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Everything posted by JFX

  1. @changuk98 Turning wheels is a very common problem, if it takes more than 5 minutes you can usually forget this installation. 0x000000e is either related to mismatch of the device data stored in \Boot\BCD and the actual partition settings, or the device is really not accessible. There is not much you can do in that case. Maybe trying the original setup of Windows 10.
  2. Have you tried this: ttps://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/77b19c3c-7417-4eff-be5a-dec7f8bd16a6/how-to-prevent-driver-install-from-checking-windows-update?forum=quebecservicingdeployment
  3. Hi changuk98, it's a bit hard to understand you and the problem you have. What exactly are you doing and what bluescreen do you have? Does it work if you apply in normal mode, no wimboot/compact? Are there any 3th party driver need for your pc? @alacran Next version will log the time required to apply the wim file.
  4. Okay, beta 2 is out, with a lot of bugfixes. I also updated the SFXCreator for the ones who prefer to package the program to a single 7z exe.
  5. Hi misty, that error comes from the missing "SE_MANAGE_VOLUME_PRIVILEGE" privilege. Wonder why I have that privilege enabled by default on my main PC.
  6. @alacran 1) Yes, Wimboot doesn't work with esd files 2) Green is fully supported, Red means it will not work Yellow means it's not supported by Microsoft, but should work with WofADK and exclusion list of WimBootCompress.ini inside the Tools folder 3) If your Win8.1u1.wim is not located on NTFS drive wimboot is not possible. Compact is currently still red, cause I still want to check Win8.1 more, maybe there are conflicts with the older wof driver of it's own. 4) Win7 option will be yellow in next beta, forgot one check that exclude it.
  7. Fist Beta version of 3.8.5 is ready! this one is all about adding compact mode for Win7/8.x/10 - it will automatically install wofadk driver if needed - it will also add this driver to new installation if needed - there is a WimBootCompress.ini in the Tools folder that should work for all windows version @click-click Updated the Beta1, now should fix the problem you mentioned.
  8. No idea what's changed in this version. The download link has not changed, also all tools versions remains the same.
  9. @Atari800XL You can specific a folder regtweaks The folder can be relative to Winntsetup NT6 -regtweaks:"tweaks\Win10" will add all *.reg files in your q:\winntsetup\tweaks\Win10\
  10. @Atari800XL Not so sure, about adding tweaks for Win10. There would be so many ones, but there is not much space in th GUI left. @belivakov Hmm, works nice here, running on Windows 10 RTM, maybe a Preview bug?
  11. @click-click Wasn't much work, just took a bit time to test it with all sources the fix was meant for. I try to keep XP supported as long as possible. Please continue reporting any problem you notice. Nope, upgrading an installation isn't possible with WinNTSetup. @Ozi You're welcome!
  12. Version 3.8.1 is ready and should fix WinXP related problems.
  13. Updated to download the WIn10 RTM ADK tools.
  14. If winpeshl.exe doesn't find a winpeshl.ini file it will start windows setup by running %SystemDrive%\setup.exe.
  15. I'm not aware of any new W10 ADK versions. For the public there were only 2 this year. Maybe users of the insider program got more?
  16. BCDboot.exe isn't fully compatible with Windows XP, so I use some workarounds to get it working. Properly one is causing that problem now with win10.
  17. Yes, looks like the driver is not installed. Normally the adksetup will write the following registry options. Or, if you use GWT, "WimMountInstall.exe /install" can be used. After a restart the service will be available. BTW, the AutoAttach and Start options are set different from the normal wof driver from Windows 8/10.Most users will properly want to change them.
  18. Location of the driver does not matter, but you can check if it's correctly installed by "net start wofadk" from admin command prompt. But also important make sure you also have updated the adk wimgapi.dll in the tools folders. Compact mode is currently only avalible via command line (NT6 -compact) The switch overrides all other options like wimboot.
  19. Hi alacran, to install compact mode from Windows 7 you need the WofADK driver from latest ADK to be installed. Not sure what you mean with requirements, there aren't any set for compact mode.
  20. Was a Rar5 archive, downgraded now to v4.
  21. Okay, RC3 will close, if the reboot timeout hits or the button is pressed.
  22. There would be some ways to force a winpe to reboot, but I would not like to integrate these. For example killing some of the critical processes, starting by your defined CmdLine in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup Better to find out why 'wpeutil reboot' don't work.
  23. Yes, I mean the WSearch services of NT6 and the CiSvc one of XP.
  24. Yes, this could happen with 3.8 version, i changed folder deletion to SHFileOperation, but I did not read the remarks posted there. Will be fix in Final version. BTW: there will be a "-nosearch" switch, too. Is there anything else that uses much CPU and slowdown a postinstall phase?
  25. So, RC2 is out and should fix the mentioned problems. http://1drv.ms/1KkvDty
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