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Posts posted by eagle00789

  1. use the switch /b0 /q2. From the FAQ:

    [2.36 and later]Set reboot level n. This option determines how Setup handles system restarts at the end of the installation or removal process. The available levels are:

    /b0 - Never reboot. This is particularly useful to prevent undesired system restarts during unattended installation or removal. Depending on the circumstances, a subsequent reboot might be required to complete the installation or removal process. This is indicated by an exit code of 12 (see Exit codes below).

    /b1 - Reboot as needed. This is the default behavior and causes Setup to reboot automatically if required. In interactive mode, the customer can still prevent the reboot by indicating as much on the Setup - Installation Completed page.

    /b2 - Always reboot. This causes Setup to reboot at the end of the installation or removal process without further ado. Use this option with caution.

    and this
    [2.30 and later]Perform a silent (quiet, unattended) installation. During silent installations, the normal Setup wizard is suppressed and the entire installation, registration, or uninstallation process is performed without user intervention. This feature is intended for unattended installations and removals.

    The second form allows you to specify a silence level n as follows:

    /q0 - Not a silent install; the normal Setup wizard is shown after all. This option is mostly useful if you generate the Setup command line programmatically.

    /q1 - Silent install; equivalent to /q.

    /q2 - Invisible install. In this mode, the entire installation, registration, or uninstallation process is performed without user intervention and with a completely hidden user interface. (The Setup process will still appear in the Windows Task Manager's list of running processes, though.)

    Note - In silent installation mode you cannot specify user registration information for use on the Setup - Registration Information page. Only default user registration, if you specified any on the Advanced project page, takes place in silent installation mode.

    For multilingual installers, Setup always installs the default language version. In practice, this means that installation takes place in the locale of the installing user account, which is usually what is desired. See Multilingual Setup in the online help for the details of this selection process.

    found this info here
  2. Found the text below posted in the other RunOnceEx program thread.

    I have a suggestion....I dunno if the file has been updated beyond the 0.3 version I have, but it would be nice to set a starting number...while 000 is nice, when creating multiple runonceex.cmd's for systems that install on 2 computers it would be nice to set the starting number for it to start with in the new cmd file...like for my setup, I have a common.cmd which installs common programs for every system, then I have comp1.cmd which installs programs for my pc, and comp2.cmd which installs programs for a different pc...if I use this program to create all 3, comp1 or comp2 will overwrite common.cmd's programs in registry...just a suggestion.

    I will include this also in my program, because this is a realy good idea

  3. Succes!!

    Quick guide:

    Unpack all languagepacks (wich you want to have) to a directory (like c:\nero_setup)

    After every unpack, rename the file setup.cfg to one of the following:

    Nero Language pack: LngNero.bak

    Nero Vision Express Language Pack: LngNve.bak

    Nero Media Player Language Pack: LngMp.bak

    After the unpacking of the last languagepack, rename the file setup.exe to LngSetup.exe

    !!Continue with the first post of this thread!!

    Before you make the 7zip archive, you edit the file Nero+NVE_Installer.cmd

    Replace the header with the one below.

    @echo off
    cmdow @ /hid
    title Nero Package 1, 2 and 3 All-in-One Script (Installer, Register, Tweaks, and CleanUp)

    ::  ############################################################################
    ::      author: vcBlackBox
    ::      email: vcBlackBox@yahoo.com
    ::  ############################################################################

    echo    -----------------------------------
    echo       Nero Package 1, 2 and 3 Setup
    echo    -----------------------------------


    cmd /c ren Setup.cfg SetupNro.bak
    cmd /c ren SetupNve.bak Setup.cfg


    cmd /c ren Setup.cfg SetupNve.bak
    cmd /c ren SetupMp.bak Setup.cfg


    echo      ------------------------------------------
    echo        Nero Language package 1, 2 and 3 setup
    echo      ------------------------------------------

    cmd /c ren Setup.exe NroSetup.exe
    cmd /c ren LngSetup.exe Setup.exe
    cmd /c ren Setup.cfg SetupMp.bak
    cmd /c ren LngNero.bak Setup.cfg

    cmd /c start /wait setup.exe /SILENT /NOREBOOT

    cmd /c ren Setup.cfg LngNero.bak
    cmd /c ren LngNve.bak Setup.cfg

    cmd /c start /wait setup.exe /SILENT /NOREBOOT

    cmd /c ren Setup.cfg LngNve.bak
    cmd /c ren LngMp.bak Setup.cfg

    cmd /c start /wait setup.exe /SILENT /NOREBOOT

    ::      --------------------------------
    ::        Nero Plug-ins Serial Numbers
    ::      --------------------------------

    :: reg add "HKLM\Software\Ahead\Plug-ins\BackItUp\Info" /v "Serial6" /d "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" /f
    :: reg add "HKLM\Software\Ahead\Plug-ins\Dolby Digital (5.1)\Info" /v "Serial6" /d "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" /f
    :: reg add "HKLM\Software\Ahead\Plug-ins\HE-AAC\Info" /v "Serial6" /d "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" /f
    :: reg add "HKLM\Software\Ahead\Plug-ins\MP3\Info" /v "Serial6" /d "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" /f
    :: reg add "HKLM\Software\Ahead\Plug-ins\mp3PRO\Info" /v "Serial6" /d "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" /f
    :: reg add "HKLM\Software\Ahead\Plug-ins\MPEG2\Info" /v "Serial6" /d "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" /f
    :: reg add "HKLM\Software\Ahead\Plug-ins\MPEG2\Info" /v "Serial6_2" /d "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" /f
    :: reg add "HKLM\Software\Ahead\Plug-ins\Multichannel\Info" /v "Serial6" /d "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" /f
    :: reg add "HKLM\Software\Ahead\Plug-ins\Nero Digital Universal\Info" /v "Serial6" /d "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" /f
    :: reg add "HKLM\Software\Ahead\Plug-ins\Parental Control\Info" /v "Serial6" /d "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" /f
    :: reg add "HKLM\Software\Ahead\Plug-ins\Windows Media Player\Info" /v "Serial6" /d "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" /f

    ::      -----  Shows the real CD-recording speed in Nero  (ie:  21.6x writing speed)  -----
    reg add "HKCU\Software\Ahead\Nero - Burning Rom\Recorder" /v ShowSingleRecorderSpeed /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

    Continue with the first post of this thread.

    Have Fun.

    p.s. a more detailed post will come later today

  4. [*]When a program is selected in the list, if insert is clicked, the new program will insert below the selected one (done) [`felix` comment] Not working
    Thats because it's ready for the upcoming version
    beta 3 looks great and very functional...
    When you select an item to move, can you either select the item and it's child items or multiple select? this would be handy :)
    Will look into it, to see if this is possible
    In the file menu a history would be good so that you can open previously edited files without having to go looking for them.
    A MRU will be in the next version
    The only other thing i think is needed is an undo function "like ctrl z"
    Will be done for the next version. (look a few posts up, to my to do list)
    other than that i think it is all there from my prospective  :thumbup

  5. Things to do for the next version:

    • When a program is selected in the list, if insert is clicked, the new program will insert below the selected one (done)
    • Add the programs suggested by some users to the database
    • Finish the plugin-support for loading (done) as wel as saving(in progress)
    • Create a SDK so that you can add any extension for saving and loading Will have to wait one version
    • Change the installer, so that it will ask you if you want to overwrite it. this will not be done, it will be changed to: "Create a second table in the database to seperate the user-added entries from the included entries"
    • The ability to move multiple items in the list
    • A MRU list in the file menu
    • To be able to undo stuff

  6. i think you have a new version with an old database. I will look further into it.


    To solve this problem, i will create a new database for the next version. This means that the database will be replaced in the next version, but after that, all will be fine

  7. New version has been released. The bug with the %PP% has been resolved for real this time. i checked, double checked and checked it again to make sure it works this time. The new version number is (beta 3). Also, this version has a new about screen in wich you can see all the versions of the files. The new downloadlocation (so that i can keep track of the downloadcount) can be found in the first post of this thread

  8. microsoft.com. 49% evil

    microsoft.nl. 53% evil

    when you check the website itself you will get:

    Sorry, an error occurred:

    Recursive gematriculation messes with the fabric of the universe itself and cannot be allowed.

  9. 1. First if all. look in the upper right corner of the forum. you will see this:


    Click that!

    2. A new page will apear. look on that page for this:


    Fill that little white box with text to search for!!

    3. Click this button and wait a moment:


    4. After a few seconds there will be results (if you have searched with the right words).

    If you have no results, try again and leave out a word. if you have to many results, add another word.

  10. i've tried to run this shrinker on a clean install of xp (in VPC) without any other programs installed than the VPC-Tools, but it keeps bigging me with the file msaccess.exe that it can not find this file while it is there.

    The problem lies in the fact that the button is labeld N&ogmaals and the configfile that is made by Shrinker states &Nogmaals. When this was fixed all worked for me.

    (p.s. i use office 2003 professional dutch)

  11. my install list (All latest versions)

    Alcohol 120%
    Sun Java
    Nero Burning ROM
    Adobe Acrobat Reader
    Total Commander
    SiSoft Sandra v2004
    Microsoft Office (Access, Excel, Powerpoint & Word)
    MSN + messenger plus
    Dreamweaver MX
    Firefox Flash Plugin
    Daemon Tools
    Inno Setup
    DVD Decrypter
    Adobe Photoshop CS
    WinZip SelfExtractor
    Partition Magic
    Zone Alarm Security Suite
    Microsoft Windows Media Player 10
    Borland Delphi 7
    Borland Delphi 8
    Borland Delphi 2005
    HTML Help Workshop
    Ultra Edit
    DVD Profiler
    FL Studio
    InterActual Player
    ModPlug Tracker
    BPM Studio
    ChipDrive Smartcard Developer Pack
    Doom 3
    DVD Schrink
    Sims 2
    Morrowind The Elder Scrolls
    Lost Souls
    ICQ 5
    Nokia PC Suite
    DBPowerAmp Music Converter
    Total Recorder
    EditPad Pro

  12. <snip>

    Switches v1.20


    Swtiches v1.15


    Switches v1.10


    Switches v1.5


    The next time you start using a verison number, please remember the following:

    [Major number].[Minor number] thus meaning:

    Switches 1.05

    Switches 1.10

    Switches 1.15

    Switches 1.20

    Switches 1.22

    Switches 1.25

    Switches 1.30


    if u are going to a number greater then 99 for the Minor number, then please before you reach it, start using the following:

    Switches 1.75

    Switches 1.080

    Switches 1.085

    Switches 1.090

    Switches 1.095

    Switches 1.100

    This is to keep everyone from getting confused.

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