First of all, make sure that in the Resources folder, dvdplay.exe and batt.exe are present. If yes, only the FileListEditor.exe has failed in doing its job. If those files (actually folders) are present in the Resources folder, then follow this simple instructions: - Open FileList.xml - Add: <file path="C:\Windows\System32\dvdplay.exe" type="exe" filesize="" patched="no" shipswithwindows="yes">dvdplay.exe</file> <file path="C:\Windows\System32\batt.dll" type="dll" filesize="" patched="no" shipswithwindows="yes">batt.dll</file> - Run Vize and those 2 should be available for patching. I will contact you later to try to figure out what went wrong in the update. Please all of you that have updated from 0.6 to 0.7 using the Update installer, post here if if went fine or have the same issue! Cheers