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Posts posted by eagle00789

  1. New Version Released: Beta 1

    Changed or updated in this version:

    • Arrows to move items (and this time for real)
    • instead of rem PP, change it to set PP
    • if cdrom is selected, add the neccesairy code
    • Temporarily delete the Update Function until i found a better solution for that
    • set increment number(done)

    The Other Items in the list in a post earlyer will be done for the next version.

    You can get the new version here

    My website has been renewd and can be found here

  2. Sorry for the delay, but the program is still a work in progress, but work is being done at the moment. Also, my new site is going to be up and running at the first of januari. With that new site, i have my own forum and all specific questions about RunOnceEx.cmd Creator can be asked here. (registration not required)

  3. The next update will be in exactly 2 weeks from this post. Not possible

    Below is the stuff that is going to be done. Also, in those 2 weeks, my site is going to be renewed.

    I am going to do the following for the next version:

    • Add Felix's suggestions from all 3 posts:
      • Arrows to move items (done)(and this time for real)
      • When a program is selected in the list, if insert is clicked, the new program will insert below the selected one
      • Tasknumber so you can rearrange yourselve Will not be done because of the fact that the move buttons are working now
      • instead of rem PP, change it to set PP (done)
      • if cdrom is selected, add the neccesairy code (done)

      [*]Add the programs suggested by some users to the database

      [*]Finish the plugin-support for loading as wel as saving Will not be done until the next version support for saving the file as a XPLode XML file is already there in a dll as wel as saving as a normal .cmd file is in a seperate dll. because this is a large change. this will be done in version 3.0 and up

      [*]Create a SDK so that you can add any extension for saving and loading see the point above

      [*]Temporarily delete the Update Function until i found a better solution for that (done)

      [*]Change the installer, so that it will ask you if you want to overwrite it. this will not be done, it will be changed to: "Create a second table in the database to seperate the user-added entries from the included entries"

      [*]set increment number(done)

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