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Everything posted by buyerninety

  1. Clamwin, with about a month old vir definition update, finds no problem with the mentioned file above when downloaded. Cheers!
  2. Ref post #87 above; I find that of the three links shown, MSFN Forum/Member Contributed Projects/Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI), only the Member Contributed Projects does not carry to destination. This occurs when clicking on the link as is it as shown in the post #87 pic, and also when clicking on the link underlaying the text Member Contributed Projects as seen within the headings on the Board Forum webpage, e.g.; " Other Operating Systems Member Contributed Projects nLite vLite Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI) XPize " etc... Also, the full error message shown is; "Oops! Something went wrong! [#10339] The topic filter settings you submitted are not valid. Please go back and reset your topic filter settings." I'm not aware that my 'topic filter settings' are anything but the (non-touched) default for members. Behaviour occurs with/without FF24 adBlocking plug-in active, also occurs when viewed in IE8. Addendum1: I find that all URL's of the format; http://www.msfn.org/board/forum/0- to http://www.msfn.org/board/forum/176- either complete, or do not complete (due to probably not existing), or do not allow completion due to user (membership levels) permissions, except; http://www.msfn.org/board/forum/102-member-contributed-projects/ which alone gives the error message; The topic filter settings you submitted are not valid. Please go back and reset your topic filter settings. Therefore there would appear to be a genuine Board fault affecting that particular forum URL/Directory. Cheers @xper Addendum2: Possibly relevant; http://community.invisionpower.com/resources/bugs.html/_/ip-board/cant-list-forums-in-a-main-category-r42616
  3. Bomon said; "On the Zymic's twitter page the latest message is:" etc, etc. The address for that twitter webpage is; https://twitter.com/zymichosting
  4. Just to explain, mtartsch is actually THE author of the aforementioned now closed website; https://web.archive.org/web/20021102155538/http://vamos.de/english/bootman2.html#zu_w2 (noted by jaclaz in Post#2) and is owed a Double Thankyou for joining MSFN to bring this software within reach once again! Thankyou mtartsch!
  5. Email sent to author defunct website vamos.de informing him of interest in MARK4NTFS.zip . Email Reception time at destination, if no delays: ~0937 P.M. CET . Will inform if any further info eventuates. [MUCH LATER EDIT: Just to clarify, the email address used was NOT the one shown on the now closed website.]
  6. Roy Budd - Carter Takes A Train
  7. In the Forum Rules webpage; http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/18408-forum-rules-updated-must-read/ under this heading; "5. Images in signatures"...etc., is seen this incorrect statement; "Members with slow connection can disable other members' signatures when reading posts by going to: My Control - Options - Board Settings." Suggest substituting the following statement so new Members are provided with the current apparent hierachy of directories; "Members with slow connection can disable other members' signatures when reading posts by going to: Forums/Your Username/My Settings/'Ignore' Preferences. (Whereupon the Member would see and check the box next to "Ignore all signatures when reading topics and personal messages".) - Note 1; Although the displayed text in the UserLinks bar actually reads 'My Control Panel - Settings - 'Ignore' Preferences , that hierachy of directories shown in the Userlinks bar should not be quoted, as it is likely to cause the Member to look initially for a link titled 'My Control Panel'; no such link is visible (not until the member is already within the following link, 'Settings')... therefore quoting the hierachy of directories shown in the Userlinks bar' would act only to probably confuse the Member... until the Member figured out that naming conventions in IPB Board are not consistent... (Nod to jaclaz, here). Note 2; I would further suggest that using "Your Username/My Settings/'Ignore' Preferences" is more likely to be quickly understood by a new Member than using "Your Username - My Settings - 'Ignore' Preferences", slashes being a more commonly seen way of representing an apparent hierachy of directories - unsure why hyphens were the preferred method of the IPB 'forum rules' template drafters... Note 3; Including 'Forums' as the first mentioned directory in the hierarchy helps to avoid the situation where the new Member clicks on his Username ANYWHERE ELSE in the board (e.g. in Posts or [number] current users online), which merely transfers the member to his 'Overview' page...
  8. Thankyou, I'm getting a handle on it now. Unfortunately I don't have an answer to Post #9's last paragraph ATM. However, I can reason that the current Robocopy command line seems deficient. Robocopy c:\Path to my files x:\path to destination *.* /MAXAGE:20131002 /XO /E /V Here is what I believe it is commanding; 1. RoboCopy Source to Destination (All Files - but modified by below) 2. Exclude source Files w Mod date Before 2 Oct 2013 aka Don't Overwrite destination Files with Mod date After 2 Oct 2013 3. Excluding older files aka Don't Overwrite Files (in Destination) having Same or Newer Mod DateStamp than that in Source 4. AND Copy SubDirectories, even if those SubDirectories do not contain the specified file(s) 5. AND Report Verbosely, including skipped files. Notes; 1.= Actually; copy Source Dir (with files) to Destination Dir. (The All Files is implicit [default], so " *.* " could be deleted; other examples of command lines seen elsewhere seem happy to leave *.* out .) 2.= I'm willing to be educated here; does a later option override an earlier one? because 3. seems to me to override 2. !?, or adversely modify it, or potential to adversely interact with it. 3.= I'll give refs if you want. 4.= Self explanatory (default behaviour without /e or /s is to only copy SubDirs containing specified files) 5.= Self explanatory, (you know better than me if this is directed to screen or printer.!) Others should be putting better suggestions for the Command Line than me, otherwise I'll have to wade in. (Yzöwl excepted...)
  9. You would have seen (or ticked a box regarding having seen) the 'Forum Rules... here's the actual link to them for your future ref; http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules - Regarding your questions in yr Post, 1. I usually just click the 'View New Content' linkon the light blue coloured bar that you can see, oh, in this page for instance; http://www.msfn.org/board/ I seem to remember that in the 'Notification Options' page, (which can be reached by clicking on the link above and then clicking on your name next to the LETTER symbol) there are settings you can tick where you will get e.g. email or PM [Private Message=pops up automatically when you sign-in, also red number appears next to that LETTER symbol I mentioned] if someone replies in a topic you have decided to follow.... I find email notifications too annoying, so I turn 'em off... One of the Moderators will no doubt be along soon to give a better answer in a while.... - 2. That forum rules link above contains the rules regarding links in signatures... guess the Mods will want to know if your project is something you are advertising for or receiving a commercial return from... also if it involves any linking to anything with a taint of warez/crack/illegality... far better fellows than us have been Banned off this Board for merely linking to sites with links to warez/cracks on them... be careful of this. P.S. You are not meant to say in the forums/other PM's what the contents of any PM you receive are... as in IT EST VERBOTEN. Cheers
  10. You may not have been specific enough in Post #1, and/or I am not understanding this. To me, your Post #1 scenario reads like this; Backup (source good files) Past 2 Oct 2013 Near Present . ^ ---------------------------|----------------------- . | files modified after ~2 Oct 2013=definately not corrupted. *** Production (destination) server Past 2 Oct 2013 Present . ^ ---------------------------|--------------------------- . | files modified after ~2 Oct 2013=maybe corrupted! If above is correct representation, then wouldn't you want to copy from Backup (source) TO Production (offline destination) server, only those files (in the Backup) that have a modification date "after Oct 2 2013 and retain the permissions", overwriting in the Production (offline destination) server as appropriate. - You mention (after running the Robocopy batch), a file bearing date 10 Nov 2012. (I assume you are referring to its modification date!) Huh? Why would any file bearing that modification date have any corruption in either source or destination - it was never a 'file modified aft 2 Oct 2013'. Please clarify.
  11. TEST [1024x768] 'Use Full Editor' Aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aa 86 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 72 w/o scrollbar rightside vertical, 71 w/ scrollbar rightside vertical Don't use the tag, it doesn't work very well. You can still find old posts that use it, and the106 USING EDIT BOX code just runs off the side of the 140 USING POST BOX
  12. David Julyan - end credits music from the movie 'The Descent' 2005
  13. Dude111 said; "Here is the original VESTRON VIDEO release.... I wonder if that one is RATED R OR UNRATED?? (Unrated would probably include everytihng)"... "I assume that this original 1972 version IS MUCH BETTER than that new one!! I havent ever seen the original......." - Certainly, Vestron is noted as having had two (VHS) releases of 'Last House On The Left': 1st release= 'R' rated, 2nd release = Refer to below links; http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0068833/faq?ref_=tt_faq_3#.2.1.3 http://www.movie-censorship.com/report.php?ID=1868048 - Given that the ebay link you gave has a pic of the later Vestron logo, (refer Logopedia here;) http://logos.wikia.com/wiki/Vestron_Video and has no visible rating, it is most likely the unrated version. (Ebay does currently also have an 'R' rated version example, but ebay links don't last, so I won't reference it.) Incidently, one of the better websites for er, ..outlandish VHS releases, particularly for straight-to-videoVHS films, is this; http://www.critcononline.com (Warning; You can lose yourself for hours in this web-site!...) - [Ohhh yeah, the thread title..... OK, if you ever saw that movie 'Narc' and thought "wow!, I never expected it to be that good"... well you'll get the same reaction again after watching 'THE DESCENT' ! (with the 'Directors cut' ending)].
  14. Philip Green - 'The Singer Not The Song' , theme from the 1961 movie of the same name. ____________________________ George Aliceson Tipton - an arrangement of 'Gassenhauer' as heard in the movie 'Badlands' (1973), based on the mid-20th century arrangement by Carl Orff in collaboration with Gunild Keetman from the vinyl record 'Musica Poetica', which was derived from a composition by Hans Neusiedler for the lute (circa 1536), which was possibly based off other even earlier music...
  15. Still outstanding; http://www.msfn.org/board/user/46973-defiant13/ http://www.msfn.org/board/user/232760-orfeo85/ http://www.msfn.org/board/user/232893-happybear/ http://www.msfn.org/board/user/92987-hayat/
  16. Skype for Windows procedures for certain of the versions mentioned above, such as the 0.97 [-Beta] and the , are explored in this ~2006 document; http://www1.cs.columbia.edu/~salman/publications/skype1_4.pdf . - [note: of course, is last 'Skype for Windows' vers 1.3.x.xx , following went to 1.4.x.xx versions.] Edit: Have confirmed Steven W couldn't get the next higher (1.4) version to work. With he has a 98SE box IE 6 SP1 with Maximus Decim's IE 6.0sp1 Component Update 3.4 installed, (and primarily uses FF 10.0.12esr, for which you must have KernelEx).
  17. Excuse me, maybe not relevant but I note in an XP system there are registry entries that contain 'version information' of apparently Skype or the SkypeIEPlugin.dll , also accompanying that key an entry that contains a 'ForWarding link' to Microsoft, an entry for 'CompatabilityFlags' and an entry for 'BlockType'... Unsure why no-one only Steven W has explored this... I imagine he sees similar interesting keys in a 98/95 system...
  18. Please consider changing the default choice in the second drop-down box in; http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?app=members&module=online&sort_order=desc to be "Show Registered Only", not "Show All Users". ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A desire to see what Registered members or friends are online can be satisfied by viewing the Registered members listed at the bottom of; http://www.msfn.org/board/ This desire can also be satisfied by clicking the "show full list" link and viewing; http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?app=members&module=online&sort_order=desc although you are delayed by having to change the default choices in the 'Sort by' Drop-down menu's. Specifically, [A.] change the choice in the first drop-down menu box from 'Last Click' to 'Member Name' and then click 'Update' (= thereby registered members are automatically listed first, then followed by Guests), OR [b.] change the choice in the second drop-down menu box from "Show All Users" to "Show Registered Only" and then click 'Update' (= thereby Guests not shown at all). A point to be made is that having "Show All Users" as the default choice in [b.] above is of questionable value. The default of "Show All Users" will give a first page almost certainly only listing 'Guest's' - with (Registered) members listed anywhere in the following pages (of say around '60 following pages'!). (I assume that "Show All Users", when sorted with the default of "Last Click" was intended to convey an indication of what topic the majority of all users were viewing at any instant... reasonable for a website Board with few users visiting and a limited number of forums with limited topics.) For MSFN however, with many forums and 1000's of topics, the default listing of "Show All Users" is of no great value. (Possibly it could be of some value to some user if that user were running a script to download all, say, ~60 pages and collate what the majority of users were viewing at some snapshot in time, or collectively over some time period.) I would suggest it would be more useful to Registered members to have the default choice in [b.] above to be 'Show Registered Only" - therefore satisfying the desire of seeing only which 'Registered members' and/or 'Friends und Staff' are Online WITH THE USEFUL ADDED BONUS of no delay to see what topic they are currently viewing/posting in. (Suggestion a low priority to be sure.... slip into the pile somewhere...) Much later EDIT; @xper http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/354983-suggestion-exclude-guests-from-online-user-list/#entry2219660
  19. Vlatko Stefanovski - Theme fm Serbian movie 'Nebeska Udica' aka 'Skyhook' 1999 or 2000
  20. @TmEE, Perhaps better expressed as; }Portwell RUBY 9719VG2AR works if you don't mind lack of windows 98 drivers for onboard 'audio, video and LAN'.{ onboard audio=? (perhaps you could enlighten us what Realtek ALCxxx chip it has, if it has an ALCxxx?) onboard video= (integrated) Intel GMA X4500 - VGA out (VBEMP any good for only basic resolution in Win98?) onboard LAN= Intel 82583V (PCI-E bus device) ..But of course, you do get 6 PCI slots total to utilize...
  21. If you meant to say "only when I use Firefox and not when I use other browsers, there seems to be"... then I would suggest you check to see if you have the 'Browser Backgrounds' add-in in operation in Firefox. If it happens generally, and not just when using a browser then... actually could be a hardware problem caused by something placing interference onto the display, or by the monitor itself causing the interference. Think - is it possible the pattern of dots is actually present on the other places you don't see it, because it is obscured by darker colours? Anyway, test by using moving nearby electronic devices away from the display (even close fluorescent lamps), substituting a different monitor, substituting a different computer system (especially one with a different power supply), to isolate what is causing it.
  22. 10,000's of music has been made into ringtones... let's go the other way, shall we?! Sergey Shnurov-Theme fm Russian movie 'Бумер' (russian; colloquially 'Beamer'[BMW]) aka 'Boomer' or 'Bummer' 2003.
  23. "I even emailed my old service provider, NetExpress," "...asking if by any chance they had a backup from the 1990s. Yeah right." It's not an unreasonable hope. Other users on that server show files with last modification dates going back to 1996, e.g.; http://www.netexpress.net/~dnaab/img/ It is possible that they have an old server backup, sitting on a retired 'ancient' hard drive. Several other avenues of inquiry for contact have been PM'd to you (including one dug up on Netexpress's "experimental FTP server" ftp://ftp.netexpress.net/ ). _ Although the Aminet server does contain copies of about a third of your below pgms, no where could any source, src, or '.C' files of them be found on Aminet. _ Audible Illusions 1.3 Conundrum 1.3 CxPx 1.0 Icon Copier 1.1 Intuitive DMS 1.6 Mega Conundrum 1.0 Monitor 1.7 Monitor II 1.0 Optimus View Printer Spooler 1.3 Retina FLImation Screen Mug Shot 1.1 Shell Menus 3.0 Sound Player 1.2 Tabulator 1.2 Tool Type Editor 1.4 Universal Translator 1.8 Version Handler 1.1
  24. Marco Beltrami - fm movie 'Joy Ride' 2001 [also alternatively named 'Road Kill'] - track Ridin' Shotgun
  25. Correct;http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee176989.aspx#EBAA ... however, I see in ZDRUN.VBS this line (and occaisionally like elsewhere, on other webpages); "where Name='cscript.exe'",, 48) ' 48: forward-only enumerator + return-immediately ... so I am unsure if a set of 'single quote's, when nestled within double quotes, is treated as if it were simply double quotes? Incidently, if jds is holding back on posting the }modified{ version of zdrun.vbs (all 250+ lines of it) because it would make a loong post... well my vote is, jds, post away. (Swing Away, Merrill. Merrill: Swing Away.)
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