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Posts posted by eagle00789

  1. @Se7eNdUsT: I'm returning a bit more as of now, so i can work on that problem. i was already aware of it, but thanks again for letting me know

    @silverblue51: Yes you can use any command in it, because it is just a normal windows xp batchfile :D

    @ everybody. thanks for your support while i was away

  2. Please excuse me for not posting for a while, but i have been in a car crash and my right arm was (and still is) broken in 18 different places. My left arm is badly brused. the recovery will not be anytime soon, thus meaning that i am unable to respond quickly to any posts. if you have any questions, please keep them posting and i will answer them as soon as i have a bit of strength in my right arm (the arm wich i use to control my mouse. left isnt going to well to control the mouse)

    Greetings Chris

    p.s. if i'm return in full to the forum, i will answer all your questions. i'm going to stop now, because i'm exhausted from typing this little piece of text

  3. `Felix: if rou read beond the line, you will see that only 1 thing is done. that was is done in the list above, doesn't mean yet that it is implemented, because i have not announced the release of this version yet. this version will carry number, and is not yet released

  4. i've picked up the work on RunOnceEx.cmd Creator and am going to do the following for the next version:

    • Add Felix's suggestions from all 3 posts:
      • Arrows to move items (done)
      • When a program is selected, if insert is clicked, the new program will insert below the selected one
      • Tasknumber so you can rearrange yourselve
      • instead of rem PP, change it to set PP (done)
      • if cdrom is selected, add the neccesairy code

      [*]Add the programs suggested by some users to the database

      [*]Finish the plugin-support for loading as wel as saving

      [*]Create a SDK so that you can add any extension for saving and loading

      [*]Temporarily delete the Update Function until i found a better solution for that (done)

      [*]Change the installer, so that it will ask you if you want to overwrite it. this will not be done, it will be changed to: "Create a second table in the database to seperate the user-added entries from the included entries"

      [*]set increment number

  5. L@mers. i got 87%

    L33T H@x0r (81% - 100%)

    You live and breathe the Internet. You rarely leave your computer(s) for fear of going through withdrawl. You are beginning to say "lol" and "brb" in verbal conversations and you haven't seen your friends face-to-face in months if you don't count their web cams. Maybe it is time to back away from the computer slowly and go get some fresh air? The Internet will be here when you get back!

  6. Hi eagle00789,

    Quick request,

    In the numbering scheme you increment in lots of 1. Could you space it out a bit and do it in lots of say 5. That way if you miss something out it is relatively easy to go back  and include it without re-numbering everything.

    Many thanks

    Please excuse me for not posting a while, but my school is much demanding, so that has top-priority.

    In the next version i will implement that, but so thatyou can select the space between two items. i like it with nom space, so i increment with 1. you like to have increment with 5 numbers in between, so you can choose 5

  7. Thumbs Down for sp2, because when i first installed it on a clean system (XP PRO without sp1), it corrupted my bootsector, thus being unable to boot back into windows. after a reinstall of windows xp (PRO) i first applied SP1 (wich i have on cd), and then applied SP2, all went well. After another test (Clean install without SP1) and installing SP2 it again overwrite my bootsector.

  8. For that window you mention, the width is fixed, except the height. also, you can't use any columns in that window. the only thing i would be able to suggest is XPlode. this can't do multiple columns, but scrolls all the programs in a seperate window

  9. Hi.

    New to the boards and found this very interesting.

    Just have a small suggestion.

    After using several different unattended install CDs, I find the same problem keeps cropping up.

    My system has a 40GB IDE drive that I use as the main System drive, and a RAID 0 SATA array as my 'working drive'

    Unfortunately, when using this type of installation routine, it breaks down after a time because windows detects and installs the RAID0 array as the D drive, thus bumping the CD-ROM out to the D Drive in the middle of the install routine, resulting in files not being found. Would it be possible to add the ability to force the CD-ROM to be, say the Z drive so as to prevent this from happening?


    Unfortunately this is not possible with my small tool. you have to ask this in a new thread. I also don't know if it evenly is possible

  10. This post may be in the wrong thread, but I can't find lots of information about runonceex (not only copy pasting but information to LEARN) and I was wondering if there was a way to to more then 1 row... I explain


    Installation of progs

    -7zip          -bla

    -adobe      -and

    -nero        -so

    -bla          -on


    EDIT: imagine 2nd row is parallel to the 1st one, cause the post doesn't like having lots of spaces one after another

    And if there is a way, well you got yourself a new suggestion for your next version ;)

    Well. this is already possible, but i forgot how. this is indeed a great suggestion for the next version. but i have to search this forum on how to do it. (it was a thread in this forum-part, i believe)

  11. @eagle00789

    Something else springs to mind that i beleive would be very valiable - some arrow buttons so that you can highlight a task and move it to where ever you like in the list - to change the order.  The other option would be to be given an option for task number then it would put it in the correct place.  And finally if you select (highlight) a task when you add a new task it should add the new task after the selected task.

    Hope this helps - i beleive it would be good to have and i certainly have a need for it.  Normally i have to go and change the order of some tasks manually defeating the purpose of using a tool.

    `Felix`: Another great set of suggestions. i will look into it, and let everyone know if i'm going to integrate it. (i'm sure that i will do it)

    Furthermore, i've picked up the work on RunOnceEx.cmd Creator and am going to do the following for the next version:

    • Add Felix's suggestions from both posts
    • Add the programs suggested by some users to the database
    • Finish the plugin-support for loading
    • Create a SDK so that you can add any extension for saving and loading
    • Temporarily delete the Update Function until i found a better solution for that
    • Change the installer, so that it will ask you if you want to overwrite it.
    • When %CDROM% is selected as location for the install-files, automaticly include some code in the .cmd file to search for the cd-rom

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