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Posts posted by eagle00789

  1. what i usualy do is create a common interface and a few dls'(for testing purposes). the dlls start with a specific name like ex_ for export add-ons and im_ for import add-ons. then, when the program starts, i will search for the dll's in my program folder and subfolders and cal a common function in those dll's using LoadLibraryEx and other items. the common function is named (in my dll's atleast) Reg_Info to call the info that is needed by my program to work with the dll's. i also get a list of the exported functions, thru that function Reg_Info, in that dll and can work with that. if you want to see the plugin working, just download my RunOnceEx.cmd Creator or ask for the sources (Delphi 7)

  2. I used the previous ver 2.2 and the update dosn't report the new ver, why?

    Because the update-function is disabled, because it contained to many problems

    just thought i would make a report that i am seeing the same issue as toe_cutter, when i save, reopen make adjustments and save again i get double %PP% entires and obviously more if i do it again..
    This problem was already solved in the latest release. i think you got version beta 1 instead of beta 2
  3. In that case, you have to fix the file by hand. i will look into a more suitable solution for this. Also, the hooverbug will be solved.

    Actually. i solved it already, but not in the current release. this version will be released in about 2 days

  4. @Toe_cutter. this is already supported, but i can add the posibility to do it automaticly for you. this won't be done until the next or mabye the version after that.

    Hm, cant seem to find that feature, unless you mean adding it manually.


    Another thing, when i added a program with the path %systemdrive\install\ and saved it, i noticed it saved the path like so:

    REG ADD %KEY%\000 /VE /D "Alcohol 120%" /f
    REG ADD %KEY%\000 /V 1 /D "%PP%%SystemDrive%\Install\setup.exe /qn" /f

    i closed the program and reopened it and added another program, it then looked like this:

    REG ADD %KEY%\000 /VE /D "Alcohol 120%" /f
    REG ADD %KEY%\000 /V 1 /D "%PP%%PP%%SystemDrive%\Install\setup.exe /qn" /f

    REG ADD %KEY%\001 /VE /D "Index.dat Suite v2.6.0" /f
    REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 1 /D "%PP%%SystemDrive%\Install\idsuite.exe /VERYSILENT" /f

    Shouldnt it be more like:

    REG ADD %KEY%\000 /VE /D "Alcohol 120%" /f
    REG ADD %KEY%\000 /V 1 /D "%PP%setup.exe /qn" /f

    REG ADD %KEY%\001 /VE /D "Index.dat Suite v2.6.0" /f
    REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 1 /D "%PP%idsuite.exe /VERYSILENT" /f

    since %PP% is already set to %systemdrive%\install\ ? guess its a bug :/

    this is indeed a small bug. that's why i released this version as a beta release. Thanks for noticing this

  5. @Toe_cutter. this is already supported, but i can add the posibility to do it automaticly for you. this won't be done until the next or mabye the version after that.

    @everybody, i have currently set my pc up for my website, so don't expect great speeds, but the downloads are comming from another server wich is highspeed. This means that if the current website doesn't work, you can visit my (backup) website here

    Greetings Chris

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