server 2008R2
what about the 2 log files in \Windows\inf folder setupapi.app.log setupapi.dev.log They may show which driver installation hangs so long. -
hi, I have problem to reproduce this error, so far with the new GENA release i tested a lot combination and all work well The link you gave, describe overwriting bootstr.dll.mui with one of the Win7 beta files. I can figure that it will be a solution nor that it would be good since you use Vista. the good thing so far: the error message(s) are not critical and should not cause a problem for booting the new Windows installation. Have not much time currently, but will continue trying to find a solution. Maybe you can try to describe how you create/boot your GENA. Made special GENA support topic --> WinNTSetup2 script
Hi Killerdog, is your Windows Vista a original or modified Windows source (maybe a integrated lanaguage pack)? The bootstr.dll.mui file is a resource only file, so there should not be a problem, installing Vista x64 from a x86 Winpe. Maybe the file C:\Windows\System32\fr-FR\bootstr.dll.mui got corrupted during copy.
System Error Codes Do have added the respected .mui files for these dll's you added? ex. \Windows\system32\wlancfg.dll does require \Windows\system32\en-US\wlancfg.dll.mui
Thought about it, one reason that it use D: instead of the selected C: could be when the the installation drive is a removable drive. Currently drive letter assignment only works for fixed disks. Don't think this will be fixed soon, so If a direct installation of windows to usb is need it's better to use Fujianabc's NT6 Fast Installer.
First unpack, than try /passive /noreboot switch
Update: Version - accept nativeVHD Boot for Embedded editions - fixed wrong reported partition as active primary - suppress boot configuration error on mounted Vmware/imdisk disk - added Option to automatically reboot after setup finished - added Command line switches feel free to ask or comment about commandline
Well no problem. this Win$Man is zhhsh new version, looks very good I guess the main difference is that this app and Fujianabc's NT6 Fast Installer read the MountedDevices of the current running system and I calculate them. But this should be a more accurate solution, especially in WinPE 1.x, where MountedDevices is not very reliable. Anyways, good there are alternatives that works
hi zomk777, that interesting, someone else already report me that the "drive letter preassignment" option can assign 2 letter for a partition. I could never reproduce this, but mountvol.exe should be able to removed the wrong drive letters. The assignment of the system drive letter always works well for me. One think that maybe help finding the problem: - after winntsetup finished load the the offline system hive and save the MountedDevices key: reg load HKLM\SYS C:\Windows\system32\config reg export HKLM\SYS\MountedDevices C:\MountedDevices_before_Reboot.reg reg unload HKLM\SYS reboot and let installation continue, after new windows has booted to desktop export the new MountedDevices key reg export HKLM\System\MountedDevices C:\MountedDevices_after_Setup.reg please send me both reg files
he he nobody really understands setacl's command line, it's more confusing that the one of most linux/unix apps , just found there is an easy solution to save and restore security informations http://www.coderforlife.com/projects/utilities/#security
@ilko_t & BlueLife, happy you like it @ click-click with windows vista and later most system files belong the "Trusted Installer", no sure why this is so. At least this is no real security feature, since every elevated process can simply change the ownership. Windows 7 have takeown.exe and icacls.exe to change the rights, but if you also need to do this under Windows XP, SetACL is a better option. Here a batch file example to change the permission of 3 files, so everyone with admin rights can use them, as he like. @echo off for %%c in ("D:\Windows\System32\eventvwr.msc" "D:\Windows\System32\compmgmt.msc" "D:\Windows\System32\gpedit.msc" ) do ( SetACL.exe -ot file -on "%%c" -actn setowner -ownr "n:S-1-5-32-544;s:y" SetACL.exe -ot file -on "%%c" -actn ace -ace "n:S-1-5-32-544;p:full;s:y" ) Not sure what the problem with power schemes and the reg file is, can you give more details? Also there is powercfg.exe that can export and import power settings.
Why not simply use MakePE3? It have working sound.
oh, sorry to hear you had problem with vboot driver. If you find any way to get this work with vmware, let me know. I have mostly given up Vmware since i switched to windows 7.
Update: Version - automatic decompression of ntldr/setupldr/bootmgr on NTFS compressed drives - drive selection will not accept read only drives for boot- and installation drive - improved VHD creation and installation* - added option for instant creation of fixed VHD's - added support for FAT16 and exFat boot drives *VHD creation now uses diskpart script like this create vdisk file="C:\Windows7.vhd" maximum=25600 type=(fixed|expandable) select vdisk file="C:\Windows7.vhd" attach vdisk create partition primary align=(32|64|128|256|512|1024|2048) active format quick fs=ntfs label="Win7 VHD" uint=(512|1024|2048|4096|8192|16K|32K|64K) assign letter=X: In rare cases without setting fs=ntfs, diskpart will format the partition with FAT32. Partition now active and the installation to a VHD will now create boot files inside the Vdisk too. (So you can boot this VHD also in VirtualBox) Further due to the long time required by creating big fixed VHD's, there a new option: instant creation of fixed VHD's Also added Alignment and Allocation option to GUI.
I'm sorry, but i can not add support for vmware mounted disk. Even after updating the PBR and create a correct BCD store, bootmgr will at least try to boot the OS, but fail in a black screen. There is a good reason why the checkbox for read-only mounting is always set, the driver corrupts data. VMware is very immune against bug reports, so i don't think this will be fixed anytime. There maybe is a solution, the vmlite guy's have written their own driver which can mount vdi/vhd and vmdk images. It's in the current version of VBoot works very good so far: vbootctl.exe mount "VMware.vmdk" vbootctl.exe umount Z:
Yes use "Do Not update the boot configuration", but this will only avoid the error message. I have found a way to detect a mounted Vmware partition, so next version should not show this error. And hopefully make it boot able somehow.
I could reproduce your problem. After formating the drive under Windows XP, the Partition will have a NTLDR loading PBR. The MBR of the mounted disk is not visible to the Host OS. So MBR and Boot Flag will be red. Main problem is that tools like bootsect or bootice can not change the PBR of a VMware mounted partition. I'm not sure how i solve this in future versions, but you can try following: After Winntsetup has finished make a copy of bootmgr in the selected bootdrive and rename it to NTLDR.
hmm, what could be wrong here? However, I will not add support for any Warez release. Use a clean, preferable unmodded Windows version.
Hi Wendy FAT16 will be selectable for boot drive in next version.